Saturday, June 16, 2012
....end of the 5th c, the 2 queens brunhild + fredegond, ruled; for brunhild, for her grandsons, theodebert II. king of austrasia + theodoric, king of burgundy. while fredegond governed neustria for the young hlothar II. fred died in 598. brunhild seized almost all of neustria, + for a while united the merwing lordships under her. tried to make it more monastic + curb the nobles. opposition + lead 2 brothers, arnulf, bishop of metz + pippin of landen, decedant of the great karling or carolingian dynasty. the nobles wet the old queen; her army deserted, leaving her w/ her 4 great-grandkids in the hands of hlothar II. he killed them, + after shameful indignities, the queen it is said, was tied to the heels of a wild horse + so dashed to death. triumph of aristocracy over monarchy. hlothar II, now king of all franks, was in the hands of the mayor of the palace, who became the real power, helping the nobles.
....end of the 5th c, the 2 queens brunhild + fredegond, ruled; for brunhild, for her grandsons, theodebert II. king of austrasia + theodoric, king of burgundy. while fredegond governed neustria for the young hlothar II. fred died in 598. brunhild seized almost all of neustria, + for a while united the merwing lordships under her. tried to make it more monastic + curb the nobles. opposition + lead 2 brothers, arnulf, bishop of metz + pippin of landen, decedant of the great karling or carolingian dynasty. the nobles wet the old queen; her army deserted, leaving her w/ her 4 great-grandkids in the hands of hlothar II. he killed them, + after shameful indignities, the queen it is said, was tied to the heels of a wild horse + so dashed to death. triumph of aristocracy over monarchy. hlothar II, now king of all franks, was in the hands of the mayor of the palace, who became the real power, helping the nobles.
ANTIQUE SLEIGH BELLS signed WEB, george tinker-$247
Captain William Barton (Sr.) (1740?-1793?) a bell maker in Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Connecticut as early as 1770; begat William Barton (Jr.) (1762-1849), also a bell maker but now located in East Hampton, Connecticut, from 1808 through 1826. His brothers Hubbard Barton (1797-1860), Hiram Barton (1799-1878) and Jason Barton (1808-1862) were all makers of bells along with one of Hiram’s sons, John Watrous Barton (1835-1867). I’m sure they all begat others, but the important part is that Hiram also begat William E. Barton (1826-1895), the maker of the bells on this neck strap.
It appears to be painted with that old red primer. Way back, red was the cheapest, but this box doesn’t go back that far. It was made after the turn of the century.
I was going to keep my idea a secret, but since you’ve come this far . . . and I’m too lazy to do it anyway . . . I’ll give it up.
First: Dump out those shoestrings and clean the inside real good.
Second: Rip yourself up some good clean cotton rags. You’ll need’m.
You’ll be doing your work in the shopping mall nearest your house. No sense burning up extra gas just to get to a bigger one. You’ll have plenty of business. Wear clean clothes; something other than shorts and an undershirt if you have’m.
When you get to the mall, look at women’s feet to see if their toenails are painted. You’ll notice the paint on a lot of them are chipped up or almost worn off. These are the ones you approach. Almost like you were telling them a secret, tap them on the shoulder and ask: “I noticed your toes could use a touch-up. Want me to put on a fresh coat of polish?” Remember to smile. That’s important.
There are always benches in malls, so no worries there, but when she sits down be sure to ask permission to remove her flip-flops. Remember, this is most likely the first time you personally have touched her feet.
Be pleasant. Strike up a conversation. You’ll want to spray her feet down real good with something then wipe them dry with one of those cotton rags. I’d use turpentine or rubbing alcohol, but that’s just me.
This could be a big step for you but just relax. In a way, it’s almost like telemarketing. The more calls you make, the more you sell even though most people slam the receiver in your ear. It’s the same with toe painting at the mall. You’ll get slapped now and again, mostly because you don’t have the right color polish, I reckon. Don’t let it bother you. Man up! Go buy the color she was looking for and tap another one on the shoulder.
Oops. I almost forgot an important part of the job if you want return clients. After you finish painting but before you remove the masking tape, get down real close and blow your warm breath on each little piggy until they’re all dry. (Usually, there are ten.) As a final step, splash on something that smells good. It can be most anything as long as you can buy it by the gallon.
basil just had a mystery fever. he was panting bad on mon. it wasn't over 90, and he just panted. so, took him to the vet, just to check him. of course the trip entailed MUCH OH WOE IS ME I AM GONNA DIE! MOMEEEE MOMEEE MOMEEE + panting the whole trip. he got his temp taken anally, ooh fun. shot of anti-biotics and other med. more panting and MOMEEE MOMEEE MOEMEEE. yesterday better, today his paws and ears almost normal.
Friday, June 15, 2012
....the older germanic conditions died out of salian life, that appear. an indistinct form of feudalism in the germania of tacitus had changed. the salian law from the 5th c, kingly office recognized, the election preserved, but hereditary election pool. king appoints rulers of provinces. a graf or reeve administrator. blah rills, around king is his comitatus, justice-mall or hundred-court. feudalism came in contact w/ tenacious gallic temper, + master organization of the romans. franks settlement slow
+ unorganized. the common franks took what they could get. franks liked the country, not cities. church more i cities. church gallo-rroman.
before he died(511) clovis destroyed the old chieftans + knights who rules gaul. he took the place of romans + goths. the visagoth went south. BURGUNDIANS became tributary. north border between gaul + germany gone + 5 c's servants to germany.
germanic prevailed, when Hl/clovis gone. his 4 sons all became kings, each 1 getting a section, theodorik, the oldest took the NE, austrasia, capital metz. hildebert, eldest of hlotehild, central, paris area + paris capital. hlodomir, the next, king of orleans also had west along the loire. the youngest alothar, old salian land. capital soissons. wars wars hlodomir killed + bro's took his land + on hildeberts death 558, hlothar became king of the franks. in 555 he had taken austrasia. hlothar's rule brings neustria. 2 frankish branches became distinguishable-german austriasians + the gallic nestria. almost all of modern france. neustria into monarchy of modern type. roun hlothar, reeves + or counts; the clergy made their court to him; the 'lendes' now become the kings "trusty men"; no a few gallo-romans held office under him.
o hlothar's death(561), the frankish kingdom divided into 44-austrasia, paris, soisons, + burgundy- the oldest son, sigebert the north east, when haribert, king of paris died in 567, helperik, king of soisons seized it + became king of neustia + now 3 kingdoms, blah blah blah. more between autrasian + neutria, burgundy on either side. brunhild, wife of sigebert,, king of austrasia + fredegond, the low born mistress of helperik, king of neustria, before end of 6th c blah blah power blah mayor of the palace. not in burgundy-more roman. benedictines from italy, xtianity new flower. culture!
....the older germanic conditions died out of salian life, that appear. an indistinct form of feudalism in the germania of tacitus had changed. the salian law from the 5th c, kingly office recognized, the election preserved, but hereditary election pool. king appoints rulers of provinces. a graf or reeve administrator. blah rills, around king is his comitatus, justice-mall or hundred-court. feudalism came in contact w/ tenacious gallic temper, + master organization of the romans. franks settlement slow
+ unorganized. the common franks took what they could get. franks liked the country, not cities. church more i cities. church gallo-rroman.
before he died(511) clovis destroyed the old chieftans + knights who rules gaul. he took the place of romans + goths. the visagoth went south. BURGUNDIANS became tributary. north border between gaul + germany gone + 5 c's servants to germany.
germanic prevailed, when Hl/clovis gone. his 4 sons all became kings, each 1 getting a section, theodorik, the oldest took the NE, austrasia, capital metz. hildebert, eldest of hlotehild, central, paris area + paris capital. hlodomir, the next, king of orleans also had west along the loire. the youngest alothar, old salian land. capital soissons. wars wars hlodomir killed + bro's took his land + on hildeberts death 558, hlothar became king of the franks. in 555 he had taken austrasia. hlothar's rule brings neustria. 2 frankish branches became distinguishable-german austriasians + the gallic nestria. almost all of modern france. neustria into monarchy of modern type. roun hlothar, reeves + or counts; the clergy made their court to him; the 'lendes' now become the kings "trusty men"; no a few gallo-romans held office under him.
o hlothar's death(561), the frankish kingdom divided into 44-austrasia, paris, soisons, + burgundy- the oldest son, sigebert the north east, when haribert, king of paris died in 567, helperik, king of soisons seized it + became king of neustia + now 3 kingdoms, blah blah blah. more between autrasian + neutria, burgundy on either side. brunhild, wife of sigebert,, king of austrasia + fredegond, the low born mistress of helperik, king of neustria, before end of 6th c blah blah power blah mayor of the palace. not in burgundy-more roman. benedictines from italy, xtianity new flower. culture!