Saturday, September 20, 2008

one of john's last shades. getting muddy again. background glass lovely tho.
Friday, September 19, 2008

a spring flower the squirrel gave us. a squirrel has been coming around again. maybe we'll get more. more alliums please.

a WW2 pilot silk escape map. i found it at a really cool estate sale. IN the attic. no idea why i took it. was a 1900ish old house in good shape that they were planning on tearing down! i got pics of the house somewhere. 'goldie' was a volunteer for POST war. i got a photo album too. and lots of her overseas stuff. the house did need some 70's removed, but it wasn't a tear down but great location location location. i decided my brother was not worthy and got $60+ on ebay for it. mainly europe.
Men that are greatly guilty are never wise.
Edmund Burke. 1794
Men that are greatly guilty are never wise.
Edmund Burke. 1794

Squinting Clint. a cat i met while staying in miami. name was clint eastwood. really. got a pic of him squinting my the swimming pool.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
east side duplex. just east of shops and such. old house. stone. at front door signs of decay. reeeelly needs paint and repair. go in. many area rugs over old wall to wall. interesting objects, but nothing i really want. old War & Peace. lot of old original art. 30's-70's but mostly 50's. i did see a very nice pointelist oil, but not for $65. kitchen very very grotty. actually, the interior was almost as sad. basement almost bare. bag of old drawer pulls, but leave them. upstairs a mod(60's) depressing empty. kinda funky. time travel. nothing for me there. that kitchen grotty too. attic pretty much crap too. little closet bathroom for the maid/housekeeper. only took pictures of the painting.
i got a silver plate serving fork. i liked the tines. and a very old yard stick. no advert. probably 1800's. just liked the deep deep brown.
east side duplex. just east of shops and such. old house. stone. at front door signs of decay. reeeelly needs paint and repair. go in. many area rugs over old wall to wall. interesting objects, but nothing i really want. old War & Peace. lot of old original art. 30's-70's but mostly 50's. i did see a very nice pointelist oil, but not for $65. kitchen very very grotty. actually, the interior was almost as sad. basement almost bare. bag of old drawer pulls, but leave them. upstairs a mod(60's) depressing empty. kinda funky. time travel. nothing for me there. that kitchen grotty too. attic pretty much crap too. little closet bathroom for the maid/housekeeper. only took pictures of the painting.
i got a silver plate serving fork. i liked the tines. and a very old yard stick. no advert. probably 1800's. just liked the deep deep brown.
COPERNICUS/KOPPERNIGK, NICHOLAUS- 1473-1554.b. in prussia. father polish, mother duaghter of well-to-do merchant. father died early + education done by uncle Lukas watzen=trode, bishop of esmeland + went to university of cracow in 1491 + studied under albert bradzewski, painting in his spare time. at 23 went to bologna, attending lectures by novarra, prof of astronomy. went to padua, where he studie math, astronomy, + medicine. 1499 got med degree. 1500 went to Rome. pals w/ astronomer montanus + gained a chair of mathmatics. member of chapter of franenburg, where he lived. engaged in clerical work, medicine work for the poor + studied his favorite w/meager tools. made preforations in walls were he lived to watch certain stars. also the remains of his hydrolic machine still where he lived(as of 1891). sought to study diff ancient astronomical systems to get1 that was simple + constant. egyptians had venus, mercury revolving around the sun + mars, jupiter, saturn around earth. apollonians or perga chose the sun as the common center, but like the moon, it turned around the earth. the pythagorians, had the sun center. others earth. philolaus removed earth from the center + no axial rotation, but independent around sun + came up w/ his 1507 to 1530. finally published. de orbiam coelestium revolutionibus libri VI, dedicated to pope paul III, hoping to avoid culumny. printed in nuremburg. to this point, good health, was attacked w/ dysentery, then paralysis on the right(stroke). memory loss + obscuration of understanding + lingered, only for a few hours before death. his book he was finally given to hold, touched it , seemed to 'know' it, the coma? + died. his tomb undistinguished til 1581. adorned it. etc.
COPERNICUS/KOPPERNIGK, NICHOLAUS- 1473-1554.b. in prussia. father polish, mother duaghter of well-to-do merchant. father died early + education done by uncle Lukas watzen=trode, bishop of esmeland + went to university of cracow in 1491 + studied under albert bradzewski, painting in his spare time. at 23 went to bologna, attending lectures by novarra, prof of astronomy. went to padua, where he studie math, astronomy, + medicine. 1499 got med degree. 1500 went to Rome. pals w/ astronomer montanus + gained a chair of mathmatics. member of chapter of franenburg, where he lived. engaged in clerical work, medicine work for the poor + studied his favorite w/meager tools. made preforations in walls were he lived to watch certain stars. also the remains of his hydrolic machine still where he lived(as of 1891). sought to study diff ancient astronomical systems to get1 that was simple + constant. egyptians had venus, mercury revolving around the sun + mars, jupiter, saturn around earth. apollonians or perga chose the sun as the common center, but like the moon, it turned around the earth. the pythagorians, had the sun center. others earth. philolaus removed earth from the center + no axial rotation, but independent around sun + came up w/ his 1507 to 1530. finally published. de orbiam coelestium revolutionibus libri VI, dedicated to pope paul III, hoping to avoid culumny. printed in nuremburg. to this point, good health, was attacked w/ dysentery, then paralysis on the right(stroke). memory loss + obscuration of understanding + lingered, only for a few hours before death. his book he was finally given to hold, touched it , seemed to 'know' it, the coma? + died. his tomb undistinguished til 1581. adorned it. etc.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i THINK this was a lost object fom the iraq museum that ri=ummy thought didn't matter. asshole.

i found this at milwaukee's rummage-o-rama. better deals than the antique show at state fair park, but they don't have it anymore and i discovered estate sales. i think i paid $5 or so for it. i've worn it. to my cousin's rehearsal dinner and with keith. funky in a good way.