Saturday, February 21, 2009
DACIER, ANDRE- 1651-1722 french classical scholar, son of a protestant advocate at chartes. father resolved to give him a learned education + sent him to the academy of puy laurens + then to saumuir(?) to study under tanneguy lefevre, who had a reputation as a teacher of classics. such a rapid progress did andre make that TL sent his other students away + kept AD another year. on TL's death, went to paris + appointed editor of the delphin series of the classics. in 1683 he married TL's daughter, the more famous anne lefevre. in 1685, he announced in a letter to the king of both their intentions to convert to roman catholic. as a reward, AD given a pension of 1500 livres + his wife 500L. 1695 D elected member of the academy of inscriptions + the french academy, in 1713 became their secretary. appointed keeper of the library of the louvre.
DACIER, ANNE LEFVRE- 1654-1720. famous french scholar + translator of classics. daughter of tanneguy Lefevre, self educated hugonot. at 18 father died + moved to paris, carrying with her part of an edition of callimachuis which she later published + obtained engagement as one of the editors of a series of classical authors. she edited florus, dictys cretensis, aurelius victor, + eutopius. in 1681 appeared her prose version of ana creon + sappho(EB poo poos it) then terence + etc. 1684, went to husbands native town + then retired there + studied theology. conversion, pensions. illiad +then odessy.

one of the pillowcases from the horrid 70's apartment. damaged pillowcase, but very nice embroidery and crochet.
Friday, February 20, 2009

from that 70's apartment. paid for most of that sale. went to AK. my first alaska sale!

my italian e-pal sent me pics from a rugby game. he also sent me a pic from water polo. but water polo?
an old VERY desired whittling. went for $500+. not sure it's the original base. and that carver usually did paws.

the color is off. and too shiny. will try to get a better pic. but this is what i been waiting to do. the corn silks. the background isn't exact, except that gold/orange field. the tree. but it is close.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

CZERNY, GEORGE/KARDJORDJE/BLACK GEORGE- 1766-1817. proper name george petrovitch, a servian who freedhis country from the domination of the turks. son of a servian peasant. about 20 when having killed a turk in a wild adventure, forced to flee into austria. said, he forced his father or step-father to go w/ him;(semi-colon!)but the old peasant wouldn't be persuaded to leave his country + to prevent him falling into turkish hands, CG shot him. in the austrian army, CG fought the turks from 1788-1791 + rose to rank of sergeant, but for some reason left the army for the life of a heyduc, or bandit who preyed on the mahometans. afterwards an appt as inspector of forests to an austrian monestary
for a time servia under the mild rule of hadji mustapha + CG lived there in peace, but the janissaries(taliban?) overan the country; many escaped + headed by CG, who was the chosen leader, called servian men to arms, the sultan sent troops against the janissaries + their leaders executed, but the servians now refused to live under turk rule. russia supported them + war. CG commanded the servs w/ fiery enthusiasm, rough vigor, + considerable ability. several victories over the turks + in 1806, independence, recognized by the porte, a tribute only being exacted, + the sign of turkish sovereignty maintained by the residence at belgrade of a turkish officer + a small force, the turks refused to give up belgrade + schabay, both taken by assault by CG + the janissaries + turks massacred in cold blood.
CG became ruler of servia til 1813. he did not change. in peace, he cultivated his farm at topola + kept his course peasant dress. had no formal education+ never able to write. moody and taciturn, tho fond of dancing. his passion terrible. he killed his warmest adherent in a fit of anger. execution od justice stern + prompt. he hanged his own brother for assaulting a girl, + forbade his mother to make any sign or mourning. in war energentic + valourous + the power to inspire his followers w/ his enthusiasm.
in 1809 when war between russia + turks, CG formed a scheme for freeing the slavic countries + took arms against the turks. the turks invaded servia, tho wishing for austrian protection, took russian aid. tried to forceCG out of power, but made opponents leave or flee servia. treaty of bucharesr 1812. 1813 turks again + CG w/ many christians fled to austria. 4 years later secretly went to vnitza(?), reveled himself to a former soldier of his who murdered CG by orders of milosch Obrenovitch, a servian senator, a vichy to the turks.
end of the letter C