Saturday, October 04, 2008

ooh! a mini castle! english on the outside. spanish/italian hollywood on the interior. plaster like 'my' house in the basement to 2nd floor in the hall. horrid pastel bedrooms. blue/green/pink. goodies in the kitchen. i resisted the printer's letter drawer nicknack shelf. but snagged a few things from it. ooh, eames danish crudite spikes! pics to come. pretty old austrian plate for $1! rats. i missed out on the chair. dang. i woulda loved it for my desk! RATS! i woulda given the $25!

COREA- kingdon of east asia, the greater part of which occupies a peninsula blah blah. history- Corea or Chosen, as called by natives appears !st in 1122 CB as affording asylum to viscount of Re, and since that period, it has been claimed an integral part of the chinese empire. neither at that time, nor centuries after, did it form political unity. various states as It wuy, shin-han, pih-tse + Sin-lo mentioned. in 1st blah blah 11th C king Kao-li/wang-kian, or wang the founder, united the penisula. the fall of the mongolian dynasty in china brought revolution to corea too.
in 1392 tsi-tsien founder of present dynasty. siong-siong 1506-1544 war w? japan 1597 invaded japan. 1615 peace w/japan. on ming's side when manchu dynasty took over + since iolation, except what ambassadors told them. in 1784, christian religion introduced. jesuit BS(french missionaries killed) 1866 uropeans expelled, american ships burned.
CORENZIO, BELISARIO- 1558-1643, a greek studied under tintoretto + then settled in naples. became famous for unscrupulous conduct as a man + rapid execution as an artist. tho careless in composition + mannerist, he possessed fertility of invention + readiness of hand (picasso!). when guido reni came in 1621 + painted a chapel, corenzio paid to have him killed, the assassin killed guido's assistant + reni left. C only temp imprisoned + became court painter. died at 85 from a fall from a scaffold.
no paintings seem to exist on the internets. only drawings.

this WHOLE house in a VERY high end neighborhood(property taxes!) was just a STORAGE place for a antique dealer. did not live here. just for his or hers STUFF! i wish i had spent more time at the drawers full of silver plate. i got quite a bit. mind boggling.

this is the lamp shade i made for my aunt. need to take new photos. i like this pattern better. looks like a tree when lit. tree base. if she had visited sooner, she might have gotten more. lucky she has this one. i do miss doing that work......
Friday, October 03, 2008
was at the butcher. yes. i get high end hamberger meat. anyways, i'm at check out and these older 'golf' honkeys are goin on about anti obama bullshit. i think i heard a muslim reference, i mutter bullshit as i leave after paying for my meat.
and at the door one of them says-maybe he'll get assinated! i SO wanted to slap the bastards.
yeah well, may they suffer thru president obama like i have thru geoorgee.
make them SUCK on it.
was at the butcher. yes. i get high end hamberger meat. anyways, i'm at check out and these older 'golf' honkeys are goin on about anti obama bullshit. i think i heard a muslim reference, i mutter bullshit as i leave after paying for my meat.
and at the door one of them says-maybe he'll get assinated! i SO wanted to slap the bastards.
yeah well, may they suffer thru president obama like i have thru geoorgee.
make them SUCK on it.

the older shingle style coach house from the 20's lake shore castle sale.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
AHA! now i get what is bothering me. she is talking to the camera. ignoring eveything else. she is sending her power over the stupid RIGHT thru the teevee. she has her lines to make them warm in their hearts!
AHA! now i get what is bothering me. she is talking to the camera. ignoring eveything else. she is sending her power over the stupid RIGHT thru the teevee. she has her lines to make them warm in their hearts!
cheeney with tits.
if palin's relatives IZ teachurs. WOE to the childrenz.
if her family has teachers, WHY IS SHE SO STUPID.
if palin's relatives IZ teachurs. WOE to the childrenz.
if her family has teachers, WHY IS SHE SO STUPID.
oh lordy. she has here talking points down pat. and what fucking flag pin beside america is she wearing? is that the JEWISH flag?
oh lordy. she has here talking points down pat. and what fucking flag pin beside america is she wearing? is that the JEWISH flag?
are fishes critters? eh. anyways. this is MY 'new' hoard. only one to bid, as of the missing fin. tho i must say it was replaced by a plastic thing to dup the original, and i gotta say, too funny to change it! the rest of the fish is just too damn nice to care. i'd never have been able to afford it if it had been perfect. heh. my 99¢ BIG mexican cat is guarding it.