Saturday, September 22, 2007

basil has been preoccupied with the front hall. and then. MOUSE! a mouse seen!
must put traps in front hall and block off house. lots of room between floor and door. put bricks in front of door. basil lays in dinning room all evening. waiting....
and then BAM! basil has attacked the door. SHIT! it's big and it's climbing the door!!!! basil WANTS IT!
to be continued......

santa may be able to bring the elfs back in a month. CHRISTMAS may be saved!

early sweater. used a pattern. i ripped apart most of them. this one is ok. didn't want to bother.
Friday, September 21, 2007

well, looks like santa's fucked. no more lake. it's fucking open ocean to the horizon.
sigh. i really liked polar bears.

'February sunset looking east'. one of my earlier landscapes. 14?x20?. i would like to redo it bigger. but sometimes, best not to. but i sold it, so i WANT it. sigh.
oh. i had to pick up my mom at the hospital she used to work at. now she mostly telecommutes. anyways, because of construction, i was parked in a different spot. i think i was early. just happened to see the sun hit the trees and the grey clouds and bam. PAINT IT!
Thursday, September 20, 2007

now, this is probably ebay gold and it WAS free, but for now it's mine. almost 5 foot long i think. the sign for an old resort from northern WI. i have to ask charlie gumm more about it.
when my cousin Dan's 1st wedding reception was held on charlie's cabin land. he is a former milwaukee cop. my grandpa's cousin. he brought out this fish to set the wedding fireworks off. so the fish has some burn marks too, besides the bullet holes. metal over wood.
charlie was going to PITCH IT! OH NO! can i have it? please?
and now i have it. sigh. it woulda looked real good in keith's green room. sigh.
it's fucking awesome.
lease ignore the driftwood and fur bits.

i sort of remember this estate sale. very ethnic. eastern europe. a 'prestige' sale. i don't go to his sales much anymore. has to be a really cool area. i don't think it's american wood.

i took out the swedish/portuguese roosters so you can see i am quite afflicted with an addiction. it started at a tiny etate sale many years ago. there was a small rooster and a HUMUNGOUS repaired one. both 50¢. i almost resisted the BIG one. but, only 50¢. i have had to glue the head back on a few times. i do like that i would find smaller and smaller ones. and the 2 metal ones. and then and THEN i found a DALA rooster! and an old one! never heard of them til ebay. and now i have a mini dala horse. found one to ebay. not much a fan of the vermillion red.
can't remember where i found the cork topper. didn't find any of them in denmark!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
but but but i thought luddite was from ludlow!
i don't remember ned in my history books. maybe he's in my EBs.
maybe i just demand quality. and old stuff is just made better. i pulled one of my heaters back into the bathroom. you can't beat an old copper bowl heater.
i really should do a heater post soon.
north pole still black.
i don't remember ned in my history books. maybe he's in my EBs.
maybe i just demand quality. and old stuff is just made better. i pulled one of my heaters back into the bathroom. you can't beat an old copper bowl heater.
i really should do a heater post soon.
north pole still black.
BROWN, Robert- founder of Brownists, a numerous sect of discontents in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. b 1550. son of Anthony Brown of Tolthorp, whose father obtained, by charter of Henry VIII, the singular privilege of wearing his cap in the king's presence. R educated at cambridge and after a school master in Southwark. 1580, began to promulgate his principles of dissent from the established church and the following year, preached at norwich, where he attracted a large following. the chuch leaders took him to court, where he was insolent and taken into custody, but released by intercession of his relative, lord treasurer Burghley. immigrated to zealand and started his church. the brownists broke up later and came back. tried again, failed and he reformed in 1590 to the church of england. fight with parish constable. imprisoned. in 1630, where he died at 80 years.
BROWN, Charles Farrah, aka artemus Ward. american humorous writer. b 1834 in maine. 1850, 1st work published, 1860, editor of Vanity Fair. became popular lecturer. contributed to Punch. d. 1867 of consumption.
BROWNING, Elizabeth Barret- most distiguished english poet. b 1809. showed talent early, by 15, fragile constitution, but strong in creativity, blind tutor Boyd, instructed her in greek literature. always fragile, 1837, a blood-vessel burst in her lungs. she lived, but long period of weakness and suffering. 2 years to recover and then witnessed the death of her favorite brother, who drowned at torquay, and soon became an invalid for 7 years. when 37, 1846, married Mr. Browning. Mr took her to italy, which vastly improved her health. d. 1861.
EFFUSIVE descriptions of her poetry. blah blah blah
BROWNIST- religious sect at end of 16th century. from Robert Brown. sir walter raleigh in 1592, estimated them at no less than 20,000. harsh measures and the brownist own tone against the established church of england stamped out the sect in . but remnant found in holland between 1593-1608 many eminent men there, but soon descetsion and they separated into 2 camps.
doctrine-no church weddings, but civil only. childrren only baptized if parents belongs to the church. rejected prayer and lord's prayer NOT to be recited as a prayer, but be a model for prayers. system of the church democratic. did not erect the priesthood into a distinct order.
hmm, i may be a brownist...
BROWN, Robert- founder of Brownists, a numerous sect of discontents in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. b 1550. son of Anthony Brown of Tolthorp, whose father obtained, by charter of Henry VIII, the singular privilege of wearing his cap in the king's presence. R educated at cambridge and after a school master in Southwark. 1580, began to promulgate his principles of dissent from the established church and the following year, preached at norwich, where he attracted a large following. the chuch leaders took him to court, where he was insolent and taken into custody, but released by intercession of his relative, lord treasurer Burghley. immigrated to zealand and started his church. the brownists broke up later and came back. tried again, failed and he reformed in 1590 to the church of england. fight with parish constable. imprisoned. in 1630, where he died at 80 years.
BROWN, Charles Farrah, aka artemus Ward. american humorous writer. b 1834 in maine. 1850, 1st work published, 1860, editor of Vanity Fair. became popular lecturer. contributed to Punch. d. 1867 of consumption.
BROWNING, Elizabeth Barret- most distiguished english poet. b 1809. showed talent early, by 15, fragile constitution, but strong in creativity, blind tutor Boyd, instructed her in greek literature. always fragile, 1837, a blood-vessel burst in her lungs. she lived, but long period of weakness and suffering. 2 years to recover and then witnessed the death of her favorite brother, who drowned at torquay, and soon became an invalid for 7 years. when 37, 1846, married Mr. Browning. Mr took her to italy, which vastly improved her health. d. 1861.
EFFUSIVE descriptions of her poetry. blah blah blah
BROWNIST- religious sect at end of 16th century. from Robert Brown. sir walter raleigh in 1592, estimated them at no less than 20,000. harsh measures and the brownist own tone against the established church of england stamped out the sect in . but remnant found in holland between 1593-1608 many eminent men there, but soon descetsion and they separated into 2 camps.
doctrine-no church weddings, but civil only. childrren only baptized if parents belongs to the church. rejected prayer and lord's prayer NOT to be recited as a prayer, but be a model for prayers. system of the church democratic. did not erect the priesthood into a distinct order.
hmm, i may be a brownist...
well, not sure it it is just out or maybe it sank. pic is black. the other has been snowed in for several days.
well, not sure it it is just out or maybe it sank. pic is black. the other has been snowed in for several days.

i also go to astronomy picture a day. today's was quite spectacular. ooh...ahhh....
now if i could find an underwater live cam.....

well, the latest shot from the north pole looks more polar. but, it sure seems a tad to WET.
i'll be waiting to see what happens NEXT year.
or tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
stupid link box no work. here's the polar cam link. no, not gonna make it work. luddite done!
spell check doesn't like luddite?
spell check doesn't like luddite?

link work?
gee, the 'lake' looks bigger to me. or would that be a slush puddle?

oh shit. was just thinking, what if i click on the north pole cam and it looks like a lake. IT LOOKS LIKE A LAKE right now. ok, a chain of lakes side wetland. but AFTER a flooding rain!
69? more Bush weeks to go
69? more Bush weeks to go
abu's gone, georgie nominates a new AG
will this republikan be another Bush toady?
69? more Bsh weeks to go
ooh, another deca DOWN! more! NOW!
even if it just eliminates 4 weeks.
if not now, WHEN?
only good for democratic BJs???
69? more Bush weeks to go
abu's gone, georgie nominates a new AG
will this republikan be another Bush toady?
69? more Bsh weeks to go
ooh, another deca DOWN! more! NOW!
even if it just eliminates 4 weeks.
if not now, WHEN?
only good for democratic BJs???
every day i check the north pole live cam. am, afternoon, evening, late night, and lately i have been seeing way way WAY too much water up there. i am very skered.
and i want georgie to go away NOW.
every day i check the north pole live cam. am, afternoon, evening, late night, and lately i have been seeing way way WAY too much water up there. i am very skered.
and i want georgie to go away NOW.
Monday, September 17, 2007
BRITANNICUS- son of mperor claudius and messalina. 42 ad. originally Claudius Tiberius Germanicus. called B in honor of that conquest. til 48, considered C's heir, til mom's execution. agrippina, C's new wife soon persuaded to pass over B and make her son Lucius Domitus(nero) his heir. Nero poisoned B at 14. built a pire the same night, even tho a great deluge of rain.
BRONTE, Charlotte b 1816. father a reverend. 2 older sisters, 1 brother and 2 younger sister. Mother died after moving to Bradford parish and the children left to educate and train themselves. father's health bad. saw little of him. no children of their age. created own world. bleak moors and few people. by 13, char already weaving tales and thinking narratively. all the family partian in stories. 1824, older girls went to a school, which they didn't like, they soon got sickly and came home and died in 1825.
went to europe with Emily to learn french
Brother became hopeless drunk.
1846, a book of poetry by the sisters under name bell published. not much attention, but encouraged to write.
3 novels. wuthering heights, agnes grey published, and charlotte-the professor, not accepted. Jane eyre next in 1847.
Immediate success. but identity secret. brother dies in 1848 and emily and ann soon followed him in 1848 and 1849.
Charlotte had written shirley at this time. the disclosure of her identity, introduced her into literary society. she met prominent men, but her former life made this attention painful and she escaped home. and then bad health. finished Villette, published 1853. 1854, married her father's curate, reverend Nicholls and for a time enjoyed domestic life, but her sickly constitution took her also in 1855. posthumously The Professor published.
compairs Bronte to Austin. austin better at plot, but characters richer in B's.
briefly emily-wutheing heights a literary curiosity.
Anne-little power or genius.
talks of new 'edition of 1875 of the 'big 3' of the sister's books.
BRONZE- mostly particulars of alloys in roman and greek coins. and bronze sculptures. alloy of tin and copper.
BROOCH/BROACH-from french broche, an awl or bodkin. a spit sometimes. called broach and hence the phrase- to broach a barrel. used thru.antiquity. description of different groups broaches.
BROOKLYN, city of US. opposite NYC(central park on map). looks smaller.
traffic to city by tramway lines before steam ferries, IS TO BE RENDERED MORE CONVENIENT BY A LARGE BRIDGE in coursse of construction. this bridge, which crosses the east river near it's western extremity, is 85 ft verticle and has a river span of 1576 ft and a total length of 5989 ft. cost estimated to exceed $13 million.
1st settlement of Breuckelen in 1636, when a few Wallon took residence on the spot that still bears name of Wall-about(Walabogt or wallon's bay. enlish and dutch settler's followed. 1689 po. 509(65 slaves). 1776 a battlesite. in 1816 incorporated into village. in 1834 became chartered. in 1855 pop. 205,250. in 1876, est 500,000.
BROUWER, Adrian-dutch painter 1608-1640 no paintings found. bummer. only 32 when died.
BROWN, Charles Brockden 1st american novelist admired in europe. b 1771-1810. quaker parents.
BROWN, John american abolitionist, originator of the Harper's Ferry insurrection. b 1800. was to be churchman, but gave up because of eye inflammation. Tanner for 20 years. unsuccessful, tried wool trade in ohio in 1840. failing, moved to NY in 1849 and began reclaiming land granted to him. 2 years later returned to ohio and wool trade. in 1855 w/ 5 sons, went to Kansas and became a prominent anti-slavery man.
reknown for cross border warfare, which went on between kansas and missouri and gained celebrity by victory at Ossowahomie. at this time, got idea of arming the slaves and inciting them to revolt. 1st step, seize arsenal from Harper's ferry. on 16 oct, 1859, he and a handful of well-armed resolute men, overpowered said arsenal. then he made prisoners of tehe chief men in town, but slaves did not revolt as expected(iWaq?). townsmen then acted and on 18th, arsenal recaptured and brow wounded and taken prisoner. oct 27th tried for treason and murder, found guilty. death by hanging on dec. 2.
BRITANNICUS- son of mperor claudius and messalina. 42 ad. originally Claudius Tiberius Germanicus. called B in honor of that conquest. til 48, considered C's heir, til mom's execution. agrippina, C's new wife soon persuaded to pass over B and make her son Lucius Domitus(nero) his heir. Nero poisoned B at 14. built a pire the same night, even tho a great deluge of rain.
BRONTE, Charlotte b 1816. father a reverend. 2 older sisters, 1 brother and 2 younger sister. Mother died after moving to Bradford parish and the children left to educate and train themselves. father's health bad. saw little of him. no children of their age. created own world. bleak moors and few people. by 13, char already weaving tales and thinking narratively. all the family partian in stories. 1824, older girls went to a school, which they didn't like, they soon got sickly and came home and died in 1825.
went to europe with Emily to learn french
Brother became hopeless drunk.
1846, a book of poetry by the sisters under name bell published. not much attention, but encouraged to write.
3 novels. wuthering heights, agnes grey published, and charlotte-the professor, not accepted. Jane eyre next in 1847.
Immediate success. but identity secret. brother dies in 1848 and emily and ann soon followed him in 1848 and 1849.
Charlotte had written shirley at this time. the disclosure of her identity, introduced her into literary society. she met prominent men, but her former life made this attention painful and she escaped home. and then bad health. finished Villette, published 1853. 1854, married her father's curate, reverend Nicholls and for a time enjoyed domestic life, but her sickly constitution took her also in 1855. posthumously The Professor published.
compairs Bronte to Austin. austin better at plot, but characters richer in B's.
briefly emily-wutheing heights a literary curiosity.
Anne-little power or genius.
talks of new 'edition of 1875 of the 'big 3' of the sister's books.
BRONZE- mostly particulars of alloys in roman and greek coins. and bronze sculptures. alloy of tin and copper.
BROOCH/BROACH-from french broche, an awl or bodkin. a spit sometimes. called broach and hence the phrase- to broach a barrel. used thru.antiquity. description of different groups broaches.
BROOKLYN, city of US. opposite NYC(central park on map). looks smaller.
traffic to city by tramway lines before steam ferries, IS TO BE RENDERED MORE CONVENIENT BY A LARGE BRIDGE in coursse of construction. this bridge, which crosses the east river near it's western extremity, is 85 ft verticle and has a river span of 1576 ft and a total length of 5989 ft. cost estimated to exceed $13 million.
1st settlement of Breuckelen in 1636, when a few Wallon took residence on the spot that still bears name of Wall-about(Walabogt or wallon's bay. enlish and dutch settler's followed. 1689 po. 509(65 slaves). 1776 a battlesite. in 1816 incorporated into village. in 1834 became chartered. in 1855 pop. 205,250. in 1876, est 500,000.
BROUWER, Adrian-dutch painter 1608-1640 no paintings found. bummer. only 32 when died.
BROWN, Charles Brockden 1st american novelist admired in europe. b 1771-1810. quaker parents.
BROWN, John american abolitionist, originator of the Harper's Ferry insurrection. b 1800. was to be churchman, but gave up because of eye inflammation. Tanner for 20 years. unsuccessful, tried wool trade in ohio in 1840. failing, moved to NY in 1849 and began reclaiming land granted to him. 2 years later returned to ohio and wool trade. in 1855 w/ 5 sons, went to Kansas and became a prominent anti-slavery man.
reknown for cross border warfare, which went on between kansas and missouri and gained celebrity by victory at Ossowahomie. at this time, got idea of arming the slaves and inciting them to revolt. 1st step, seize arsenal from Harper's ferry. on 16 oct, 1859, he and a handful of well-armed resolute men, overpowered said arsenal. then he made prisoners of tehe chief men in town, but slaves did not revolt as expected(iWaq?). townsmen then acted and on 18th, arsenal recaptured and brow wounded and taken prisoner. oct 27th tried for treason and murder, found guilty. death by hanging on dec. 2.

christmas pansy, because it is from a photo of pansy laying next to the mini Xmas tree. a little after this photo, cosmo tried to mount pansy, who said no way. poor cosmo.
of course, i really liked these colors. you shall see.
Sunday, September 16, 2007

i tried to post these last week, but for some reason blogger said my pics where verbotten. fixed em up some more. last week i discovered this awful plastic decorated mirror, but but but the image is SOOOOO in need of being painted! in the same obnoxious colors! i shall paint them in watercolor! i shall paint them in acrylic, i shall paint them in oil! and i just might do them in pastels too!
i shall be doing cows and chickens!

it started with the long hanging monkey. i couldn't resist that face. he had a broken ear, so, didn't bother ebaying him. then the little one from another estate sale. i figured he could handg on the long. his tail was broken, he needed a home.
then i found the big wood one at a sale. ok, join the others. all hung on my bookcase, tho the little one would frequently jump into the litter box. tch tch.
well, a few days into the zoo-line monkey being listed, i was asked if i had any hanging bamboo monkeys. i said i did. just didn't know they were desired and said i would list them when i got photos. ask, and ye shall receive! she also won a stuffed columbian alligator i listed. i don't NEED 2 of those. told me she was a breast cancer survivor. and just loved odd things. just like me. so far she is top bidder. hope she at least gets one.
th little one has 2 bids so far. my favorite one doesn't have anybody else following it. and such a cute face!
Scottish Poet Laureate (unofficial)
ebay? how is this ebay? well, i sold a steven king book(hardback with dustcover) to a very nice brit, and we started chatting as we waited for his cash to arrive. and we talked again. and when it was flooding there. about dracula. i read the book in 03' and he was visiting there. and we have very nice chats. he is on a THREE WEEK vacation right now. and he sent me this little poem. i thought it is something to blog.
Scottish Poet Laureate (unofficial)
ebay? how is this ebay? well, i sold a steven king book(hardback with dustcover) to a very nice brit, and we started chatting as we waited for his cash to arrive. and we talked again. and when it was flooding there. about dracula. i read the book in 03' and he was visiting there. and we have very nice chats. he is on a THREE WEEK vacation right now. and he sent me this little poem. i thought it is something to blog.