Saturday, October 06, 2007
well, we had the weather against us. sunny. 80's. who wants to go to a mall today? almost to the entry fee. that's all i want. obviously i will never do a indoor show again!
mall food good tho. chinese fried bread? am bartering fo earrings! got one pair today. ooh, i fee;l prettee! grandma f would be appalled at the color i bet. but but but i am getting the red bead ones too!!!
bad girl!
just glad i made any sales. not enough cats sold tho.
mall food good tho. chinese fried bread? am bartering fo earrings! got one pair today. ooh, i fee;l prettee! grandma f would be appalled at the color i bet. but but but i am getting the red bead ones too!!!
bad girl!
just glad i made any sales. not enough cats sold tho.

can't do a full pic. too big. another early pattern sweater. complicated with cables. tempted to take apart and re-use the excellent yarn.
why i stopped using patterns!
dang. i think i missed my 5th year anniversary!
at cousin's. can't sleep. sheepshead didn't work. attaturk is still bed. REALLY??? may try again.
sort of set up at the mall. too much space. well. there goes nothin. or $150 smackers. this cetainly will tell me if i gotta stay outside.
at cousin's. can't sleep. sheepshead didn't work. attaturk is still bed. REALLY??? may try again.
sort of set up at the mall. too much space. well. there goes nothin. or $150 smackers. this cetainly will tell me if i gotta stay outside.
Friday, October 05, 2007
i will be going to Madison for the weekend for an art 'fair' at the Hilldale Mall on Midvale/university ave.
so, i gotta post date if i do sweater saturday. or anything else. but i will have access to the INTERNETS!
i will have internets!!!!
so, i gotta post date if i do sweater saturday. or anything else. but i will have access to the INTERNETS!
i will have internets!!!!

oh yeah
geronimo DK. a watercolor. i did this in denmark, i think on indian day, or the day before. geronimo was actually a medicine man. he liked some funky magic hats.

ok, in today's paper, there is a story about a menominee falls man, who was living in alaska, who says he was the first person to spot sputnik I while sitting in his outhouse.
then on all things considered it has a story on sputnik bits that may or may not have fallen AND an actual 20lb piece of Sputnik IV fell on a manitowoc, wi street in 1962.
i think tommy bartlett's should have gotten that 20lbs. i hear they have russian space ship there.
ahh, obscure ouisconsin references!
Thursday, October 04, 2007

i spotted this bait shop sign on hwy '100' a few months back. took the pick 2 weeks ago. gotta get a better pic from other side.
adore the bubbles. had to blog it!

sunday was an auntie day. great weather. 2 of aunties sisters died young before she was born. they were buried with her parents. her father couldn't afford to have their names on their stone. auntie insisted they be added along with her names. with 5 husbands, with her parents seems right. shame the camera went pepto pink.
i went off to look for old stones or interesting ones. MUST FIND A 1700's one! the ones broken off and set flat seemed to wear best.
one used to have photos of the dead on ceramic , but they were missing or damaged. i prefer to hope weather did it. a lot of young children. aunties sisters died that young. one fell into a hot water bucket and was scalded. wash bucket?
i think i found a civil war vet(no dates), and the WW1 vet that managed to see us win WW2.
but the ones that really got my interest were Jacob b 1795!!! and his wife sophia b 1800's. long marriage. and they died within 2 weeks of each other.
i am beginning to consider donating my body again. nody who remember that 3 year old boy lives. but then i remember the crypt stones in that danish church(next danish photo album). but then my art shall live on before me. MAN! she sucked! whatever. que sera fucking sera.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
basil is still waiting for that crazee mouse. poor deer. but one of these days, he is gonna figure out how to open the hall door. came very close tonight.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
67? more fucking Bush weeks to go
67? morebloody Bush weeks to go
good job, give georgie the ability to attack iWan!!!
georgie caresses the nukular football, dickie has the plan
67? more goddamned Bush weeks to go
67? morebloody Bush weeks to go
good job, give georgie the ability to attack iWan!!!
georgie caresses the nukular football, dickie has the plan
67? more goddamned Bush weeks to go
Monday, October 01, 2007

BRUCE, James b 1730. african traveler. blah blah blah. appointed councilship at algiers in 1762. spent age studying arabic and oriental languages. visited Rhodes and cyprus and explored most of syria and palestine, making careful drawings of palmyra and Baalbec. these presented to the king and placed in the royal library. bruce didn't arrive in alexandria til 1768 and prepared a great expedition. from cairo he sailed as far as Syenej, then struck across the dessert to Kosseir and reached Jidda in 1769. stayed in arabia awhile and then set sail for Loheia and in sept 1769 arrived as massowah. detained for some time, but feb 1770 he made it to Gondar abyssinia. gained king's favor and stayed il oct, then set off for Bahr-el-azrek, arrived in nov. slowly made his way back thru the deserts of nubia. 1772 he reached Assonan on the nile. jan 1773 back in cairo. on way home, spent time in Paris, where he was received by buffon and other scientists. the celebrated 'travels' di not appear til 1790, when they were published. d. 1794
(why did i add him again?)
BRUGES, Belgium- dates at least to the 3rd cent AD. in the 7th, important. its corporation of weavers, up to 50,000, reknowned. in 9th c, bruges became subject to the counts of flanders, who lived there and made it populace and wealthy. inhabitants jealous of their rights and demanded more. in mid 14th c, bruges passed by marriage to the dukes of Burgandy. BURGANDY! again?!? reaching its height of prosperity. magnificent court. extravegant and charles V, obliged in 16th c to repress it by severe sumptuary laws(ooh, bring that back!) in 1430, philip the good, duke of Burgandy, instituted the chivalric order of the Goddess of Fleece, a compliment to it's woolen trade. in 14th and 15th chief emporium of the cities of hanseatic league. merchants became 'world' shipping area. excelled at tapestry. vry rich til rule of hapsburgs, for a limitation of their perogatives, they imprisoned archduke Maximillian in 1488, they were severely punished for this outrage. trade moved to Antwerp and it's ruin by religious persecutions of the bloody d¨ke of alva at the end of 16th c. many escaped to england w/ their talents. in modern times, frequently felt effects of war. 1704 besieged by dutch. 1708 and 1745 captured by french.
BRUNTON, Mrs. Mary-1778-1818. novelist of early 19th c. born in barraiorknen. nee balfour. at 20 married. 1811 published anonamously 1st novel Self-Control. very popular. 3rd edition soon needed. 2nd 'discipline pub 1814. the unfinished Emmeline published after death by her husband. (i actually sold a copy of Self-control to a canadian. was looking for the book for decades. now i wish i read it!)
BRUSHES + BROOMS-almost a full page. chimney brooms pretty new!
BRYAXIS-greek sculptor about 345 bc-5 classical figures of gods at rhodes. Bachus, a group of aescullapius and hygeia at megara etc etc etc. preference for draped and mature figures, while contemporary, praxiteles did younger nudes.