Saturday, December 05, 2015
FONDLANQUE, ALBANY WILLIAM([1793-1872)- descendant of noble french huegenots, the Greniers of languedoc. the titles of compte de hantserre et de fonblanque were conferred by henry IV on the sons of sieur pierre de greener, known in history for his gallant defense of the castle of cessman against the dic de montmorency in 1584. after the revocation of the edict of nantes, the greniers underwent severe persecutions + in 1740 abel de grenier sent his 2 sons, antoine + jean to englamd to be educated protestants. jean became nationalized w/ new name john fonblanque, + his son john samuel martin F, a equity lawyer + author , + father of a most brilliant journalist. the father of albany was as liberal as his son. member of parliament, integrity, courage + ability. af b london, at 14 sent to wool rich to prepare for the royal engineers. his health failed + 2 yrs no studies. on recovery, studied w/ chatty, the eminent special pleader, in view of the bar. f no inclination for law, but valued the training + thought it should be included for a liberal education. at 19 he started writing for newspapers + soon attracted notice by his boldness + liberality of his opinions + brilliant style. rewrote his work for excellence. continued study- classics, philosophy. 6 hours daily study, health declined. at 21, a long dangerous illness. remained weak + nervous, but energy returned. writing + reviews. 1820 to 1830 F was employedat the TIMES + Morning Chronicle + contributed to the EXAMINER, the london magazine + the westminster review. became editor of the examiner. from 1830-1847 blah blah mr edward bulwer(lord lytton)!!!! big contributors, thackery, dickens, etc. offered governership of nova scotia, but while political, preferred his paper. in 1857, for domestic reasons, he accepted the post of statistical secretary of the board of trade. but still wrote for the paper.
FONDLANQUE, ALBANY WILLIAM([1793-1872)- descendant of noble french huegenots, the Greniers of languedoc. the titles of compte de hantserre et de fonblanque were conferred by henry IV on the sons of sieur pierre de greener, known in history for his gallant defense of the castle of cessman against the dic de montmorency in 1584. after the revocation of the edict of nantes, the greniers underwent severe persecutions + in 1740 abel de grenier sent his 2 sons, antoine + jean to englamd to be educated protestants. jean became nationalized w/ new name john fonblanque, + his son john samuel martin F, a equity lawyer + author , + father of a most brilliant journalist. the father of albany was as liberal as his son. member of parliament, integrity, courage + ability. af b london, at 14 sent to wool rich to prepare for the royal engineers. his health failed + 2 yrs no studies. on recovery, studied w/ chatty, the eminent special pleader, in view of the bar. f no inclination for law, but valued the training + thought it should be included for a liberal education. at 19 he started writing for newspapers + soon attracted notice by his boldness + liberality of his opinions + brilliant style. rewrote his work for excellence. continued study- classics, philosophy. 6 hours daily study, health declined. at 21, a long dangerous illness. remained weak + nervous, but energy returned. writing + reviews. 1820 to 1830 F was employedat the TIMES + Morning Chronicle + contributed to the EXAMINER, the london magazine + the westminster review. became editor of the examiner. from 1830-1847 blah blah mr edward bulwer(lord lytton)!!!! big contributors, thackery, dickens, etc. offered governership of nova scotia, but while political, preferred his paper. in 1857, for domestic reasons, he accepted the post of statistical secretary of the board of trade. but still wrote for the paper.
22 found flint stone ARROWHEADS OHIO artifacts- $105
I have been collecting, buying, and selling old stuff for over fifty-five years, sixty-five if you count my childhood days when my interests were limited to arrowheads, bugs, and flatirons. During the first two or three decades after “turning pro,” I’d buy large accumulations of arrowheads and other relics from farmers, garage sales, and auctions. It seemed to me that most every home in southern Ohio and Indiana farmland had jars and cigar boxes filled with them.
As the years rolled by, fewer and fewer estates had them, which puzzled me until one day I had an epiphany of sorts. Let me show you this little accumulation of flints and rocks, then I’ll tell you about
As most old coots do from time to time, I was reflecting back on a few days of my childhood that stood out crystal clear as if they happened yesterday. Several of them involved me following my grandfather as he plowed a forty-acre field with a team. I was picking up fishin’ worms.
Now and again, he’d yell, “Ho Deb – Ho Blondie,” then reach down, pick something up and stick in his pocket. He was picking up arrowheads – sometimes an axe head. He had a HUGE collection.
Soon, I was more interested in the arrowheads than the worms, so we made a deal. When he’d see one, he’d stomp his bare foot beside it and say, “There’s one.” With me there, he didn’t have to stop – I picked them up for him.
Being a little dense, it took me several years to realize that the reason I was able to buy fewer and fewer arrowheads from estates was the invention of the modern tractor. The newly turned earth was now behind the farmer instead of directly in front of him.
341 objects
CIVIL WAR era leather pouch/powder horn/coper funnel hand made- $167
Although I found this three-piece ensemble in Indiana, the family through which it descended was from Missouri, and no one in the family seems to know the name of the original owner. I love the copper funnel and was tempted to sell it as a separate lot, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. They belong together.