Saturday, February 14, 2009

fri i went to the far north west side. rarely go that far, but the listig sounded interesting. little cul de sac. small, so i accidently parked in front of a driveway, but the black guy who came out to say so was very nice about it, said i could park in the neighbors driveway. gone all day. the house had one of those BIG triple windows. late 50's/early 60's. small inside. as fucked up as a ranch tho. inner hallways SUCK. no fucking flow. framed art, not interesting to me, tho i did see a real WPA print. not great stuff, but ebayable. i will keep the little ceramic pot. and the austrian coin. almost didn't take the apple tree, but damn, it has charm. and the little wood 'fruit bowl'. a pineapple! watermelon. avacado? didn't take a pic of the mexican painted pot. gonna ebay it. not what i like like. nor is the angry owl. EBAY! whoever the stuff belonged to, she must have been interesting. actually 2 households combined. lot of videos. tapes. NOTHING in the kitchen. bummer. i did notice there were these covered 'vents' under the big frontroom window. AH! that would be handy in summer. still a foolish window system to me. my grandparents cottage windows were way better.
at least everything was priced right. i spent $4. i am a shopaholic. i'm just cheap about it. $1 on the apple tree and nobody wanted it!
ooh, forgot the best thing. went in the basement xmas decorations, crap, the mexican pot and a mess of books. on top of a box, there was a small paper back i thought was a children's book, opened it and saw interesting black illustration. threw it in my bag. only later, while taking my haul out to put post office stuff in to mail, did i notice a name on the cover-ben shahn. ben scahn? the famous artist??? look inside. 1st printing-1949. revised in 1951. the book is from 1964 from the museum of modern art. nice rag paper. a partridge in a pear tree. cool. i swear, i MUST have an angel pointing me at things. TAKE THAT!

special order original pattern. i don't know if i saw it finished. ido have one of the special turtle backs that wasn't used for a center.
Friday, February 13, 2009

2 mexican birds close to each other, and i was looking at them. signed by the same artist. a fancy P S or R S.

my new landscape. NOT DONE, but i like the 'front' part. i have finished it. that's for next week.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

well now. i got this last saturday at that republican travelers house. no attention paid to the simple copper enameled bowl. i just l;iked it. if i like it. ebay usually does. is signed. ARNESEN SOON NORWAY. just sold for $21.99. OMG! i love surprises. like my armadillo better.
CZECHS- phonetically tchekhs. large branch of slavonic race, includes bohemians, hannocks, or moravians, + the slovacks. etc etc.
CZECHS- phonetically tchekhs. large branch of slavonic race, includes bohemians, hannocks, or moravians, + the slovacks. etc etc.