Saturday, January 01, 2011

i rarely go so far north east. but no other sale and the listing said 3 generations and silver/books. and hummels and moocows. what are moocows? oh and laura's. that means more stuff.
so, went a few hours before the end. ick. glorified ranch. excecutive doesn't mean much. moocows are beastly figurines. small. crap. first i go down a hall thru the laundry room, peek into the garage. into a back room. teevee room? pretty empty beside chairs and the wood table. a lady right before grabbed bags of shells. good. somebody beside me got them. then i went back to the kitchen. always most important. ooh, 2 plastic tubs of mixed silverplate flatware. not much else in the 80's/90's kitchen. i grabbed a large handful. i hope that one i got a few for me is not desireable. pretty sure it isn't OOH, my favorite pattern. checked out 1/2 the basement. nothing. back upstairs, go to sun porch. oooooooooooooooh. tile floor heated. i enjoy it more as i am barefoot. tho, you had to put on booties or take your shoes off. looked at the ossoted plates from grandma and great grandma. nothing. more silver in livingroom. OOH. box of butter knives. no twisted? aha! many twisted. i pick out the pretty ones. the books in livingroom-meh. master bedroom on other side of livingroom. odd. for the double fireplce i guess. kids rooms upstairs. nice, a stream mores thru the back of the yard and house mostly faces the back. but very very boring. so, i get a big pile of silverplate flatware. picture only shows some. busy finding patterns. i did find one silver spoon maybe. marked w/ an anchor + USN on the back. ANOTHER navy spoon. i already have one. by the way. 25¢ each for the flatware. $1 @ for the twisted butter knives. aha. i did well, the pattern i got for me not desired. a few i grabbed for ebay are. maybe ice tea spoons do better. quite a few ice tea spoons.

I’ve reached the age when people sometimes develop chronic “CRAFT.” (Can’t Remember a Flaming Thing) I don’t even know where or when I got this lidded brass box, but I love it.
Speaking of age and the changes it causes in both mind and body; I figured something out last week when I was down with either the flu or something. And that is, when Neitzsche said, “What does not kill us makes us stronger,” he must have been a young person. That attitude changes.
When I had that bug last week, I was thinking: “What does not kill us only ticks us off.”
Oops. I almost went off on a ramble, but I stopped myself before getting carried away.
The box is 4 ¼” in diameter and 1 ¼” deep.

BIG Old Advertising SIGN w Jungle Animals - MANLEY NUTS-$130
I attend a little country auction that’s held most every week, and it’s just down the road. A handful of us who’ve known one another for several decades usually sit in the back and swap lies and talk about the good old days of antiquing. Sometimes the chatter gets a little out of control. That’s when the auctioneer holds his microphone close to his mouth and lets out a big “SHHHHHHHHH. . .” That quiets the crowd for a moment of two, but it really get chattery when he starts selling jewelry that only about four people give a hoot about, and they’re scrap buyers.
Anyway . . . He was selling a handful of 10K rings, and the noise from the congregation (except those four melters) sounded more like a political rally than an auction. Then, all of a sudden, the auctioneer shouted; “OK. Next lot – Manley Nuts!”
All conversation stopped. We all looked up. You would have too.
I got a real kick out of the sign, so I bought it. It’s way big, but it’s hand painted with lots of animals . . . and, of course, the brand name is unusual. I’d say the sign is around fifty or sixty years old. It could use a good but gentle bath. It’s probably been sitting around in someone’s attic for a few years.
If you’re thinking the name “Manley” rings a bell when it comes to snacks, you’re correct. They were big in the popcorn popping machine business going back to the early 1940s when they took over Burch. Their nut roasting machines were patented in the 1950s.
It’s a big sign, but fortunately it doesn’t weigh too much, which is why I can pack it safely and still ship it most anyplace in the lower 48 states for under twenty bucks.
The frame is wood, and the sign is either painted or maybe stenciled on stiff cardboard. And other than a little dirt, it’s in nice shape. It’s a fun piece!