Saturday, September 06, 2014
estate sale tour
well, of the week. i knew it was a elderly persons home. ad said WRINGER WASHER! my fav. but when we drove up. male. maybe i find something.
well, WE had a stroller like that in the basement! OOH! that bucket! OLD BULBS(ooh, the blue one a cleary shooter marble! MINE!) ooh. buick matches. they were a hoot to read i tells ya! TONALAS! nice ones. i also got a very 60's framed 'art' piece. almost the end, you can make deals. i got it for $1 instead of $4.
341 object
ANTIQUE childs WOVEN LEATHER SANDALS w leather soles LACED- no sale! yet
I never do this – never! However, this time I’m going to start with the “Condition Report.”
Do not wear them on your feet. Do not wear them when you eat. Do not put them on a doll. Do not use them ever, not at all.
When I discovered them in a local estate, wrapped in old, browned-out tissue, I fell in love immediately. Then I picked up one of them and quickly realized the meaning of a word my mother used, “brickle.” The word isn’t used much nowadays, but it has a meaning and there are associated implications.
ANTIQUE childs WOVEN LEATHER SANDALS w leather soles LACED- no sale! yet
I never do this – never! However, this time I’m going to start with the “Condition Report.”
Do not wear them on your feet. Do not wear them when you eat. Do not put them on a doll. Do not use them ever, not at all.
When I discovered them in a local estate, wrapped in old, browned-out tissue, I fell in love immediately. Then I picked up one of them and quickly realized the meaning of a word my mother used, “brickle.” The word isn’t used much nowadays, but it has a meaning and there are associated implications.
A strap broke as I picked one up. Then I made the mistake of breathing on the other one, and the buckle fell off. They were so fragile that even talking about them would cause some sort of damage. Nonetheless – I loved them then, and I love them now. I’ve treated them with three different potions, salves, and creams recommended by a friend who really and truly knows leather.
The products recommended cost about fifty dollars, and I’ll probably never use any of them again, but it was well worth the money.
You still aren’t allowed to touch them, but now they will at least withstand a mild breeze.
My dear spouse says they are black. I say dark, dark blue. Since we’ve been married, which seems like about a couple hundred years, I have never admitted she was right about anything, and I’m not about to start now.
I ripped the lining from an antique purse because it was identical to the fabric inside the sandals. I used little, itsy-bitsy strips of it to reinforce a couple things. I also used it to reattach the strap that fell off when I first touched one.
The soles are thick – really thick – and they show very little wear. You won’t hurt the soles unless you try to bend them, something I had sense enough not to do. However, do not touch the uppers. The best thing to do with them is leave them unopened in the box I will use for shipping. If you look at them, just glance quickly, then avert your eyes. They may get self-conscious and go to pieces.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m no Bible reader. I mean, I’ve read it cover to cover in several versions and in a couple different languages. It still has the ring of a story tweaked, bent, and changed so much as to be as much like what really went on as some tales I’ve been known to tell. Whatever. Religion is a personal choice, and there are plenty from which to choose. I wouldn’t have even brought it up except for one thing . . .
I flipped through the ESV version, on-line of course, just to see how many times sandals were mentioned. The answer is “several.” (I didn’t count them.)
Just for grins, I pulled my favorite translation of the New Testament off the shelf. Dust filled the room. It is translated into Gullah. Surely you know about the Gullah. Remember? They make baskets. Just in case you don’t know about them: The Gullah are black Americans inhabiting the Sea Islands and the coastal regions of South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. They make baskets, wear sandals, and they translated the New Testament into their own language also called Gullah, a creolized form of English.

Let’s take Luke 3:16 as an example. The ESV Bible reads: “John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Below is the Gullah translation. (I included verse 15 also – just for context.)
The answer is no. I’m not ready to sell the Gullah version. I’m not done yet. I just didn’t want you to think I was making all that stuff up.
Here is one last warning about these precious little sandals.
Gotta go paint my yacht. See ya.
PS – Did I mention to you that these sandals are shot – maybe even worthless? Well, don’t come crying to me if you think differently. I’ll pack them as gently as I’d pack a fairy’s soul or a little girl’s sigh, so don’t worry about that part.
If you absolutely must touch them, be careful. Then put them in a cabinet and don’t ever let anyone touch them. Don’t even let them open the cabinet door. The change in temperature and humidity might destroy them. Well, frankly they’re already on the brink of destruction. They may not be worth a plug nickel, but who cares? I’m sure you’re like me – just absolutely loaded – more money than we could ever spend, not even if we hired someone to help.
Gotta go paint my yacht. See ya.
PS – Did I mention to you that these sandals are shot – maybe even worthless? Well, don’t come crying to me if you think differently. I’ll pack them as gently as I’d pack a fairy’s soul or a little girl’s sigh, so don’t worry about that part.