Saturday, December 06, 2008

CREDI, Corenzo Di-1459-1537.LEAST gifted of 3 artists who began a life as journeyman w/ verrocchio in florence. friend of da vinci + peragrino. no frescos. prolific. lots of madonnas.
CREON- greek fable, son of lycaethus, king of corinth + father of glauce, beloved by jason, whose fate he shared.
CREON- greek fable, son of menaecens, king of thebes after larus died. husband of l's daughter jocasta. thebes was then tremblingbefore the cruelty of the sphynx + creon offered his crown + daughter to whoever could solve the enigma posed by the monster. oedipus, son of laius, solved it + married jocasta, his mother. she had 2 sons, eteocles + polynices, who agreed to rule alternately, but E reniged. war waged, then single combat of brothers + both fell. creon, back on throne. blah blah antigone. haemon kills himself on antigone's grave blah blah.

the 1 panel shade i built. kathy was gone, not sure michele the boss had any idea how. so i had to figure out this on my own. i KNOW why tiffany stopped building them like this. unstable. just a bitch. but my fault, i thought i could attach the wire wile still on the block. no, bad idea, the wire moved the shade and started to twist it as soon as it was off. i quickly set it on the table and unattached the wire. i think i did that. or it was extra solder on the wire. the dome system much better than panels. i cut the dark blue too, ACTUALLY i cut 2 back grounds almost. had about 3 sections done of a different glass when the boss pointed out how ugly it was unlit. EEEW. i did some of the teal and amber glass too. was a special order that FINALLY was finished. think it had been around for years, waiting for the last bits. i did pretty good i think. turned out nice. and yeas, i saved the glass that didn't get used. had that happen again. saved the glass.
Friday, December 05, 2008

really cool cared nut cracker. surprised how low $ it got. too cool for under $100.

dammit, that pic was just.....not right. went in the basement to get a BETTER pic.
No, Not, Don't, Didn't, Can't, Won't, Shouldn't,
Never, Only sounds like, Not to be confused with,
Don't know where, Not party to, Never heard of,
Don't know any, Not related to, Don't live near,
Not fond of, And I always did what my Mother told me.
No, Not, Don't, Didn't, Can't, Won't, Shouldn't,
Never, Only sounds like, Not to be confused with,
Don't know where, Not party to, Never heard of,
Don't know any, Not related to, Don't live near,
Not fond of, And I always did what my Mother told me.

from one of my favorite estate sales. went 2 days of a 3 day sale. house was packed. a collector like me. i resisted hoarding them.
iranian looking for sexxs. heh. lol bibell! took him 2+ minutes to give up on finding sexxs.
iranian looking for sexxs. heh. lol bibell! took him 2+ minutes to give up on finding sexxs.

NUDE! another nude! bad pic tho. uncle's puter slide transfer way off and he did it backwards i think. colors off. have to take a better pic of it. i REALLY like this one. and she is bottom heavy(thos she was on the chunky side) because i was on the floor and she was on a stool. pretty sure i was on the floor. was using up a tube of pink paint i think.
Thursday, December 04, 2008

CRAYON-colored drawing material in form of pencils/powder pastel- recipe originated in germany in 17th C. alexander thiels 1685-1752, rosalba carriera 1675-1757, w hoare 1707-1792, f cotes 1726-1770, j russell 1744-1806 + the late mr bright excelled in these mediums. i liked rosalba's. how come i didn't find HER in the EB?

is this right side up?
trash pile find. i snagged the sad trellis from a trash pile on the curb. it still has a vine twined around it. may be what is holding it together. but it was free.