Saturday, November 08, 2008

COSMOGONY- theory of the origin of the world. 2+ pages. blah blah.
COSNE, FRANCE- I gotta go there.

so, i listed the ruler that advertised Stewart stoves, so i googled Setwart stoves and i got these pics. just how old can that ruler be?

there were leftover jewels. background glass and black and darnit. i made a casino memorial.
Friday, November 07, 2008

CORVUS, M. VALERIUS-illustrius roman general. b 370is. legend, he was gognomen of corvas(raven) + when fighting a big Gaul, one flew + fluttered at gaul's face + C won. defeated Gauls, samnites, etruscans, marsi + volsci. died 100 yrs old 270. ow!
CORYBANTES- in greek mythology, were associated w/ the phrygian goddess Rhea Cybele as her 1st whorshippers + priests, same class of beings as the curates,cabiri, + dactylis of mt. ida in crete. daemones, from the earth like trees. wild orgiastic dance traced to them. name sought to experss the din of music + dance. blah blah.
COSMAS- riter of the 6th C. nothing of his history, but what can be found in his writing. a book which is a mere bank of mud, but remarkable for certain geographical fossils of interest. 1-V, embracing books? around 535. a monk at the time, but starting a merchant + sailed seas + oceans. big traveler, the book written in alexandria- a christian topography embracing the whole world + denounced heathen doctrine of the rotundity of earth + the earth a rectangle.
'altogether the book is a kind of charicature type of that PROCESS OF LOADING CHRISTIAN TRUTH w/ the DEAD WEIGHT OF FALSE SCIENCE WHICH has had so many followers + done so much mischief.' oh snap!
interesting info on ethiopia(abysinnia) + gold traffic. he knew also that a ship sailed to china, after running east a long way + leaving the clone(known?) country behind + turned north.
his book preserved in at least 2 MSS. 1 at vatican from 8th C w/ illustration from Cs.

i had to do the first day of a treasure traders. said 100 years of accumulation. and said wawatosa. said N. 100. souh of hampton. ranch? pics from the drive there. pretty making my eyes delight. ooooh, old bungalow. turn of 1900's. from looking at the arch, i bet it was redone around the 20's. damn shame.
well. little sewing box in the sunporch, pulled out an old advertsing brush-compliments of globe hat department, an old needle pack, most gone. GERMAN. ick poo, a little acrylic flower thing. ebay that. nothing else i wanted in the livingroom. did i mention the player baby grand piano in the sun porch? the big organ in the living room? nothing in the expensive box. nothing in the dinning. ok, the blue glass salt + pepper w/ tray too $$$. quick quick-GO TO KITCHEN! nothing in kitchen, but go to pantry! POTATO SMOOSHER! mine! hmm, nice, no. lady in the lower cupboards, gotta wait. not long and i am in. look thru knife drawer. ooh, decorated silver knife. ebay that. ok, in the low cupboard utensil basket. advertising muddler! abbott's aged bitters. since 1872-GOOGLE(closed in 1950, still has fans-recipe!), wood spoon + fork set. old wood spoon. looks like a kellogg's spoon, but doesn't say.
off to the basement. looks way old, very uneven floor. lot of old crates. crate ends, looked thru. most blank, but took 2 with painted labels for lettuce from seattle. nice furniture down there tho. sad. lot of bits. do not look thru the cigar boxes! toooo much. up top attic. lord oh lordy. i want that rocking chair! sigh. much to look at. books? NO! looked at some. checked the box of frames, shoe peg cigar box. open it and REWARD! old keys. NASH? that was a car. right? went thru the whole box. some very pretty ones. take the pretty. so one by 1, weeded out the near 1900 ones. bet most before. IGNORE masterlock. took about 20. not much else, get to where they fill out a receipt. on the way. listen to stories. the family had found a box of letters, 1 had been on the hindenburg. another had fown on lindberg's spirit of 76'! the check out lady, WHO had run one of my favorite yarn shops decades ago-kessinich's, went downstairs w/ a guy who was buying musical something. still looking, BOS+X OF RULERS, so i gotta look thru those. COCA COLA RULER! 1935! saw that later. old stove ad one, must be for wood stove. since i hadn't seen anybody in the basement or kitchen i had the guy write it all up. i forgot to mention the pretty serving fork i snagged + the twisted butter knife i forgot and shoplifted, i will give them $3 the next time i do a TT sale. I PROMISE! all came to $11.50. will see what ebay gives me back. i SHALL hoard keys. 1 lettuce board. the smoosher. ok, i will post a pic of goodies.

the big puma oil. i regret not thinking how i should have done these, this one is ok. i like the wolf better. eh. it is what it is.