Saturday, April 30, 2011

BIG Antique IRON Wall Mount SIGN BRACKET Scrolls & MORE-$29
I’ve had this wonderful old bracket out in the barn since Noah wore short pants, and I’d have sold it long ago, but it gives me the willies every time I see it. I keep hearing old man Serling in the back of my brain. You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone.
I don’t think this is actually the sign he was talking about, but since I don’t remember where or when I got it, there’s no sense taking chances. I might bolt it to the side of my house and end up in a land swarming with gremlins and zombies.
It’s a big heavy rascal: 39” long and 11 ½” tall at the straight flat piece you bolt to your building. The scrolls and other flat pieces are just over 1 ½” deep.
I absolutely guarantee it to be dusty, dirty and with all dead leaves and appropriate cobwebs intact.
Act now, and I’ll throw in three: not one – not two – but three authentic antique hide stretching boards absolutely free. I must be crazy.
Remember: You’re getting the 11 1/2 lb. sign holder bracket; the old brown paint left on it; all the leaves, dust, grime and cobwebs; and three authentic old wooden raccoon hide stretchers. I’m even including the ring bolts to hang your sign.
Bid early and bid often. I’ve set no limit on how high you may bid.
And – Even though everything is old and authentic, if they arrive at your house and you find you have absolutely no use for them, don’t give it another thought. Just be more careful what you bid on next time because there is always a chance you might win.

ESCOBAR Y MENDOZA, ANTONIO (1589-1669)- a spanish casuist, a decendant of the illustrious house of mendoza. educated by jesuits + at 15 joined their order. soon a famous preacher. for 50 years almost preached daily + sometimes twice a day. also a voluminous writer. approved looser morality + excuses for human fraility. mildly condemned by rome.
ESCORIAL/ESCURIAL- one of the most remarkable buildings in europe. comrising a convent, a church, a palace, + a mausoleum. on the sierra de guadarrama on the border of new castile. existence to a vow made by philip II of spain shortly after the battle o st. quentin, in which they routed the army of france, the death of toledo in 1567 threatened a fatal blow to the completion, but juan herrera, his favorite pupil, followed his plans. the prep + plans, + superintendence of the work entrusted by the king to juan bautista de toledo, italian taught. 1st stone in 1553. on 1584 last stone laid. each successive occupant to the spanish throne has done something, however slight, to restoration or adornment. 396,782 sq feet in total w/ all floors 1 meter wide + 95 miles long. 7 towers, 15 gateways, 12,000 windows + doors. blah blah. fire in 1671 burned 15 days + early church, part of palace + 2 towers escaped damage. 1808 the whole invaded by french soldiers. 1872 another fire, but those areas repaired

I lose track of time, but I guess it’s been over a month ago when I bought one man’s collection of pocket match safes. He seemed as saddened to let them go as I was thrilled to buy them – but we all have to do what we have to do.
Naturally, the first thing I did was pick through as I unwrapped the first 20 or so and set a few aside, thinking I’d stash them away to play with later. This is one of those few. But, as luck would have it, my dear beloved spouse, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, came home early from her hair appointment and caught me making two piles.
“I hope,” she said, “you’re separating them in the order in which you intend to list them on eBay. If you’re thinking of keeping even one, we’re going to have another little talk about the meaning of downsizing.” (As any husband knows, the term “little talk” is something to be avoided at all costs.)
“Oh Heavens no,” I lied. “I was just gleaning them in hopes you might lend your expertise and help me decide the “order of sale.” (After nearly 50 years together, she saw right though my ruse. It was a long night.)
Fabulous color! Reckon that’s Joan of Arc? I’ll bet it is. Follow on with me here because they went to a lot of trouble adding something else to the celluloid.
Oh. I get it. Had Joan carried a banner, it would likely have said something like “Advance” or “Charge” on it. So that makes sense.
Battle Creek, Michigan is where they were made, but there is a lengthy list of “Distributing Office” on both edges.
Grand Forks, ND; Sioux Falls, SD; Lincoln, Neb: Madison, Wis; Minneapolis, Minn; Fargo, N.D., Portland, Ore; Nashville, Tenn; Watertown, S.D., St. Louis, MO; Spokane, Wash; and that’s just on one side.
How’d you like to get a phone call from someone trying to clean out a barn and asking for your help? “If you haul it off, you can have it,” she says.
Hey! It could happen, and I’m sure it hasn't – just not to me. When I get those kinds of calls, I usually get there and find a barn full of soured hay and warped lumbe
These guys must have been big: Columbus, O; Crowley, LA; Dallas, TX; Decatur, ILL; Des Moines, IA; El Reno, OKL; Indianapolis, IND; and Kansas City, MO.
Son of a Gun! Two of my dearest friends came over Thursday to visit before moving to Luther, Oklahoma, and that’s just forty mile from El Reno. It’s a small world, ain’t it?