Saturday, May 12, 2012
Antique FISH Shaped PORCELAIN Hanging FOOD MOLD – ASPIC, MOUSSE - w Roses, FINE -$9
When I was very, very young, I remember seeing my mother’s aspic mold hanging on our kitchen wall along with other less intimidating molds; rabbit, crown, etc. etc. I wasted two or three years of my young life needlessly worrying that someday we’d sit down to dinner, and there would be a big plate of jiggling fish Jell-O.
It is pegged, chamfered, turned, mortised, planed, augured, burned, mellowed and tapered to a relatively sharp edge at the end of its two blades.
The axel is 19 ½” in length and at least 2” in diameter – depending on where you stick your yardstick. Each blade, or “paddle” if you prefer, is 23” long counting the tenon seen from the top of the axel as it peeps out of its mortise. Each blade is 9 ½” wide at the wide end and about 3” at the top where it dives into the axel.
The simpler version: This piece of wall-hanging art is 19 ½” by 23” by 2”.
From the side you can see that the blades taper down from a thinch of ½” to near infinity almost. They aren’t sharp enough to cut you, but they’re sharp enough to function properly.
The back side doesn’t have an oiled surface so you can see the wood as it is found in the wild. Speaking of which . . .
. . . you are probably asking yourself, “Where does this guy find all the priceless treasures he sells on eBay?”
Well, just this once, I’ll tell you. About six miles southeast of our little dirt farm there is a great big antiques mall. It was once a bigbox store that went belly up. Some local folks bought it and cut it up into small cubicle; each of the three sides of a cubicle is drywall on the bottom and four feet of pegboard around the top. You’ve all seen’m. It has a name, but I call it “The Pegboard Jungle.”
One of the booths in the mall is rented by a lady from out in the ‘burbs where the well off live. I think she just monkeys with antiques because she’s bored. Lord knows she doesn’t need the money. She owns both a passenger car AND a van. Enough said.
About a year ago I was walking around the Pegboard Jungle carrying a cup of coffee. Huckleberry the wonder pup was with me eager to lick anyone’s face who’d bend down and play with him. When we came to Mrs. What’sHerName’s booth, I spotted the piece hanging on a hook as if it wasn’t anything special.
I didn’t even look at the price. I just grabbed it and ran toward the cashier – my heart pounding with the rush of adrenaline.
I rushed home with it, anxious to show it to She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, once again illustrating what a good provider I am when I put my mind to it.
She didn’t even know what it was. Can you imagine? She also wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as I. So just to keep the peace, I agreed to sell it. Maybe someday she’ll gain an appreciation of fine art, but I doubt it.
I don’t need to tell you experienced collectors how seldom one of these shows up at one of those fancy-smancy big city auction houses; somewhere between rarely and never. Thank your lucky stars I’m here for you offering such treasures. Remember my motto: “341 – Where quality and service are just words we like to use.”
Friday, May 11, 2012
and now we have come to the 2nd destination we intended. the old pabst brrewery complex. we kept driving around trying to spot the road there. duh. now i now exactly the best route. i wanted to find the silos i could see from the highway. this is part of them. this is where we parked.