Saturday, November 06, 2010
I came dragging this piece out of the barn yesterday after dumping about 15 pounds of old nails out it. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was out back puttering with some old clay pots, so I held it up to her and asked, “Where’d this come from? Do you remember?”
“I think that was your Granddaddy’s. It’s been hanging there since Methuselah was a little boy,” she said
I came dragging this piece out of the barn yesterday after dumping about 15 pounds of old nails out it. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was out back puttering with some old clay pots, so I held it up to her and asked, “Where’d this come from? Do you remember?”
“I think that was your Granddaddy’s. It’s been hanging there since Methuselah was a little boy,” she said
I don’t think she was right about that, but anyhow it’s been there a long, long time. The old dark paint has almost worn off exposing the old red underneath. The rope is still plenty strong, so you could hang it without worry. It’d be great for little potted plants or what-have-you. (Obviously, the rope was meant to be a carrying handle, but who cares?)
It is approximately 31” long, 5 ½” wide and 3 ½” deep. Each of the seven divided section is a little over 3”.
It is all made of pine, and I’ve just got to mention this: If you are careful, you can easily remove the dark paint without disturbing the red. Just use a paint stripper – a little section at a time. I’ve done it hundreds of times over the last several hundred years. Just be careful and don’t screw it up.
Uh-oh. I forgot to wipe out the inside. All I did was squirt a little fruity oil on the outside and wipe it off. So you’ll have to wipe out the inside when it get to your house.
Each divider is secured by one nail driven in up from the bottom and two in each side. It’s solid as a rock.

HEAVY Concrete MEMORY CROSS w KEYS Crosses BEADS & More-$9
Back in the old days people made memory jugs. They’d put special little things in plaster all over a jug – things that held a special memory of an event such as a little doll or maybe a charm. Well I did the same thing quite some time ago; except I set mine in Portland cement so it would last to and through the upcoming Armageddon if necessary.
Right in the center, I put a little lock with its original key, but here’s the problem. All these things held a special memory, but I’ve forgotten what it was. I think I remember breaking a dish, but that’s about it. I also remember putting several pieces of sterling in it.
Then there’s that thing at the bottom. I have no idea what it is either, but it’s the best one I’ve ever seen.
Friday, November 05, 2010

When it comes to Holy Bibles; the bigger the better, as far as I’m concerned. This one, as you can see, is over three soup cans tall. I try to buy one every once in a while, but families tend to hang onto them nowadays. I’ve had it several months, and I know I’ll not get around to reading it, so let’s have a look.
The spine isn’t in the best of shape – loose at the bottom and cracked along the side. All three edges of the pages are gilded though. And look what it says: “Parallel New Testament.” That’s gotta be a good thing. Let’s look inside right quick.
Holy Mackerel!
There’s a two page letter, written on the “Live and Dressed Poultry” letterhead of P. G. Smith, about the life and death of Mrs. Catherine-Moorefield-Smith of Butler County, Ohio, and there is more information inside about relatives in Oxford, Ohio and elsewhere. Then there’s hair, including a braid, and there’s also a ticket stub for a drawing held at the bingo game at St. Joseph’s School Hall in 1949. It was to benefit the Queen of Angels Mission, and you “need not be present to win.” (I take it “ticket no. 1344” wasn’t the winner.)
Just inside a couple pages is that page. I guess that’s how it was written before people learned to write American.
There are a bunch of color pictures and some black and white engravings as well. I didn’t count them, but most are of a religious nature.
I did notice one where that thin paper page that is meant to protect the picture has stuck to the picture a little.