Saturday, October 22, 2011
Mathuw elvn, vursz 20-24
No more happy for teh no admit cities
20 Then Jebus begin to liek say cities were him do miriclez cuz liek dey no admit der invisible errors. Srsly21 "No happy to yu Korazin! No happy to yu Bethesda! If the mirclez had be did in liek Tyre and Sidon, they'd aks furgivins many time ago srsly in food sacks and ashs'. srsly22 But ai sez to yu, it bez much liek easierz for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judes. srsly.23 And yu Capernum will be moved to teh skies? Yu will go down to teh depfs.Srsly. If teh mirclz that wer purformz n yu were been purformz in sodom, it still be here till this day. Srlsy.24 But ai sez yu dat are be more easier to be endurded for Sodom on teh day of juges dan fur yu. Srsly.
dis iz teh werdz ov teh ceeling cat
tnx b too ceeling cat
go ehn pees an survz teh ceeling cat
Mathuw elvn, vursz 20-24
No more happy for teh no admit cities
20 Then Jebus begin to liek say cities were him do miriclez cuz liek dey no admit der invisible errors. Srsly21 "No happy to yu Korazin! No happy to yu Bethesda! If the mirclez had be did in liek Tyre and Sidon, they'd aks furgivins many time ago srsly in food sacks and ashs'. srsly22 But ai sez to yu, it bez much liek easierz for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judes. srsly.23 And yu Capernum will be moved to teh skies? Yu will go down to teh depfs.Srsly. If teh mirclz that wer purformz n yu were been purformz in sodom, it still be here till this day. Srlsy.24 But ai sez yu dat are be more easier to be endurded for Sodom on teh day of juges dan fur yu. Srsly.
dis iz teh werdz ov teh ceeling cat
tnx b too ceeling cat
go ehn pees an survz teh ceeling cat

LARGE Antique BUTTER MOLD, Fine Clean ESTATE Condition, TULIP, Authentic-$88Each time I think I’ve found every butter mold in this estate from Bartholomew County, Indiana, I open another of their storage boxes and find a couple more. This is the largest I’ve seen in quite some time, and it is in beautiful cleaned condition.
He collected butter molds and country things, while she collection glass and porcelain. The temptation for me, of course, is to unpack it all and spend an entire day playing, but that would only confuse me. (Where do I start?)

OLD Figural PIPE REST / Holder GREAT DANE Dog McClelland Barclay Bronze ESTATE-$56
I’ve had a couple of these pipe rests signed “McClelland Barclay,” but I don’t see the mark on this one. When you see the large images, you’ll see how it may be there, but I just can’t see it. It came right out of an estate, and it’s a bit dusty and dirty.
It is 6 ½” long and just a bit over 3” tall. Frankly, it may be solid bronze rather than just the finish. It certainly looks like, and it weighs 1 lb. 3 oz. I can’t tell without disturbing the oldest piece of duct tape I’ve encountered. It’s brittle. You may find a pleasant surprise when you remove it.