Saturday, May 15, 2010

About the most I can say for the frame is that it is oak. The nicely done, delicate old painting deserves something with quite a bit more quality and beauty.

Overall = 15 ½” by 19 ½”
Painting on Stretched Canvas = 12” by 16” – Since that is a standard size canvas, a pretty frame shouldn’t be hard to find at a jumble sale or flea market or antiques shop.

The painting has been around long enough that it would benefit from a gentle cleaning, or maybe just a new coat of varnish would give it new life. Regardless, you can see it is most certainly the work of a talented artist.

It is signed, lower right, but I can’t quite make it out. Is it “Sz. Flienl Eug.?” That doesn’t make any sense! Maybe it’s just me. I’ve been off my feed a little of late – haven’t felt quite right since I attended one of those “mixers” they put on down at the Community Center now and again. I’d never been to one before. Don’t get me started.

I got to the mixer a little early, but looking through the front window I could see a big coffee urn so I sauntered on in. Two old men and four old women were already there, and they were sitting in a little knot over in one corner even though there were about sixty chairs spread all over the room. I drew off a cup of joe and eased my way over toward the group.

“Howdy,” I said. “Are we all there is?” None of them even looked up, so I raised the decibel level a couple notches. “HOWDY.”
“We heard you the first time sonny. We’re not deef. We’re having a planning meeting,” said the old prune nearest me. I shrugged and started to back off.

“Wait a minute – hang on,” one of the old men said. “Maybe we need a little new blood. Our next meeting is in June, and we’re stuck on what kind of activities we should have. It’ll be too hot to have a cookout, and most of us are too old to dance. We’ve had it up to here with bingo.”
The old prune piped up again. “He’s right. I didn’t mean to be rude. If you’ve got any ideas, speak up.” I rubbed my chin as I thought on it, but in less than five seconds she raised HER voice. I SAID – IF YOU’VE GOT ANY . . “

That old gal was getting on my nerves, and the coffee was weak, lukewarm decaf. I realized I’d made a mistake by even showing up. That’s when another old poop who’d snuck up on me from behind spoke up. (In my own defense, he had rubber tips on the feet of his walker, and he was wearing sneakers.)

“I still think,” he said, “we should have a mixed doubles bunion shaving.”
The planning committee members looked around at one another. I choked back a laugh just in time to hear the old prune say, “Well, it’s better than bingo.”

More folks showed up, which gave me cover to head for the door and get in my truck. I headed over to Big Helen’s Bar and Billiards. I needed something to wash the taste of that little encounter out of my mouth.
Oops. I forgot about the painting I’m trying to sell here. Sorry.
ok, we had a real badger in the downtown post office, this week while investigating a sex crime, the cops found an animal, not cats or dogs, amphibian hoarder. 6 alligators, snakes, turtles, lizards. said exotic pets. think some starving, as if they wouldn't eat each other
ok, we had a real badger in the downtown post office, this week while investigating a sex crime, the cops found an animal, not cats or dogs, amphibian hoarder. 6 alligators, snakes, turtles, lizards. said exotic pets. think some starving, as if they wouldn't eat each other

the 2nd little town. the square or main street. hey, a horse watering thing. this ain't wisconsin.

I think the black ground is what makes the piece. It was my intention to show you how it would look with a black silk shade, but I got caught by “She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed” the very moment I started to rob one off one of her lamps in the living room. She didn’t buy my story that I was just borrowing it for a few minutes. I’m now barred from touching anything in that room. Dang!

The total height, including the wonderful double-bulb fitting, is 24”. The finial fits on a telescoping rod that will allow it to be raised another couple inches. ALL MOUNTS, FITTINGS, SOCKETS AND THE BASE ARE SOLID BRASS.

The vase is 12” tall and 4” square at the shoulder. There is NO damage. It has lived a sheltered life in a very wealth Ohio home. The only thing you’ll need to do is have it wired. Evidently, the old wiring became untrustworthy and was removed. It’s an easy job. You can do it yourownself.

Note the brass braiding that snuggles up to the porcelain at the base of the lamp. From top to bottom, this is a first class piece of work.