Saturday, June 28, 2008
i have good news and i have bad news. the daym started bright, clear, but a bit windy which made hangingstuff difficult, made some good sales. finaly sold my first new puma. to a little girl. had some rain. more sun tho. did well. but mom forgot to pack THE COOLER! so she drove 38 miles back to get it, plus.
will finish this on MY puter
i have good news and i have bad news. the daym started bright, clear, but a bit windy which made hangingstuff difficult, made some good sales. finaly sold my first new puma. to a little girl. had some rain. more sun tho. did well. but mom forgot to pack THE COOLER! so she drove 38 miles back to get it, plus.
will finish this on MY puter
set up at spring green. a little tardy. was eating all our chinese take out. a little rain on the way to madison. but pretty nice by the time we left for sprting green. place is jammed with tents and vehicles when we get there. INCLUDING a white SUV parked partially in my spot. well. 5 ladies came in earliuer and left to bar hop or whatever. finallyt decided to put the back end on the sidewalk. in front of a tax place. tried to find these ladies. instead of the morni8ng, it was towed toot sweet, and we started setting up faster. but the art tomorrow. AND CAT LITTER JUGS WITH WATER DO NOT WORK FOR WEIGHTS.
so much for my mom poo pooing my milk cartons!!!
and my cousin is adopting from ethiopia. cool. Ruby is excited about her sister. and she helped a lot with the bungies.
set up at spring green. a little tardy. was eating all our chinese take out. a little rain on the way to madison. but pretty nice by the time we left for sprting green. place is jammed with tents and vehicles when we get there. INCLUDING a white SUV parked partially in my spot. well. 5 ladies came in earliuer and left to bar hop or whatever. finallyt decided to put the back end on the sidewalk. in front of a tax place. tried to find these ladies. instead of the morni8ng, it was towed toot sweet, and we started setting up faster. but the art tomorrow. AND CAT LITTER JUGS WITH WATER DO NOT WORK FOR WEIGHTS.
so much for my mom poo pooing my milk cartons!!!
and my cousin is adopting from ethiopia. cool. Ruby is excited about her sister. and she helped a lot with the bungies.
Friday, June 27, 2008

CHOLERA-no read
CHONS- egyptian god. also Khons or Khonsou. identified w/ Aah the moon + greeks called him chon. a form of heracles. representented young, wearing lock of hair at right side of head + skullcap w/fall + dichotomized lunar disk or hawk headed w/ same moon. holds crook + whip. celestial + connected w/ Thoth.
CHOPIN, FREDERICK FRANCOIS-1810-1849 composer + pianist. b in poland. french origin, but his music slavonic or polish. melancholic. blah blah mostly solo compositions. no symphonies. his personal life simple. his early instruction under Ziwna, a passionate admirer of bach. supported by prince Antoine Radziwill. introduced ch into society. never wanted to be popular. bush in his private world. while at cllege, instructed by joseph elsner + in 1829 went to vienna to debut. instant success. 1831 left vienna to visit london, but stopped in paris + settled there. became a society favorite. connected w/madame dulevant(george sand). in 1837, health began to fail, sand went w/ him to majorca + due to her care he recovered. last 10 years a struggle w/ his pulmonary disease, to which he succumbed. year before his death, visited england, where he was received by numerous admirers.
no cherch this weekend. off to madison and a PC and art fair in spring green. will have my sping green art fair toesday.

ooh. i went to the 2nd day to this beezarre estate sale on sherman boulevard. TONS of video tapes and lots of stuff. benedicte was coming to pick me up the next day to go to Iowa. and i suggested we hit the estate sale on the way out. i hadn't seen this. and OOH. 1879! got the sig wrong. smillie. JS i believe, who was etching prodigy, was attached to the hudson river valley artists. i LOVE HR artists. his paintings not as good. so, i got a HR school artist for 1/2 price. a whopping $5. and i threw it into the back window. BAD!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
i have babee peas!!!
i have babee peas!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
30? more shitty Bush weeks to go
30? more shitty Bush weeks to go
the answer to everything? drilling drilling drilling
iWaq still on it's path of epic failing
30? ore @#$#&$ shitty Bush weeks to go
30? more shitty Bush weeks to go
the answer to everything? drilling drilling drilling
iWaq still on it's path of epic failing
30? ore @#$#&$ shitty Bush weeks to go
cripes 24 people are watching the hubley motor exppress w/box i listed.
there was a squirrel in the back yard last night. digging up stuff it had put there last year.

i gotta clean my toes and do some fresh 'spring green' toes for the art show. right now a nice springish green.
Monday, June 23, 2008

sneaky cosmo. i always loved when he's lay this way in the chairs. sigh. he had a beautiful tail. i miss his 'humid hair'. sybil just isn't the same. close tho.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

primroses multiplie and multiplied this year. a very happy mini QVC rose, mock orange and a bee in the free rose> (jung's boo boo). since i took these, 2 T-storms and dinner.

6 years of art school. especially my 1st year, people would come to school with bandaged hands. not once did i cut myself to need much less a bandaid. not once. and after many years of much cutting for art shows. til a few days ago and boy did i hit a gusher. blood everywhere! ooh, how deep did i slice.? i stopped before i cut the tip off. this is at least 3 day later. snipped some of the dead flesh off. oy. had to cut chicken with a wounded finger! hope it looks ok by saturday. sick of soggy bandaids.

this is being sold by one of my favorite sellers-341. funny listing and boy are these neat. from the 50's, some old guy just decided to carve these.