Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vintage MICHAEL LAMBERT Dancing JAVA JIG Pottery TEA COFFEE 3 pc. SERVICE Teapot-$810
Michael Lambert, after a glorious career as a cutting edge potter that began in 1967, retired last year (2010), and now it is next to impossible to corral any of his strutting, dancing, happy pieces. They have vanished. I’d swear, out of the corner of your eye, you can see them moving. He has challenged Salvador Dali by stepping off into a third dimension.
Let's get this out of the way right now so we can sit back and enjoy the theater of this thespian trio as they scoot, dance and laugh across the stage: They are in absolutely perfect condition.
The pot is 9 ½” tall, and the other two are 5 ¾” and 5”. They’re so happy they can’t keep their feet on the floor. Don’t worry, though. They sit on a flat surface. The tipped up toe or hiked up skirt is just part of the show.
Lambert went to UC Berkeley to pursue a career in ceramics, studying at the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland and the Richmond Art Center. His works have been shown . . . strike that: It would be easier to make a list of where his works haven’t been shown. Those of you familiar with his work know one heck-of-a-lot more than I.
Since I put them on the table, I can’t get Rosemary Clooney out of my brain. Over and over, I breathe in and out to the tune of . .
Hey mambo! mambo italiano!
I must to keep reminding myself Michael is "California all the way;" after Berkley, Santa Cruz is where he opened his studio in 1976.
JUST A NOTE to those of you who’ve been following along on my 13 year eBay journey: I took a little time off to . . . uh . . . catalog my library. How’s that? Anyway, I’ve been saving up some wonderful things, and it all starts today, for, after all; “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” And there is plenty of time between now and Christmas.
I’m not one to put pressure on anyone, but . . . if you don’t capture this set now, you may spend the rest of your days without.

FALKE,JOHANN FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB (1823-1876)- german historian. b ratzeburg. entered university of erlangen in 1843+ soon devoted to the history of the german language + literature. in 1848 he went as a tutor to munich, where he stayed 5 yrs + diligently availed himself of the use of the gort library to study his historical study. in 1855, was appointed secretary of the manuscript collections in the museum at nuremburg, + in 1857 keeper of the manuscripts. w/ the aid of the manuscript collections in the museum he turned now his attention cheiflt to political history, + along w/ his brother jacob, who was still living(1878), + johann muller, established a historical journal 1855-1859 blah blah in 1862 appointed sect of statearchives at dresden, + a little later keeper. he there began to study Saxon history. died dresden 1876.
FALKIRK- scotland, wide street w/ a humber of narrow ones. cattle fairs of antiquity, a place of some note in 11thC, originally englishbreekk, speckled church. carron battle in 1298 wallace