Saturday, February 14, 2015
estate sale haul
it was hiding under 70's/80's crafts embellishment. somebody broke it, but it was not firewood, but used + used.
Friday, February 13, 2015
341 object
VINTAGE italian GREYHOUND on cushion- $30
The Greyhound fast, that’s for sure, but he is often praised for his quiet dignity as well. This peaceful soul is obviously pampered by his owner as he lounges on a cushion, content at home, maybe listening to Bach.
341 objects
antique women's high-top shoes, black leather- $34
Ernest walked over to the foot of the stairs and yelled, “Sweetheart? Are you just about ready? We’re supposed to be spending Sunday afternoon in the park with George, and we are running late.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes, dear,” Sadie answered. “I just need to put on my shoes.”
Ernest cursed under his breath, then turned to his kids – “You may as well go on outside and play. Your mother won’t be ready for another hour.” 341 objects
The scuffed toe of the right boot is severe, but when I took it down to my local leather store they told me it can be sanded down and refinished. I never thought of sanding leather – didn’t know one could do that.
341 objects
pair SOUTHWESTERN belt bucks w/ DERRINGER cutouts- $34
Made to look like southwestern silver and turquoise, each buckle is 4 ¾” by 3 ½”, and there’s a cutout meant to hold a derringer. Since I’ve not been able to find a maker’s name on them, I’ve been calling them “Brokeback Paranoids.”
Since I sorta mentioned the movie, Brokeback Mountain, I must tell you something – something that will make you realize how little attention I pay to movie reviews.
I was eager to go see it since it was such a groundbreaking theme. Plus, I always enjoyed movies with Heath Ledger . . . what a shame.
We had our popcorn and sodas – the house lights dimmed, and after about a million previews, the movie finally started. I couldn’t help it – I laughed. My wife poked me, “Would you be quiet. What’s wrong with you?” (I whispered, “I’ll tell you later.)
As we were leaving I told her I was laughing at myself because I was expecting a movie set in the “Old West.” I had no idea the story was about two contemporary ranch hands. I loved the movie, but I was expecting a story set in a considerably less enlightened age.