Saturday, May 31, 2008

sigh, WHY didn't take a picture of the nicely veneered dining table? and the nice chair? house rather boring. as was the house contents. good because treasure traders costs more. i kept it under $4. shame i had to wait and sat in the nice chair. went thru the basket of cards. took 3 that might be ebayable. the greyhounds might. also found an old hoyle's card rule book. but in the kitchen a old whipper with a nice handle for ebay. but for me maybe. a danish plate. prefer the one i have with vikings and foxes. love the fox set. wonder if there had been a little cup,
got a little book of churchill quotes.

i found this in grandma's hoard. didn't sell on ebay. but don't know WHAT it is other than a plastic disk.
CHARPENTIER FRANCOIS- 1620-1702 archaeologist + man of letters. b. paris, intended for law, but preferred literature. started the removal of latin for monumental inscriptions. was erudite + ingenious, but heavy + common.
CHARRON, PIERRE- 1541-1603 french philosopher. one of 25 children of a bookseller in paris. studied law. obtained dr degree. no success, so entered the church + gained popularity as preacher. rose to canon. friendship w/ montaign. published books. blah blah
CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT- 1st earl of chatham 1708-1778. english statseman + parliamentary orator(did i post any of his?). much blah blah 4+ pages.
CHAUCER, GEOFFREY- 1340-1400 b. in london. much discussion on biographies. was soldier many years. married a philppa, who served Queen Philippa. 5+ pages.
CHEETAH/HUNTING LEOPARD- exhibits feline + canine characteristics. (did a grade school paper on them and remembered that). they could tell back then. are the gonna do cheetah genome?
CHARPENTIER FRANCOIS- 1620-1702 archaeologist + man of letters. b. paris, intended for law, but preferred literature. started the removal of latin for monumental inscriptions. was erudite + ingenious, but heavy + common.
CHARRON, PIERRE- 1541-1603 french philosopher. one of 25 children of a bookseller in paris. studied law. obtained dr degree. no success, so entered the church + gained popularity as preacher. rose to canon. friendship w/ montaign. published books. blah blah
CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT- 1st earl of chatham 1708-1778. english statseman + parliamentary orator(did i post any of his?). much blah blah 4+ pages.
CHAUCER, GEOFFREY- 1340-1400 b. in london. much discussion on biographies. was soldier many years. married a philppa, who served Queen Philippa. 5+ pages.
CHEETAH/HUNTING LEOPARD- exhibits feline + canine characteristics. (did a grade school paper on them and remembered that). they could tell back then. are the gonna do cheetah genome?
somebody paid for these salt &pepper shakers. somebody saved them. a lot of drugs were used back then.

near the end of my time at schlitz, we had a special big job doing some windows and such for bar areas of a st. louis casino. also at this time the main cutter, mike, in the middle was diagnosed with lung cancer. his brother david worked at schlitz in the office and did taping when we needed it. i started doing basic cutting on this job. we had to do about 16 of these windows. some square, some rectangle. almost like assembly line work. but damn, after this, my soldering and micheles was outstandingly good. we could whip it out in no time. might be mike's last window. he wasn't the best cutter, but his shades had good color touch. did execllent oriental poppies. just had to rind his more. but WAY better than best 'cutter' john. never had to fix a mike shade.
Friday, May 30, 2008
CHARLES MARTEL- 689ish-741. illegitimate son of Pepin d' Heristal, duke of Austrasia +major of the palace of the morovingian kings of france. wild youth. father left office to wife + grandson.(suspicions that Ch had murdered his brother). but austrasians no happy w/ wife + baby. made Ch their duke + war began + foundation of the modern french state. subdued the Neustrians. forced duke of aquitain to obey the french crown drove back saxons, bavarians + other German tribes compelled Frisians to be christian, but most important his victory of tours + portiers in 732 + stayed the north advance of the saracens. this battle gave him title martel or 'the hammer'. 737, on death of thierry IV, no new king + he retained same title. divided his territory between sons, pepin + carloman. on death of C, pepin took all. was not all good to church.
LAST OF THE CHUCKS!!!! aren't you glad american history 'starts' in 1492!
CHARLES MARTEL- 689ish-741. illegitimate son of Pepin d' Heristal, duke of Austrasia +major of the palace of the morovingian kings of france. wild youth. father left office to wife + grandson.(suspicions that Ch had murdered his brother). but austrasians no happy w/ wife + baby. made Ch their duke + war began + foundation of the modern french state. subdued the Neustrians. forced duke of aquitain to obey the french crown drove back saxons, bavarians + other German tribes compelled Frisians to be christian, but most important his victory of tours + portiers in 732 + stayed the north advance of the saracens. this battle gave him title martel or 'the hammer'. 737, on death of thierry IV, no new king + he retained same title. divided his territory between sons, pepin + carloman. on death of C, pepin took all. was not all good to church.
LAST OF THE CHUCKS!!!! aren't you glad american history 'starts' in 1492!

CHARLES EDWARD LOUIS PHILIP CASIMIR/BONNY PRINCE CHARLEY- 1720-1788, elder son of James, the pretender + the chevalier st. george. grandson of James II + nephew of anne + heir to them, but by hereditary rights null following 1688 revolution. educated in rome, his mother, a sobieski, by blood, guided his studies. spoke french, italian, + latin. in 1734, the duke of livia, duke of berwick, who was joining Don Carlos' struggle for the crown of naples, passed thru rome. offered the pretender to take charge if Ch willing to join him. he did + at 14, took part in the seige of Gaeta.
handsome + accomplished, introduced to the pope + Italian high society. sent to tour italy. blah blah blah civil war again. stuarts lost.
debauchery=maj walkenshaw 1772. arranged marriage w/louise, princes of stolberg. bad husband. 6 years after took refuge in a convent.
so, mcinsain was in milwaukee, so our NPR station had a bit of his speech at a LUTHERAN high school. so, he's rammbling my friends and then he starts about his gas tax holiday and it gets REAL folksy. just wanted to be nice to people ya know and had people attacking him. he just wanted to give the poor a little help so they good go away for the weekend to someplace nicer, CAUSE THE $2 DOLLARS THEY SAVE ARE GONNA GET THEM A WEEKEND AT THE PFISTER. forget food. to get away for the weekend to someplace nice.
and then more fucking rambling my frinedsto nuclear energy and getting energy independent. WHERE WE MIGHT BE IF RONNY FUCKING RAYGUN HADN'T KILLED CARTERS MOVE TOWARDS ENERGY INDEPENDENCE.
i guess it did go to rant.
i STILL can't believe what he said poor people can do with their gas tax holiday money.
so, mcinsain was in milwaukee, so our NPR station had a bit of his speech at a LUTHERAN high school. so, he's rammbling my friends and then he starts about his gas tax holiday and it gets REAL folksy. just wanted to be nice to people ya know and had people attacking him. he just wanted to give the poor a little help so they good go away for the weekend to someplace nicer, CAUSE THE $2 DOLLARS THEY SAVE ARE GONNA GET THEM A WEEKEND AT THE PFISTER. forget food. to get away for the weekend to someplace nice.
and then more fucking rambling my frinedsto nuclear energy and getting energy independent. WHERE WE MIGHT BE IF RONNY FUCKING RAYGUN HADN'T KILLED CARTERS MOVE TOWARDS ENERGY INDEPENDENCE.
i guess it did go to rant.
i STILL can't believe what he said poor people can do with their gas tax holiday money.

another part of the portrait's background that i cut off. the portrait was a small piece of the paper. this is about 22x26 or 28inches. i DO like to be decorative. used metalic paint. sandpaper. eraser and pastels.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

CHARLES AUGUSTUS - 1757-1828 grand duke of saxe-weimar. fathr died young. educated under count gortz + tutored by weiland, knebel, seidler, + hermann. at 17, he commenced his friendship w? goethe, who joined his tutors. geniuses of his court. took power at 18, + next yr entered prussian army, where he stayed til the defeat at Jena 1806, when he became part of the rhennish confederacy + gave aid to the french. in 1813, joined the coalition against napoleon. + took command of army of saxons, hessians, + russians. his letters to goethe published in 1863.

CHARLES ALBERT- 1798-1849 king of sardinia. son of charles emmaanuel of savoy carignano. 1821 appointed regent. in 1823 served in french army. blah blah blah Ch did what he could to further commerce + popularize art + science + tried to be good.

ukraine abndoned place, but this shot of the mushroom growing in the ceiling too 'pretty'. posted by werfer
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
i saw 2 pint size chippie babies. seems a tad early, but then they were cuter. also a bit of XXX action, but too cold for more. AND 4 pole beanlets up! or spotted. peas still growing.
i saw 2 pint size chippie babies. seems a tad early, but then they were cuter. also a bit of XXX action, but too cold for more. AND 4 pole beanlets up! or spotted. peas still growing.

a rare ebay buy. but i couldn't resist as it is european for sugar. not danish. from tennessee. they had a lot of brits/irish/scottish. polish? not sure. not big. about 4 inches long.
i bid this up to $12. not that i needed to or had a chance, this little dice game got over $40.

not really abandoned. this building was an old movie theater in it. the paradise, but now a 'church'. looks like they are reviving the lower store section. i wish it was still a theater. saw classic movies there.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

only one more so i better find more n ebay. OR i make it eames. or, when i find them.