Saturday, March 07, 2009

george jr., the ablestof the 3 brother(girls don't count). b 1740 + stayed his father's pupil, succeeded him as city surveyor + architect. mostly w/ brother in italy, yet already distinguished for designs for public works. particularly for blackfriars bridge. d 1825. 1 of the last original founders of the royal academy. the study of gothis by the elder pugin + of carling to flaxman. hogarth to wilkie. prison of newgate in 1770. front of guildhall.
DANDELION- PERENNIAL HERB! wide range. (ARCTIC!). name french from -dent-de-lion, for the teeth like lobes of the leaves. flower stalks NUMEROUS.
DANDOLO, VINCENZO count- 1758-1819. italian scientist, good family, tho not related to the Doges. opponent of oligarchy. napoleon made him a govenor of dalmatia.
DANIEL- book of. p. 803-807 no read.

DANCE- continued
nathaniel danc-geroge's oldest son. b 1734 placed under haymn, after working/learning in father's office, a geire-historical painter. after a few years left for italy. contact w/ angelica kaufman, who he admied, following her-sent home his paintings. 1768 returned to london. at 56 married a widow(he was rich by then). knighted. occasional landscapes. died suddenly 1811.

oh, what shall i do now that my schlitz pics are all gone? too lazy to scan much right now. and so, i begin the BIEDERMEIERs.
went to the art museum show of this stuff a few years ago.
Friday, March 06, 2009

DANCE- family of english painters.
-george sr.-the father of 2 other. b 1695-d 1768, at a time when niether gothic nor classic architecture. was properly studied in england. on his return from the continent, after studies, he obtainted an appt to architecture to the city of london + immediately had a chance of distinction w/ the mansion house(pictured) in 1739 + well received. followed by churches of botophe, adgate + st leonard + other works. continued til death.
another 341. I WANT THOSE EYES!
Every old house, at one time or another, had a least one outhouse or privy. Lots of us still remember them oh too well, especially that winter time part. An incredibly interesting “sport” around here is digging up the earth where these old privies stood. Great treasures of all kinds were thrown into the privy: Evidence, whiskey bottles, you name it. Other things fell in accidentally: Watches, coins, or anything else that might fall out of your pockets while using the facility.
I hope this doesn’t creep you out, but there was one more thing that ended up in the privy – dolls! Many a little girl has come running and screaming back to the house: “I dropped Sally in the privy! She’s dying!” Mother had to console her, but that was Sally’s doom.
This may get a little creepy and weird, so if you’re prone to nightmares, you may want to leave. Anyhow - One guy who lives around here has been digging privies for years. He cleans off what essentially just composted dirt, and he separates his finds into categories. I had the opportunity to buy his doll finds, so I jumped at it. Who wouldn’t?
OK . . . Now that the wimps have left, we can take a good close look. Two of the heads have glass eyes – one painted eyes – and two are down right spooky with no eyes at all.
It’s a little head and torso museum! All but one have painted eyes. Brace yourself, and I’ll show you a close-up of the two.
I’d never realized what a part the “valentine” part of the butt cheeks played in doll design. Lots of markings on those as well. (The back of the heads – not the cracks.)