Saturday, January 13, 2007
just an odd little post. go to beginning! ok. i guess in 1993 or so, i was back at art school getting my degrees and i was taking 'Poetry in the blues'. i love old blues. heh. started i guess with robert johnson. so, i had some money and was at the downtown The Exclusive Company. in front of the blues section. no idea about anybody in front of me and i had gotten one or 2 other Yazoo CDs. which one this time and i got it down to 2. and finaly took the Mississipp sheiks. ooh lucky me. great CD. is keeping me not thinking so much about keith. except that Blood in my eyes for you.
well, i did get a good grade, mainly because my end essay on the blues.
i have been playing it a lot lately and last week, or longer ago, it popped up on NPR. 1st one all thinhs considered. about how one song has been changed by the people doing it. i had re-read the liner notes and he 1st played a song by al jolson-sitting on top of the world. BUT BUT BUT that isn't the sheiks version. then he played the sheiks. and THEIR version is the one that was picked up by all the artists and changed.
then while at aunties,was listening to that music show out of New Orleans. and they played em.
o hope they get even more play.
and please baby was redone by the notting hillbillies. another great sheiks tune.
i suppose i am recommending them. listening to them right now.
just an odd little post. go to beginning! ok. i guess in 1993 or so, i was back at art school getting my degrees and i was taking 'Poetry in the blues'. i love old blues. heh. started i guess with robert johnson. so, i had some money and was at the downtown The Exclusive Company. in front of the blues section. no idea about anybody in front of me and i had gotten one or 2 other Yazoo CDs. which one this time and i got it down to 2. and finaly took the Mississipp sheiks. ooh lucky me. great CD. is keeping me not thinking so much about keith. except that Blood in my eyes for you.
well, i did get a good grade, mainly because my end essay on the blues.
i have been playing it a lot lately and last week, or longer ago, it popped up on NPR. 1st one all thinhs considered. about how one song has been changed by the people doing it. i had re-read the liner notes and he 1st played a song by al jolson-sitting on top of the world. BUT BUT BUT that isn't the sheiks version. then he played the sheiks. and THEIR version is the one that was picked up by all the artists and changed.
then while at aunties,was listening to that music show out of New Orleans. and they played em.
o hope they get even more play.
and please baby was redone by the notting hillbillies. another great sheiks tune.
i suppose i am recommending them. listening to them right now.
ES-part 2 OOPS, i thought i posted this. but now it comes with pic. from the 'time capsule' sale.
went to attic. guy went downstairs with 2 big grey air-raid horns. more fans. ooh, very nice 1870's dressing table/comode? no mirror. keep going forward. piles and piles of blegh. near the front was a room. the parents bedroom? only big one. nothing there for me. nice fans tho.
back to first floor. in the 'kitchen' grabbed a large metal catholic pin that had the globe on it. hmm. st christ...., at checkout took better look at it. i have to have farmer post a pic. i think the 30's or 20's st. christopher. patron saint of travel. has a old old plane(think lindburg), a car, a train, and a ocean liner. oh, also took a old wood carved lions head glued on an old piece of a crate or something. the other side has part of a label or poster. found some photos in the front 'cell'. but that was it. paid too much. but it was better than a movie.
what i got was these were a poor catholic(children are not a burden. not at all)family. although i did see spats and many many many 78 album sets. they didn't start poor. maybe at 5 it went downhill. oh, i didn't mention the unpainted oak woodwork! ionic columns in the archway! and oh so deco light fixtures in the dining and livingroom. maybe they just had poor taste? or not shoppers. money to the church.
i wonder if i shall dream of current jam.
went to attic. guy went downstairs with 2 big grey air-raid horns. more fans. ooh, very nice 1870's dressing table/comode? no mirror. keep going forward. piles and piles of blegh. near the front was a room. the parents bedroom? only big one. nothing there for me. nice fans tho.
back to first floor. in the 'kitchen' grabbed a large metal catholic pin that had the globe on it. hmm. st christ...., at checkout took better look at it. i have to have farmer post a pic. i think the 30's or 20's st. christopher. patron saint of travel. has a old old plane(think lindburg), a car, a train, and a ocean liner. oh, also took a old wood carved lions head glued on an old piece of a crate or something. the other side has part of a label or poster. found some photos in the front 'cell'. but that was it. paid too much. but it was better than a movie.
what i got was these were a poor catholic(children are not a burden. not at all)family. although i did see spats and many many many 78 album sets. they didn't start poor. maybe at 5 it went downhill. oh, i didn't mention the unpainted oak woodwork! ionic columns in the archway! and oh so deco light fixtures in the dining and livingroom. maybe they just had poor taste? or not shoppers. money to the church.
i wonder if i shall dream of current jam.
RANDOM ESTATE SALE FIND - the time capsule
i have no idea of the date really, but if you can tell, the plane looks pre-WW2, so i am going with the late 20's or so. and the car. and the train. and sea travel was bigger then. i don't think it's silver. i rarely find that in the catholic bits i find. not that i am insulting them(um, they do seem to adore linoleum!). maybe it's german silver. or plate. i will have to study it harder.
not gonna post any more pics from there. do not really show anything spectacular. i didn't get a good pic of the high deco light fixtures that were in the dinningroom and livingroom. hoping next week has some sales. i am going into withdrawl!

not gonna post any more pics from there. do not really show anything spectacular. i didn't get a good pic of the high deco light fixtures that were in the dinningroom and livingroom. hoping next week has some sales. i am going into withdrawl!
Friday, January 12, 2007
ARNOLD OF BRESCIA- 1100's. forerunner of the reformation. assailantof popes temporal power and clergy wealth. followed Abelard.
gotta look up ARONA. did not say where the town was countrywise. sounded neat. maybe as good as foix france.
ARSENIC- was used as pigment(still is, make red stained glass! i worked in stained glass studio that made it, heh, asshole boss accidently killed himself with it)and back then there was a scare that arsenic in green wallpaper was injurious(no possibility-with their testing) newspaper fearmongering!
ART-4 measly pages.
ARTILLERY-655-669 did NOT read.
ARVAL brothers- 12 romans of high birth(could even be the emperor) whose duty was to offer sacrifice to ensure good harvests-origin from romulus' foster mother Acca Larentia.
ARYAN-sanskrit arya drya-good family, r maybe from this word or that one or that one. ugh
ASBEN-cebtral african country. ? what did that become?
ASBESTOS-oh, this one a hoot to look back from now. DRESSES, handkerchiefs, TOWELS, made of asbestos! wonderful stuff. so fireproof. roofing, flooring. amazing humans are not already extinct.
ASCHAM,roger-1515?-1568 lower class, but a lord took notice of his intelegence and sent him to schools and college.latin greek scholar who although protestant, was tutor to queen elizabeth and other royals.tutor to the tudors!
ARNOLD OF BRESCIA- 1100's. forerunner of the reformation. assailantof popes temporal power and clergy wealth. followed Abelard.
gotta look up ARONA. did not say where the town was countrywise. sounded neat. maybe as good as foix france.
ARSENIC- was used as pigment(still is, make red stained glass! i worked in stained glass studio that made it, heh, asshole boss accidently killed himself with it)and back then there was a scare that arsenic in green wallpaper was injurious(no possibility-with their testing) newspaper fearmongering!
ART-4 measly pages.
ARTILLERY-655-669 did NOT read.
ARVAL brothers- 12 romans of high birth(could even be the emperor) whose duty was to offer sacrifice to ensure good harvests-origin from romulus' foster mother Acca Larentia.
ARYAN-sanskrit arya drya-good family, r maybe from this word or that one or that one. ugh
ASBEN-cebtral african country. ? what did that become?
ASBESTOS-oh, this one a hoot to look back from now. DRESSES, handkerchiefs, TOWELS, made of asbestos! wonderful stuff. so fireproof. roofing, flooring. amazing humans are not already extinct.
ASCHAM,roger-1515?-1568 lower class, but a lord took notice of his intelegence and sent him to schools and college.latin greek scholar who although protestant, was tutor to queen elizabeth and other royals.tutor to the tudors!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
105? Bush weeks to go
105? Bush weeks to go
dead Birds, city wide farts, sprinklers of death, OH MY!
iWan? NO somalia is where Bush thinks al quaeda is to die
105? Bush weeks to go
rhyming is hard werk, ok. no fucking idea why somalia. maybe the joint cheif put their foot down on iWan and said georgie could bomb somalia.
sigh. very bad day. even i didn't know how much i loved keith. how can i be worse now? how? shit. my jaw hurts.
and i keep thinking back. i didn't 'want' him when i first saw him. oh, i think it became desire slowly. flickers of flame. spying his feet as he played with his hair. oooh, nice feet.
at applebee's. he really has beautiful eyes....
of course at green bay i saw his knees. oh his knees.sigh.
105? Bush weeks to go
dead Birds, city wide farts, sprinklers of death, OH MY!
iWan? NO somalia is where Bush thinks al quaeda is to die
105? Bush weeks to go
rhyming is hard werk, ok. no fucking idea why somalia. maybe the joint cheif put their foot down on iWan and said georgie could bomb somalia.
sigh. very bad day. even i didn't know how much i loved keith. how can i be worse now? how? shit. my jaw hurts.
and i keep thinking back. i didn't 'want' him when i first saw him. oh, i think it became desire slowly. flickers of flame. spying his feet as he played with his hair. oooh, nice feet.
at applebee's. he really has beautiful eyes....
of course at green bay i saw his knees. oh his knees.sigh.
Monday, January 08, 2007
RANDOM AUNTIE POST and the squirrel 'menace'
mom is a fucking virgo. must martyr. must visit auntie. brother went to badger game in FL and brought back cold. i have to go.
sigh. I AM A PISCES! i wanna escape.
well. sat and read paper and looked out window on auntie's yard with 2 big honey locusts. 1st, 1 suirrel. bit later, 2 more squirrel at the back of the yard under the pines. hmm, looks kinda frisky over there. mating? when is squirrel mating season? read some more. OK, FOUR squirrels in the couth locust tree. oh dear. it's getting XXX up there. ooh, squirrel swapping. oh my. oh my.
this summer should be squirreliscious.
god i wish i had a video camera. it woulda been youtube gold!
and auntie spilled some more blogging bonmots.
'a wish in the hand and poop(scheis)in the other. a saying her grandfather would say in german. auntie was born in 1911, so grandpa was born mid-1800's. i guess 'shit happens' is a very old concept.
mom is a fucking virgo. must martyr. must visit auntie. brother went to badger game in FL and brought back cold. i have to go.
sigh. I AM A PISCES! i wanna escape.
well. sat and read paper and looked out window on auntie's yard with 2 big honey locusts. 1st, 1 suirrel. bit later, 2 more squirrel at the back of the yard under the pines. hmm, looks kinda frisky over there. mating? when is squirrel mating season? read some more. OK, FOUR squirrels in the couth locust tree. oh dear. it's getting XXX up there. ooh, squirrel swapping. oh my. oh my.
this summer should be squirreliscious.
god i wish i had a video camera. it woulda been youtube gold!
and auntie spilled some more blogging bonmots.
'a wish in the hand and poop(scheis)in the other. a saying her grandfather would say in german. auntie was born in 1911, so grandpa was born mid-1800's. i guess 'shit happens' is a very old concept.