Saturday, April 25, 2009
DEMOCRITUS- 1 of the founders of the atomic philosophy, b in thracian colony. the inhabitants notoriously stupid. contemporary of socrates. 470ishbc. traveled. lived to old age. 90 or older. 110?
much writing all lost but fragments.
atomic philosophy-all the materialistic explanations of the universe. the most permanent of the ancients. all that exists is vacuum + atoms. atoms are the ultimate material of all things, including spirit. they are encased + have existed from eternity. they are invisible, but extended, heavy, impenetrable. vary in shape + atoms in motion(einstein of the BCs!)
by the motion of the atoms the world was produced + its contents.
soul + fire of 1 nature. sensation our only source/faculty of knowledge.
"there is nothing true, + if there is, we do not know it."
" we know nothing, not even if there is anything to know."
rejected theology + mythology. but the laughing philosopher. or from the scorn he poured on human ignorance + weakness.
good wiki on him.
DEMOCRITUS- 1 of the founders of the atomic philosophy, b in thracian colony. the inhabitants notoriously stupid. contemporary of socrates. 470ishbc. traveled. lived to old age. 90 or older. 110?
much writing all lost but fragments.
atomic philosophy-all the materialistic explanations of the universe. the most permanent of the ancients. all that exists is vacuum + atoms. atoms are the ultimate material of all things, including spirit. they are encased + have existed from eternity. they are invisible, but extended, heavy, impenetrable. vary in shape + atoms in motion(einstein of the BCs!)
by the motion of the atoms the world was produced + its contents.
soul + fire of 1 nature. sensation our only source/faculty of knowledge.
"there is nothing true, + if there is, we do not know it."
" we know nothing, not even if there is anything to know."
rejected theology + mythology. but the laughing philosopher. or from the scorn he poured on human ignorance + weakness.
good wiki on him.
Friday, April 24, 2009

3 of the reverse sides of the plain letters were 'things'. grindstone? how old are these? 1900 at least.

i do think there was a small ash eruption. redoubt was all pretty with fresh snow and it was very cloudy yesterday.