Saturday, April 18, 2009

DELAROCHE, HIPPOLYTE(PAUL)- 1797-1856. 1 of the most accomplished painters of the eclectic 'modern' school. no obstacles or difficulties. father an 'expert' (appraiser?). rich from negotiating + cataloguing, buying, + selling. proud of his sons talent + able to forward his talent. picked Gros, then painting large 'histories' + teacher. met other students. 1st exhibited work-josabeth saving joas 1822, became aquaintances with gericault + delacroix, who he became friends with. visited italy in 1388 + 1845. effusive in his works blah blah. 1837 commission for a great painting 37 meters long-great artists of the nodern ages for ecol des beaux arts to add FEMALES to the men, added muses + genii. done in 1841. injured b7y fire in 1855. died before he could finish repair.
DELAWARE- 2120 sq MI. 1799 slaves in 1860. pop 125, 015 1870. 1609, henry hudson sailed into the delaware bay, too shallow, left. tradition that lord de la warr, on way to VA, anchored there, but fable. in 1626, gustavus adophus, king of sweden advice of a hollander, issued letters-patent for a settlement on W shore of the delaware river. indians called it Pou tax at + the dutch south river. money to set up settlement, but war w/ germany, death of the king. 1639 queen christina sent out a colony under a dutchman. bought from indians. willmington area. probs w/ dutch in NJ. new swede govt w/ more swedes capture their own fort. NY gov stuyvesant invaded + swedes forced to honor their new dutch overlords. english invade manhattan + D. william dean blah blah blah lord baltimore.
Friday, April 17, 2009

DEFOE, DANIEL- 1661-1731. b london. no exact date or place. no record as his famly non-conformist. nothing known of ancestors. his grandpa said to have been a squire or yeoman.
his father was a butcher. nothing known of mother. educated at a dissenting academy-mr morton's blah blah. took arms in monmouth's expedition + escaped the king's troops being a londoner.blah blah'civit-cat merchant'. blah BLAH 1719 robinson crusoe big seller 3 parts, but pt 3. less. 5+ pages. married twice. 7 kids, 1 daughter died young.
bet he'd have been a blogger.
DEISM- seeking above all to establish the certainty + sufficiency of natural religion in opposition to the positive religions + deny the supernatural. famous deists-blount, tindal, bolingbroke, blah blah 33-37.
DELACROIX, FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE- 1798-1863 french painter, father a partisan, violent during the revolution. the family affairs conducted in the wildest manner + the accidents that befell D, authenticated, make it a miracle he survived. nearly burned to death in his cradle when his nurse fell asleep reading a novel, the candle fell on the blankets + he was scared on his face + arms. next dropped in the sea by another one, who was climbing a ship's ladder to see her lover, nearly poisoned + nearly choked + he tried to hang himself, not suicide, his horoscope preserved. "cet enfant deviendra un homme celebre, mais sa vvie sera des plus laborienses, des plus tourmentees, et tonjours livre'e a la contrdiclion."
he 'pa' died when he was 7, little success w/ artists + critics. his style not like 'the times'. his 1st important 'dante + virgil' in 1822 controversial. blah blah after sardanas? became abomination to critics + public. "j'etais echante du moimeme!" lived on his enheritance + painted his large historical pictures. 1831 entered salon again w/ 6 paintings + left for morocco,where he found subjects. never went to italy on principle. keep masters from polluting his style. loved poetry. byron, shakespeare, not effusive.