Saturday, November 15, 2008
COTTIN, SOPHIE-1773-1807 nee Restaud. french. at 17 married a banker who dies 3 years later + moved to paris. 1798 anonomously published Clare de Abe. then Malrina 1800, but the success of Amelie Mansfield 1802, induced her to admit she wrote it. 1805Mathilde + 1806 Elizabeth, ou les exiles de Seberie. at her death, was writing an educational novel. her worst fault exaggerating her characters virtues.
COTTON- 482-508 MACHINES! 'NEW'! snippet about the protectionist policy of the US. weekly wages in US. carding overseer-$21.00, picker tender $6.74, grinder $8.25, stripper $6.84, etc.
english wages too.
COTYS- common name of thrace kings. most important began reign in 382 bc. notorious for cruelty + drunkeness. in for from quarrels w/ athenians, 1st the thracian cheronere, cotys was assisted by athenianiphicrates w/ his daughter married. on revolt of ariobarzanes from persia, cotys opposed him + his ally, the athenians. in 358, murdered by sons of a man he had wronged + the athenians rewarded his assassins w/ gold crowns.
COUNCIL BLUFFS- iowa. 10,020 pop. rapid growth because railroad. the missouri spanned by a great iron broidge. is it still there?
COTTIN, SOPHIE-1773-1807 nee Restaud. french. at 17 married a banker who dies 3 years later + moved to paris. 1798 anonomously published Clare de Abe. then Malrina 1800, but the success of Amelie Mansfield 1802, induced her to admit she wrote it. 1805Mathilde + 1806 Elizabeth, ou les exiles de Seberie. at her death, was writing an educational novel. her worst fault exaggerating her characters virtues.
COTTON- 482-508 MACHINES! 'NEW'! snippet about the protectionist policy of the US. weekly wages in US. carding overseer-$21.00, picker tender $6.74, grinder $8.25, stripper $6.84, etc.
english wages too.
COTYS- common name of thrace kings. most important began reign in 382 bc. notorious for cruelty + drunkeness. in for from quarrels w/ athenians, 1st the thracian cheronere, cotys was assisted by athenianiphicrates w/ his daughter married. on revolt of ariobarzanes from persia, cotys opposed him + his ally, the athenians. in 358, murdered by sons of a man he had wronged + the athenians rewarded his assassins w/ gold crowns.
COUNCIL BLUFFS- iowa. 10,020 pop. rapid growth because railroad. the missouri spanned by a great iron broidge. is it still there?

the goodies i got wed. debating whether to ebay the pin. always wanted a russian little painted box. hmm. pin? could be xmas $$.

i recycled. all of schlitz shade get a brass ring on the bottom and there were short ends too short to make rings. not doing anything except collect for recycling. so, i made several into small rings to make window sun 'catchers'. and after a shade/window, or when they threw away glass, i would pilfer out nice pieces. i LOVED drawer cleaning day. i have boxes full of glass in the basement. anyways. i had made a few and got an idea i want to do. went thru all my fracture. drew out a design. and when i was soldering it, my boss saw it and i said. all the glass was from the garbage. scouts honor. the drawers didn't get cleaned so much after pothead jim died. but i have this. nice garbage eh?
Friday, November 14, 2008
15th C- many armor changes. 1405-1475 time of naaked steel, nothing over. heraldic devices still favorite for accessories + ornaments of dress. female headgear varieties. livery colors. large sleeves, kirtles + jerkins, headdress constructions, like pope's or buildings(pointy princess hat!) dudes to 'turbans', early painted glass-on the costume.
perpendicular english gothic blah blah blah
decorated english gothic 1300-1380 flowing ample draperies cover female feet. tight upper garment + flowing skirt. short tunic for guys. depending on their armor.
perpendicular english gothic 1380-1550- female eith tight top loose long lower or loose dress w/ sleeves on top + tight at wrist. men furred gown tunic. during end of edward IV short hair- buzz cuts. then prince valiant cut, during henry VII longer furry tunics + obtuse toes shoes.
16th C- (french) distinct. present clothes. men adopted closely fitted overcoats, felt hats w/ brims. closed shoes + boots. women close fitted tight sleeves, low crowned hats. rich trimmed petticoats + frequent moves back to older to new to old. mentions countess of richmond
under Henry VIII men, mid way between knee + hip + from knee to shoe all tight + upper loose + capacious + broard-see tudors on showtime. RUFFLES!
large ruffs. shoulder puffs during elizabeth. mostly hats, but simpler extravegnce-new for men-hose(long socks) became breeches. square necks for ladies. sleeves became all full. necklaces + bling. in 1558 during elizabeth I, long peaked stomachers. ruffs, puffs + more, puff. farthingales(hoop table around women's waist. lace, feathers, + embroidery.
in germany + switzerland, heavy garments + massive. more so in holland.
blah blah details. italy stiff. OK abandon ship! no read last 6 pages.
15th C- many armor changes. 1405-1475 time of naaked steel, nothing over. heraldic devices still favorite for accessories + ornaments of dress. female headgear varieties. livery colors. large sleeves, kirtles + jerkins, headdress constructions, like pope's or buildings(pointy princess hat!) dudes to 'turbans', early painted glass-on the costume.
perpendicular english gothic blah blah blah
decorated english gothic 1300-1380 flowing ample draperies cover female feet. tight upper garment + flowing skirt. short tunic for guys. depending on their armor.
perpendicular english gothic 1380-1550- female eith tight top loose long lower or loose dress w/ sleeves on top + tight at wrist. men furred gown tunic. during end of edward IV short hair- buzz cuts. then prince valiant cut, during henry VII longer furry tunics + obtuse toes shoes.
16th C- (french) distinct. present clothes. men adopted closely fitted overcoats, felt hats w/ brims. closed shoes + boots. women close fitted tight sleeves, low crowned hats. rich trimmed petticoats + frequent moves back to older to new to old. mentions countess of richmond
under Henry VIII men, mid way between knee + hip + from knee to shoe all tight + upper loose + capacious + broard-see tudors on showtime. RUFFLES!
large ruffs. shoulder puffs during elizabeth. mostly hats, but simpler extravegnce-new for men-hose(long socks) became breeches. square necks for ladies. sleeves became all full. necklaces + bling. in 1558 during elizabeth I, long peaked stomachers. ruffs, puffs + more, puff. farthingales(hoop table around women's waist. lace, feathers, + embroidery.
in germany + switzerland, heavy garments + massive. more so in holland.
blah blah details. italy stiff. OK abandon ship! no read last 6 pages.
yes, a RANT. when did NEWS just become rumor and speculation? are we so hungry we can't fucking WAIT for obama to nominate somebody???
yes, a RANT. when did NEWS just become rumor and speculation? are we so hungry we can't fucking WAIT for obama to nominate somebody???
HA! somebody in turkey googled kazak sex porn and the rant page is first cause kitty porn and EB post about russian tribals.
HA! somebody in turkey googled kazak sex porn and the rant page is first cause kitty porn and EB post about russian tribals.
was doing zippy transfer last night and found another cat and will find more.

sold as a squirrel, but i do suspect it's a cat. i bid on it, but somebody offered 50¢ more.
ha. i remember this object. carved WW1 shell. i thought it shoulda gone for more. it was very cool.

i started tryingh to do little abstracts using silverplate. this is one of the last ones. i didn't think it worked for me. gotta try pastels. watercolor didn't work either. or maybe to anal. eh. maybe acrylics. all are quite small. this one about 6x 10.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
ha! search i likes cheezeburgerz and pansypoo is #2. HA!
ha! search i likes cheezeburgerz and pansypoo is #2. HA!

didn't have a lot of time. made the best of it tho. HAD to go. chi chi old area of NE side. close to the lake. well, the house was post '29, so not pic worthy. had goodies tho. travelers. not enough souvenirs tho i did get a 2" ruusian painted pin. full price. $5. this estate sale 'company' is east side stupid. over priced and use a SHARPIE to write prices. stoopid cows. luckily the books untouched. got a near 1900 little love poem book illustrated with pansies. a little mod owl. that stuck out. my 1st spurtle. scottish porridge stirring stick. another souvenir.
but the drive to and from,'s a little tour. the guy that designed central park did our lake side and the hill.