Saturday, August 30, 2008
OH NOES! another dead chippy! this one appears murdered, but in the neighbor's yard. whew!
baby basil. if only i could make a you tube video of basil and pole bean. and ONLY pole beans. he kills them and then eats them. he LOVES pole beans.
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing in water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.(georgee?)
William Blake 1757-1827. marrigae of heaven and hell.
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing in water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.(georgee?)
William Blake 1757-1827. marrigae of heaven and hell.

matt, the stinky pothead cut this. the only peacock of this type made while i was there. a great job. i guess the MJ helped. small shade, but boy oh boy was it pretty.
Friday, August 29, 2008
when pansy was fat putting up with the brats. and decided she wanted their spot.
Mankind will not be reasoned out of the feelings of humanity.
Sir Wm. Blackstone. 1723-1780. commentaries(1765-9)
Mankind will not be reasoned out of the feelings of humanity.
Sir Wm. Blackstone. 1723-1780. commentaries(1765-9)

the foot. same model as king priapus, the naked guy on the toilet. did another oo his head. he was late 50's maybe and i didn't care to paint him at all, but 1 hour pose. so, i got paintings i like out of a model i didn't. not bad.
more of that accidental space. that foot is so real. even if it looks like he had really bad fungus. he didn't. i just used the paint i had for his toenails.
it's on my bedroom wall. i wish had more wall.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
you think?
you think?

CONSTABLE- an ancient officer of the peace. name as well as office, , "hath been disused in Engkand, only upon great + solemn occasions as the king's coronation + the like-even since the attainder of stafford." duke of buckingham, under king Henry VIII.
borrowed from the french. according to blackstone in the middle ages there was a great officer of this name, whose duties were related to chivalry. "the office of lord high Constable". blah blah blah. king's etc.
CONSTABLE, JOHN- 1776-1837. landscape painter. b. in suffolk. father a farmer. much practice, did not sell well, but when fed enough to marry + live.

one of my early estate sales, i bought a box with these peach pits and other things in it. i had never heard of peach pit carving. did well on ebay. i vaguely remember passing on a more than i was willing to pay red owl spice tin. well, luckily i found an even better one, but it did give me the desire to find one!
Dean was good on TDS, even with the time delay. made john laugh. teehee. i need to see that again.
stupid delay.
stupid delay.
Examine the Honors list and you will know exactly how a government feels in its inside. When the honors list is full of rascals, millionaires, and -er-humps, you may be quite sure that the government in dangerously ill.
(Enoch) Arnold Bennett b 1867. the card 1911.
of course for today it would be chimp and billionaires, and teevee gnews.
Examine the Honors list and you will know exactly how a government feels in its inside. When the honors list is full of rascals, millionaires, and -er-humps, you may be quite sure that the government in dangerously ill.
(Enoch) Arnold Bennett b 1867. the card 1911.
of course for today it would be chimp and billionaires, and teevee gnews.

how could i forget TOASTERS! which i DO have. and i love how they look too. and and and i suppose i will have to do FANS on friday. but i think that is enough. i mean, desk lamp tuesdays?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
CONNECTICUT- indian quoneklhcat-long river-i of the original states. the dutch 1st explored it in 1620. no settlement til 1633. 1st settlement around hartford, bought from the pequot, but then sold to british. James I granted 1st patent to all new england in 1620 to lord say & seal + others. 1634+1636 prmanent settlements at hartford, wethersfield + windsor by Massachusetts under patent from plymouth colony. in 1637, these towns organised an independent govt. + declared war on Pequots = under Capt mason, almost destroyed the tribes. in 1638 new haven + vicinity settled. joined CN in 1662, as was saybrook in 1614(1714? typo?), when charles II accepted new gov. from 1685-1687 James II made efforts to take away the new england charters. the new gov demanded the charter, but was concealed in the famous 'charter oak'. + after James II back to normal. 1701 new haven became a capital w/ hartford + in 1874 sole capital. 1818 banned slavery.
CONON- athenian general 406bc 405 athenian fleet surprised by lysander + conon fled to the king of cyprus. on war between spatans + persians he got joint command from artaxerxes. 394 defeated lacedaemonians.
CONRADIN-1252-1268. son of emperor conrad IV + elizabeth of bavaria. at dad's death, 2 yr old. uncle manfred, illigitimate son of Frederick II. frederick II, declared himself C's champion, but having recovered the 2 sicilies, himself, seized the throne. Innocent IV called in charles of anjou who defeated manfred. manfred took crown, but showed favor only to his own people + now 16, C led army into italy, defeated in 1268 + after being betrayed, put in the hands of charles, tried + condemned + executed in naples W/concent of the pope. left his throne to peter of aragon.
CONNECTICUT- indian quoneklhcat-long river-i of the original states. the dutch 1st explored it in 1620. no settlement til 1633. 1st settlement around hartford, bought from the pequot, but then sold to british. James I granted 1st patent to all new england in 1620 to lord say & seal + others. 1634+1636 prmanent settlements at hartford, wethersfield + windsor by Massachusetts under patent from plymouth colony. in 1637, these towns organised an independent govt. + declared war on Pequots = under Capt mason, almost destroyed the tribes. in 1638 new haven + vicinity settled. joined CN in 1662, as was saybrook in 1614(1714? typo?), when charles II accepted new gov. from 1685-1687 James II made efforts to take away the new england charters. the new gov demanded the charter, but was concealed in the famous 'charter oak'. + after James II back to normal. 1701 new haven became a capital w/ hartford + in 1874 sole capital. 1818 banned slavery.
CONON- athenian general 406bc 405 athenian fleet surprised by lysander + conon fled to the king of cyprus. on war between spatans + persians he got joint command from artaxerxes. 394 defeated lacedaemonians.
CONRADIN-1252-1268. son of emperor conrad IV + elizabeth of bavaria. at dad's death, 2 yr old. uncle manfred, illigitimate son of Frederick II. frederick II, declared himself C's champion, but having recovered the 2 sicilies, himself, seized the throne. Innocent IV called in charles of anjou who defeated manfred. manfred took crown, but showed favor only to his own people + now 16, C led army into italy, defeated in 1268 + after being betrayed, put in the hands of charles, tried + condemned + executed in naples W/concent of the pope. left his throne to peter of aragon.

WAWAtosa. north. i expected a newer blob house. ooh. early 1900's! but nicer on the outside. the detail is slate. never saw that before. fan of pink and green. 50's day-core? antique furniture here and there. rather small house. bet nice floor under the awful wall to wall. i should have taken a pic of the 3 tiered low table. early 1800's i bet. music table? on casters. i coulda got it cheap, but where would it go? sigh. it was quite nice. and that gateleg dining matching chairs. but i have chairs. no silver i was interested in. OOOOH, a itty bitty wood spoon! so cute. lot of books, but more mid century. goerbbles diary?
4 little fiesta bowls? $5? $2.50 today! and pretty color. take the wood box w/ bakelite opener. wonder what is gonna happen to that 3 tiered table? the nice old painted rocker? all the other stuff?