Saturday, August 15, 2009
DUEL-pg 511-515, deadly combat between 2 people.
1. the judicial combat, a-for in a trial w/ prevailed in the middle ages, or ordained by law as a proof of guilt or innocence or 2 the modern duel-pre-arranged combat w/ deadly weapons to settle a private quarrel.
in 501 gondebaid, king of the burgundians, passed a law authorizing this new form of 'trial'.
1385 a duel preposterous to make the most LOSE faith in god. a certain jacques legris accused by the wife of jean carronge of disguising himself as her husband + having sex w/ her. duel in presence of charles VI-legris defeated + hanged. not long after a criminal arrested + he admitted to the crime. thece, no longer judicial, but just wounded honor.
last authorised in france between francois de vivonne de la chat aiguerie + guy chabot de jarnac july 10,1547 in the courtyard of the chateau of st. germain-en-laye in front of the king + other coutiers. famous for 2 reasons. enriched the french language w/ a new phrase- a sly + unforeseen blow, such as that by which de jarnac worsted la c has since been called a coup de jarnac + henry, grieved the death of his favorite, swore a solemn oath that no duels be faught + 1st anti-duel edict.
no duels in england before norman coquest. but judicial duel never as big. blah blah blah
DUEL-pg 511-515, deadly combat between 2 people.
1. the judicial combat, a-for in a trial w/ prevailed in the middle ages, or ordained by law as a proof of guilt or innocence or 2 the modern duel-pre-arranged combat w/ deadly weapons to settle a private quarrel.
in 501 gondebaid, king of the burgundians, passed a law authorizing this new form of 'trial'.
1385 a duel preposterous to make the most LOSE faith in god. a certain jacques legris accused by the wife of jean carronge of disguising himself as her husband + having sex w/ her. duel in presence of charles VI-legris defeated + hanged. not long after a criminal arrested + he admitted to the crime. thece, no longer judicial, but just wounded honor.
last authorised in france between francois de vivonne de la chat aiguerie + guy chabot de jarnac july 10,1547 in the courtyard of the chateau of st. germain-en-laye in front of the king + other coutiers. famous for 2 reasons. enriched the french language w/ a new phrase- a sly + unforeseen blow, such as that by which de jarnac worsted la c has since been called a coup de jarnac + henry, grieved the death of his favorite, swore a solemn oath that no duels be faught + 1st anti-duel edict.
no duels in england before norman coquest. but judicial duel never as big. blah blah blah

our daily had a story about this couple that has an outhouse collection. they have 6. gotta save what remains!
Friday, August 14, 2009

pansypoo was a bad girl. but i didn't get the expensive blocks. these were 99ยข. more than this. i missed the paler block. i put bacon grease on the other. makes it nice.
in mid-2005, for the first time since measurement began, household incomes failed to increase for FIVE STRAIGHT YEARS.(boy that was a great economy, georgee) median pretax income, said the census bureau, was at its lowest point, adjusted to inflation since 1997. meanwhile, buoyed by FEDERAL POLICY, those enjoying the top 1% of US incomes continued to increase their share of the national pie.
did you enjoy your compassion cake?
in mid-2005, for the first time since measurement began, household incomes failed to increase for FIVE STRAIGHT YEARS.(boy that was a great economy, georgee) median pretax income, said the census bureau, was at its lowest point, adjusted to inflation since 1997. meanwhile, buoyed by FEDERAL POLICY, those enjoying the top 1% of US incomes continued to increase their share of the national pie.
did you enjoy your compassion cake?
worriers over the possibility that the US had exchanged a stock-market bubble for an even larger credit bubble even had their own web sites where the latest developments and nuances could be monitored with professional aplomb or trepidation. history, to be sure, backed the case for trepidation.
while these examples peel back only the 1st layers of the speculative onion, as opposed to showing a full cross section, they do capture its rank flavor. between 2000 and the market bottom in 2002, when US stocks lost $7 trillion of their $15.5 trillion value, home values held up and then spurted ahead. to critic, the rescue was essentially a rebubbling. should A CREDIT AND FINANCIL COLLAPSE FOLLOW that 2nd stage in the manner that volker + others feared, stock + home prices would presumably sink together, making the 2nd downturn the more destructive of the 2. in which case, imploding consumer debt + the harsh provisions of the new federal bankruptcy code could intereact to YOKE MIDDLE-CLASS DEBTORS IN THE QUASI-INDENTURED status democrats predicted.
worriers over the possibility that the US had exchanged a stock-market bubble for an even larger credit bubble even had their own web sites where the latest developments and nuances could be monitored with professional aplomb or trepidation. history, to be sure, backed the case for trepidation.
while these examples peel back only the 1st layers of the speculative onion, as opposed to showing a full cross section, they do capture its rank flavor. between 2000 and the market bottom in 2002, when US stocks lost $7 trillion of their $15.5 trillion value, home values held up and then spurted ahead. to critic, the rescue was essentially a rebubbling. should A CREDIT AND FINANCIL COLLAPSE FOLLOW that 2nd stage in the manner that volker + others feared, stock + home prices would presumably sink together, making the 2nd downturn the more destructive of the 2. in which case, imploding consumer debt + the harsh provisions of the new federal bankruptcy code could intereact to YOKE MIDDLE-CLASS DEBTORS IN THE QUASI-INDENTURED status democrats predicted.

our spiffed up farmer's market. but it is worthy. old brick construction. la de da.

i went into my spare room and pulled out a pad of drawing paper from art school. i believe this is from my sophomore year. the 1st half. my drawing 1 teacher was willard. and he sort of let us off to go draw. willard rocked. anti-traditional. which i had for my 2nd term. i sent weeks drawing a red, blue and yellow block. can i say it SUCKED? willard was were i fdrifted into my psycadelic. you'll see some stuff that led to it. gotta find the typewriter.
this is the stair railing in the old white MIAD.
Thursday, August 13, 2009

i went to an estate sale monday after getting my teeth cleaned. well, there was some very nice antique furniture, but a DVD of spaceballs??? more money than taste! but i did make the drive worth it. but only because i found a ukraine kholkoma candlestick, and the house while huge, sucked. but i reeeeeeeally wanted that chair, but i need a chair like a hole in the head. and the hoosier. very nice. had anoher plain maple drop leaf table. want!