Saturday, April 02, 2011

Antique BENTWOOD & BRASS Thonet Style CLOCK SHELF, Oak-$115
Each time I’ve walked through the room and glanced at this old clock shelf, I’ve been reminded of the famous Thonet bentwood chairs of the late 19th Century. I don’t know who made it, but it is a remarkably strong and finely made shelf – all oak. (Except the brass caps, fittings and ferrules of course . . )
The top is a single oak board; 22” by 7 ½” by ½” thick. The total height, or drop, from the shelf surface to the bottoms of the brass caps is 9 ½”.
So – It would hold most and mantle or “kitchen,” gingerbread clock. And the maximum weight of the clock (or statue or marble sculpture, etc.) you choose to put on it would rely on the screws you use to mount it – not the shelf.
There are a few very minor scuffs at the bottom edge of the front of the shelf. I could have touched them up, but I didn’t. My red arrow points to a decorative construction feature I love: brass fittings where the horizontal post meets the end posts. Now that’s a nice touch.
Which came first? The chicken or the egg? The clock or the shelf? That’s going to be totally up to you. If you don’t have an antique clock, bid on the shelf until you win. Then you’ll have fun looking for just the right clock for

ERIPHYLE- greek myth, the wife of the seer aimphiaraus, whom the argive chief adrastus took w/ him to thebes. blah blah Œdipus necklace harmonia blah blah
ERIS- greek myth, sis of the war god ares, + in the heriodic theogony a daughter of nyx, the night, who is also the mom of righteous recompence, nemisis, in iliad eris, or strife insignificant at 1st, but swelling til her head touches the heavens, in the legend of the trojan war, eris the goddess who at the marriage fest of poleus + thetis flings on the table a golden apple, a gift for the fairest of the fairs. the rivalry of the 3 dieties- hera, aphrodite, + athena-for the gift in decided by the judgment of paris,appointed umpire by zeus, bestows it on aphrodite.
in Æneid she is discordia.