Saturday, May 06, 2006

sybil aka baby girl aka baby bitch is very much a alpha cat wanna be. she thinks she is. she certainy is the only one with 'balls'. here she is being a bad adventerous girl.
big shoutout to the farmer aka HD who has made this saterday cat blogging possible.

this is when he is extra cute. i call this squidgy face. he's a happy happy cat.
Friday, May 05, 2006
OOOOOHH!!! Lake Shore Drive! lake side mansion!!! NO! CASTLE! mini castle. so. the house was quite back from the street. you walked up[ a narrow driveway. first crossing next to a deep gully(next door has a bridge for their driveway-i think i was next door for a partial sale, only the library area). very big trees. chestnuts! on the right about 100ft in was a carriage house. and 200 feet past that, the mansion. and another 200 or so back the lake. rather 'narrow' lot. go to 'front' door. which is way on the right. BIG front door. big hall, go to left fist, the HUGE HUGE kitchen. walls must have been removed. look at objects. ooh, old cans on shelf. oh my, a 30's can of tomatoes, UNOPENED. ooh, a corn can. INDIAN on label. 1/2 off of $10? yeah, i will pay that. if that's my only purchase, that ain't bad.
next go to basement. nothing, OOH! that's BIG boiler. ooh, that picnic basket would be good to haul my prints. $4? yeah, doable. go up to 3rd floor. nothing. what is this a B&B with 2 bedrooms? 2nd floor. more rooms. crappy clothes. OOOH,cool cupola bump out. nothing to buy on that floor. take the main staircase down. WOW, huge leaded glass windows. in hall a huge BAD repro painting of gainsborough's blue boy. pass by dinningroom. hmm, kinda small considering. although nice 1700's chipendale bench. living room. oh, a fake neuske(sp) rooster. broken comb, so $2($4). take that. go right again past the player grand piano and towards the lake a little entry way and then a HUGE chapel(office). hmm, what was this house? nothing in here oh wait books. clacy, no, OOH set of 1909 books(a collection of childen's lit) ILLUSTRATED. hmm, how much? $35? hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, BAH! art nouveou. YOU MUST!!! god, they are heavy. i think there was at least 10.
so i was a BAD girl and spent $29. but but but those books are an INVESTMENT!!!
OOOOOHH!!! Lake Shore Drive! lake side mansion!!! NO! CASTLE! mini castle. so. the house was quite back from the street. you walked up[ a narrow driveway. first crossing next to a deep gully(next door has a bridge for their driveway-i think i was next door for a partial sale, only the library area). very big trees. chestnuts! on the right about 100ft in was a carriage house. and 200 feet past that, the mansion. and another 200 or so back the lake. rather 'narrow' lot. go to 'front' door. which is way on the right. BIG front door. big hall, go to left fist, the HUGE HUGE kitchen. walls must have been removed. look at objects. ooh, old cans on shelf. oh my, a 30's can of tomatoes, UNOPENED. ooh, a corn can. INDIAN on label. 1/2 off of $10? yeah, i will pay that. if that's my only purchase, that ain't bad.
next go to basement. nothing, OOH! that's BIG boiler. ooh, that picnic basket would be good to haul my prints. $4? yeah, doable. go up to 3rd floor. nothing. what is this a B&B with 2 bedrooms? 2nd floor. more rooms. crappy clothes. OOOH,cool cupola bump out. nothing to buy on that floor. take the main staircase down. WOW, huge leaded glass windows. in hall a huge BAD repro painting of gainsborough's blue boy. pass by dinningroom. hmm, kinda small considering. although nice 1700's chipendale bench. living room. oh, a fake neuske(sp) rooster. broken comb, so $2($4). take that. go right again past the player grand piano and towards the lake a little entry way and then a HUGE chapel(office). hmm, what was this house? nothing in here oh wait books. clacy, no, OOH set of 1909 books(a collection of childen's lit) ILLUSTRATED. hmm, how much? $35? hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, BAH! art nouveou. YOU MUST!!! god, they are heavy. i think there was at least 10.
so i was a BAD girl and spent $29. but but but those books are an INVESTMENT!!!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
ooh, farmer, the luddite figured out how to add that site meter thingy. jumped through my hoops. republished blog. yada yada yada.
ooh, do i have to republish this one?
ooh, do i have to republish this one?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
the vets warned me about onion. the only onion they come near are cooked and i don't use fresh garlic. dried garlic bits seems to work just fine.
one less Bush week to go
one less Bush week to go
georgie plays twins
colbert takes down the spin
one less Bush week to go.
somebody tell me when we break 900 days. anybody got a countdown?
random shitty estate sale
2 ranches. one an 'executive's'. $ don't mean taste. found a few ebayables.
one less Bush week to go
one less Bush week to go
georgie plays twins
colbert takes down the spin
one less Bush week to go.
somebody tell me when we break 900 days. anybody got a countdown?
random shitty estate sale
2 ranches. one an 'executive's'. $ don't mean taste. found a few ebayables.
Monday, May 01, 2006
after i lost cosmo tragically at 10 years. and having endured one cat for several years, not so good, and then none, HORRIBLE, and pansy has already survived some skin cancer. i needed spares and i thought about what i wanted. 2 from different litters sucks. my 1st 2 were same litter that i got when i was about 5. ok ok. supposedly tabby was my brothers, BUT as a kitten, i did save her from being strangled in the black fabric under a chair. mom prefered to deal with a corpse. i never could figure that out. so let the five yr old and scizzors deal with it. tabby survived and lived to about 17yrs.
well, i didn't really want to get another older cat to 'match' pansy. kittens might be easier. but i waited awhile, and then my brother came home from a trip from iowa where he and his girlfriend visited her family in the country or wherever. and he brought back a cute black kitten to be pals with his taffy bear, a long haired calico who is too beautiful. and that black little boy was what i wanted. long haired too. well, before they could get his mommy fixed, she was knocked up again. this time 8 kittens. one runt and one maximus, 6 regular. well, they went down when they were about 4 weeks and took pics. i immediately wanted the one i called monkey face.
instead of going down to pick 2 out, steve had to take the whole litter(had planned to dump at a farm). steve was okay with that and brought them all back. 1st night back i go over. damn, that maximus orange tabby IS much bigger!!! where's monkeyface? it's in the corner with another licking it's ass. monkeyface is a girl! okay, gotta pick out a boy, so gotta sex all of them. and since there would be 5 left(runt died)i gave them the castaways names. the maximus was skipper of course. okay the makeral tabby with white paws is a boy, he can be gilligan. 2 grey tabbyish males. pick one of the 2. one a short version of monkeyface. other one tabby. no white, except the face. shorthaired monkeyface became thurston(can't call him professor). then there was a slender grey adventerous girl-maryanne, and a gorgeous longhaired mackeral who always wanted attention from the boy kittens-GINGER!
well. on the way home i explained to the kittens their names were now Basil and Pepper(she was black and grey with a little white), it never stuck. she did not like pepper, so the alternative-sybil. the fawlty's! and now he is a goofy lumox and she's a fiesty devil-angel and smaller, just like her namesake.
Basil is my first NON-black longhaired male. it's a good thing he is cute cute cute.
Sybil is still picking on pansy and she earns her knickname all the time-sybil, baby bitch.
after i lost cosmo tragically at 10 years. and having endured one cat for several years, not so good, and then none, HORRIBLE, and pansy has already survived some skin cancer. i needed spares and i thought about what i wanted. 2 from different litters sucks. my 1st 2 were same litter that i got when i was about 5. ok ok. supposedly tabby was my brothers, BUT as a kitten, i did save her from being strangled in the black fabric under a chair. mom prefered to deal with a corpse. i never could figure that out. so let the five yr old and scizzors deal with it. tabby survived and lived to about 17yrs.
well, i didn't really want to get another older cat to 'match' pansy. kittens might be easier. but i waited awhile, and then my brother came home from a trip from iowa where he and his girlfriend visited her family in the country or wherever. and he brought back a cute black kitten to be pals with his taffy bear, a long haired calico who is too beautiful. and that black little boy was what i wanted. long haired too. well, before they could get his mommy fixed, she was knocked up again. this time 8 kittens. one runt and one maximus, 6 regular. well, they went down when they were about 4 weeks and took pics. i immediately wanted the one i called monkey face.
instead of going down to pick 2 out, steve had to take the whole litter(had planned to dump at a farm). steve was okay with that and brought them all back. 1st night back i go over. damn, that maximus orange tabby IS much bigger!!! where's monkeyface? it's in the corner with another licking it's ass. monkeyface is a girl! okay, gotta pick out a boy, so gotta sex all of them. and since there would be 5 left(runt died)i gave them the castaways names. the maximus was skipper of course. okay the makeral tabby with white paws is a boy, he can be gilligan. 2 grey tabbyish males. pick one of the 2. one a short version of monkeyface. other one tabby. no white, except the face. shorthaired monkeyface became thurston(can't call him professor). then there was a slender grey adventerous girl-maryanne, and a gorgeous longhaired mackeral who always wanted attention from the boy kittens-GINGER!
well. on the way home i explained to the kittens their names were now Basil and Pepper(she was black and grey with a little white), it never stuck. she did not like pepper, so the alternative-sybil. the fawlty's! and now he is a goofy lumox and she's a fiesty devil-angel and smaller, just like her namesake.
Basil is my first NON-black longhaired male. it's a good thing he is cute cute cute.
Sybil is still picking on pansy and she earns her knickname all the time-sybil, baby bitch.
oh, i think declawing is a personal choice-OH! but BUT BUT you are amoputating their toes!!!!
my childhood pair were 4 paw declawed. they were strictly inside cats. it saved furniture as well as laps. best lap cats ever. my cousin's cat had all here claws. indoor outdoor and was a bitch to pet when it sat on you digging its claws in your thighs when happy.also when she was elderly inside only, poor thing would get her claws stuck in the rug and it was just sad seeing her try and pull them out.
sure their paws hurt the 1st day or so, usually, but they get over it and frankly i think they have way more trauma when you try and trim the nails. cause you have to.(heck, i did it for a guinee pig when i happened to visit my uncle when they were babysitting their daughters class pet. i can't endure suffering animals. poor thing).
considering how wild my 'spares' are, i think it was best. poor pansy.
i just like declawed. they don't really care. they still 'scratch'. it's much more pleasant now when sybil 'scratches' our legs. and if you have nice furniture, why bother trying to alter nature?
by the way the best scratching post is a 1 1/2 high 1 1/2 foot wide log section. my grandparent's susie's post.
my childhood pair were 4 paw declawed. they were strictly inside cats. it saved furniture as well as laps. best lap cats ever. my cousin's cat had all here claws. indoor outdoor and was a bitch to pet when it sat on you digging its claws in your thighs when happy.also when she was elderly inside only, poor thing would get her claws stuck in the rug and it was just sad seeing her try and pull them out.
sure their paws hurt the 1st day or so, usually, but they get over it and frankly i think they have way more trauma when you try and trim the nails. cause you have to.(heck, i did it for a guinee pig when i happened to visit my uncle when they were babysitting their daughters class pet. i can't endure suffering animals. poor thing).
considering how wild my 'spares' are, i think it was best. poor pansy.
i just like declawed. they don't really care. they still 'scratch'. it's much more pleasant now when sybil 'scratches' our legs. and if you have nice furniture, why bother trying to alter nature?
by the way the best scratching post is a 1 1/2 high 1 1/2 foot wide log section. my grandparent's susie's post.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
by the way new catnip patches are appearing daily. not much grows under the pussywillow, but nip is edging closer to the trunks. did elimiate some in the garden. popped up elsewhere.
ooh, brenda. that's bad. discolored walls?
pansy was fostered as a baby and had science diet and fucked up her system i think. she can't tollerate wet food(no hardship there), but has to be certain brands of dry. purina one is best.
the spares were given garlic as babies to ward off fleas. how? by their gas emmissions? they have grown out of that. whew.
garlic kitty farts BAAAAAD.
pansy tends to use hers as a defence mechanism.
pansy was fostered as a baby and had science diet and fucked up her system i think. she can't tollerate wet food(no hardship there), but has to be certain brands of dry. purina one is best.
the spares were given garlic as babies to ward off fleas. how? by their gas emmissions? they have grown out of that. whew.
garlic kitty farts BAAAAAD.
pansy tends to use hers as a defence mechanism.
ooh, i don't think i like that monster title thing.

i narrowed the flower names to tiger-lily and pansy. and since she had a pansyface, pansy it was.
later we discover teeny tiny adorable pansy FARTED and from then on pansyFACE was pansyPOO.

how cute adorable animals can fart so vilely.....