Saturday, May 23, 2009

DIES, CHRISTOPH ALBERT- 1755-1822. b. hanover. learned the rudiments of art there. 1 yr dusseldorf, 1 at 266 went to rome. 1st copied paintings, then landscapes. good watercolor. an original in oil. david wanted him to come to paris, but he had a roman woman in mind. 1787 accidently drank 3/4 oz of sugar of lead. slow + incomplete recovery. turned to music.
i found way more paintings from that one that SUUUUUUUCKED. no watercolors. quite a ladies man. maybe poisoned?
i have an answer to MAINLY republiklans who are demagogueing the GITMO detainees being brought to america-GROW A PAIR.
i have an answer to MAINLY republiklans who are demagogueing the GITMO detainees being brought to america-GROW A PAIR.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009

DIE SINKING- preperation of dies for stamping coins + medals requiring skill, blah blah blah
DIEBITSCH-SABALKANSKI, HANS KARL FRIEDRICH ANTON- 1785-1831 count vondiebitsch + narden. russian field marshall. b. silesia. entered prussian army at 12, but 4 yrs later by desire of father, a prussian officer who had joined the russian service, he switched to the russians too. served + wounded at austerlitz, fought at eylan + friedland. promoted to captain. peace 5 yrs + studies military science + joined 1812 more war. maor general, blah blah 1815 married. adjutant-general turkish war 1828-29 military flubs. sent to head quarters + died of cholera.
DIEDENBECK, ABRAHAM VAN(wiki says wiedenbeck, but nothing more)- studied painting in antwerp, under ruben's. not clever. engraving. quality. glass painting. married twice. 1637 + 1652.
DIEPPE, FRANCE- origin from norman adventurers, who found its 'diep' or inlet suitable for ships. 1st castle by henry II of england in 1188. attacked in 1195 by philip augustus. richard I of england bestowed it in 1197 on the archbishop of rouen in trade. 1339 plundered by the english. siege in 1442 by talbot. 15th c trade w/ brazil + sumatra. embraced the reformation. 1694 bombarded by english+ dutch. occupied by germans 12/1870 to 7/1871.
cool c
astle but not able to steal photos. darn.

this is another silly save from the garabge, ahh the 80's. ceramics class. classmate made this packman(ghost in the mouth). silly, but i think it's a hoot.