Saturday, July 09, 2011
Mathuw sevn, vursz 23-28
teh whys and foolish bilders
23 If u heer me n do whut I tellz u, u iz liek teh smart d00d who builded his house on teh rock.24 It rainded n flooded n it wuz windi. But teh house did not fall down bcz of teh rock.25 But if u heer me n duzn do whut I tellz u, u iz liek teh n00b who builded his house on teh sand.26 It rainded n flooded in it wuz windi. N his house falled down LOL."
27 Evribodi wuz impressed wif Happy Cat for sayin all dis.28 everyone was all amazded and bowed tehre heds29 Bcz he wuz cooler than teh law teechrs.
ds b teh werdz ov teh ceeling cat
tnx b too ceeling cat
go ehn pees an survzz teh ceeling cat
Mathuw sevn, vursz 23-28
teh whys and foolish bilders
23 If u heer me n do whut I tellz u, u iz liek teh smart d00d who builded his house on teh rock.24 It rainded n flooded n it wuz windi. But teh house did not fall down bcz of teh rock.25 But if u heer me n duzn do whut I tellz u, u iz liek teh n00b who builded his house on teh sand.26 It rainded n flooded in it wuz windi. N his house falled down LOL."
27 Evribodi wuz impressed wif Happy Cat for sayin all dis.28 everyone was all amazded and bowed tehre heds29 Bcz he wuz cooler than teh law teechrs.
ds b teh werdz ov teh ceeling cat
tnx b too ceeling cat
go ehn pees an survzz teh ceeling cat
After buying the majority of a local lady’s collection dresser, powder and jewelry boxes, I say myself down to try to identify the makers of each of the ones that were either unsigned or signed with a mark with which I was unfamiliar. Then it dawned on me: Who cares? They’re old, and they’re beautiful.
Friday, July 08, 2011

2 Colorful RECORDS Walt Disney & The Pinocchio PARADOX-$8
I think these should be hanging on a wall.
Each one is 12”, and both have a couple small rim chips – nothing heartbreaking. Hey! They’re art! If you want to listen to them, get a CD or something.
We all know of the Pinocchio Paradox: It is universally believed that Pinocchio's nose grows only when he lies. Under this condition, we are faced with the dilemma of what will happen if Pinocchio says "My nose will grow now." If he is lying, his nose should grow, but if his nose grows, then he is actually telling the truth. On the other hand, if he is telling the truth and his nose starts growing, then it will violate the condition that his nose grows when he is lying.
But, what most philosophers missed (or simply ignored) is recorded in the above photo. It’s a rare photo, believe it or not, often overlooked. It is the day the magic fairy gave Pinocchio a very special gift – something he’d enjoy for the rest of his life, and it would grow under many circumstances whether he was telling the truth or not. (Unfortunately, you can’t see it because his right foot is blocking it. After all, this WAS back in MCMLXXXI, and people were a bit more prudish back then.)
Most don’t know this either, but Jiminy Cricket died young. It was so tragic, yet so predictable. He WAS a cricket, you know; and he developed the bad habit of standing on the edge of a fishbowl. That’s where the second verse of the famous old children’s song came from. “A Fish’llEatCricketstew. Wouldn’t you?”