Saturday, April 05, 2008
went to a rare saterday sale. can see why. lots of fussy. right up 'laura's collectables'. wonder how the house looked with out folding tables. lot of louis foofy rococco pretentious, but not painted white and gold. but oy. tacky tacky.
i got un stuff. probably ebay the copper trivet again. (2nd one found). strange old kraut pendant. fancy tourist key and hanger. ebay.
nothing at the open house leftover shop.
not much snow left.
went to a rare saterday sale. can see why. lots of fussy. right up 'laura's collectables'. wonder how the house looked with out folding tables. lot of louis foofy rococco pretentious, but not painted white and gold. but oy. tacky tacky.
i got un stuff. probably ebay the copper trivet again. (2nd one found). strange old kraut pendant. fancy tourist key and hanger. ebay.
nothing at the open house leftover shop.
not much snow left.

my feenix e-pal linked me to this high high end silkscreen wallpaper company. more to come. i have to clean out my blog file.

above all stamps, most desired/valued is the lollypop stamps. this baby above all. did not hit the reserve tho.

i never much cared for zodiac shades til this one. cut by pot head stinky matt. post jim. boss asked what color the turtles/jewels should be. root beer. definately rootbeer. was pretty unlit too. un-tiffany. usually geometrics all amber or green.
matt neo-hippie type who didn't believe in deoderant.
Friday, April 04, 2008

well, i opened the drawer the mouse traps are in. no mouse...but, i am guessing it could smell the cheese in the trap that wouldn't stay open. looks like it shewed it's way INTO the trap. other one is empty, so that one didn't work either.
well mouse, it's time for you to die. no park for you.

CAVOUR, Count- 1810-1861. camillo Benso de Cavour. regenerator of italy. great 'modern' statesman. Bensi ancient family. 1st saxon warrior named hubert, who followed barbarossa and made pilgramage to holy land. marrried a piedmontese heiress in mid 12c, settling in santena. more family history. intimate w/ napoleon family. (hyperactive?) at 10 sent to military school as that was to be his life. loved math(georgee?!?). Fr revolution of 1830, tired of the military blah blah blah blah blah more blah became well versed in agriculture(idiotocracy). died of fever. 273-276
CAXTON, William- 1422-1491. introducer of printing to england in 1438. apprenticed to robert large. 1449, his master died. sent to bruges. prospered before 1450. much sagacity. a 1465 treaty w/ duke of burgandy, about wool, trade , and export and appointed by king to sir richard whitehall and extend it. blah blah edward IV driven to bruges. brother in law, duke of burgundy. court in bruges. caxton had retired from wool. at this time learning printing.1470's brings printmaking to england. worked for more kings.
CAYENNE PEPPER/GUINEA PEPPER/SPANISH PEPPER/CHILLY- preparation from dried fruit of various capsicum. native to brazil, indies, and china.
CEBES of Thebes- deciple of socrates. mentioned by plato and xenophon for his virtue and love of truth.
CECCO D'ASCOLLI- pop name of francesco Degli Stabili, medieval encyclopaedist and poet. devoted to study of mathmatics and astrology and in 1322 made professor of the latter at u of bologna. acquainted w/dante. codemned in 1324. to elude sentence, betook himself to florence. his freethinking and plain-speaking created enemies. tried and sentenced to the stake. burned in florence on the day after sentenced. understood 'dew'. left many books, but not much printed. said to have understood blood circulation too.

well, i put these prints on ebay. if anybody is interested. big prints. i think i like 1/2 size or small better, but if the people want big. ok.

not mine. i got a bunch of pre-1930 dirty dirty painting studies by a man named bibertsien from switzerland who immigrated to milwaukee it was the estate sale of his executors. mainly charcoals. so, at home i puled out my acetone. OH MY GOD! BLUE! they cleaned up very well i must say. sort of sad i sold the mountain. i wish i had got more. this one my aunt liked, so i gave it to her. i have the only canvas one in my room. 2 sided! worked out i paid $1.50 for each. i plan on 'copying' them. one of these days. i have a xeroxed photo of him somewhere. west bend art museum has a collection of his work. one of these days i will check them out.
Thursday, April 03, 2008

CAVEDONE, Jacopo- 1577-1660 painter (real name giacomo-1911 AND 1891 got it wrong.
CAVENDISH, Thomas- 1560-1592 3rd circumnavigator of the globe. b in suffolk. studied at corpus cristi college, cambridge, quit, squandered his inheritance. turned to maritime adventure, went to viginia in 1585 under sir richard granville. on return, resolved upon predatory expedition against spaniards in the new world. 1586 sailed from plymouth w/3 vessels. went thru straights of magellan, cruised up chili, peru, and mexico. burnt and sank 19 ships, including the 'santa anna', belonging to the king of spain, w/ rich cargo off coast of CA. returned home w/plunder by cape good hope. he got there in 1558, taking 2 years +50 days. riches didn't last long. in 1591, reduced to having to begin another expedition w/5 vessels. disaster. crews mutinous and after staight of magellan had to turn back for england. died on the way home. only 'discovery' port desire, on the east coast of patagonia.
early this morning. cold. use the bathroom and come back to warm covers. under lots of covers. usually if pansy want to be close, she lays down around my head. but early this morning? first onmy shoulders/back( sorta sleep on my stomach) this time her front paws are on my head. to tired to care.
early this morning. cold. use the bathroom and come back to warm covers. under lots of covers. usually if pansy want to be close, she lays down around my head. but early this morning? first onmy shoulders/back( sorta sleep on my stomach) this time her front paws are on my head. to tired to care.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
wisconsin is extremely stoopid in have major STATE elections un tethered to major nation elections cause most of wi can't be bothered to get of their fucking asses to VOTE, so, about 30% vote. we get a fucking weasel republikkkan county head AGAIN. our 1st black supreme court justice is defeated by a rite wing TURD, and more. WHY DO WE ALLOW THIS SHIT!
MOVE THE ELECTION GODDAMMIT! shit, we pic obama in the primary and FUCKING GABLEFUCKIMAN WINS????
insert primal scream here.
wisconsin is extremely stoopid in have major STATE elections un tethered to major nation elections cause most of wi can't be bothered to get of their fucking asses to VOTE, so, about 30% vote. we get a fucking weasel republikkkan county head AGAIN. our 1st black supreme court justice is defeated by a rite wing TURD, and more. WHY DO WE ALLOW THIS SHIT!
MOVE THE ELECTION GODDAMMIT! shit, we pic obama in the primary and FUCKING GABLEFUCKIMAN WINS????
insert primal scream here.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
41? $%@&#%$ more Bush weeks to go
41? GOD #$#$%^ more Bush weeks to go
georgee throws out 1st baseball to boooooooos
off to USSR land to look like a foooooool.
41? %#$ #^$% ^@#% more Bushit weeks to go
41? GOD #$#$%^ more Bush weeks to go
georgee throws out 1st baseball to boooooooos
off to USSR land to look like a foooooool.
41? %#$ #^$% ^@#% more Bushit weeks to go

i almost bid on this, but was selling a lot of other shit and only wanted the mask. i resisted. offered him $7. no answer. oh well.