Saturday, April 04, 2009

DECAMPS, ALEXANDER GABRIEL- 1803-1860 1 of the formost painters of the 'modern' french school. b in paris. training from abel de pajol, but went free early. asserted his originality in subjects + style. in youth traveled east + reproduced oriental life + scenery w/ a bold fidelity to nature soon recognized along w/ delacroix + vervet as a leader in the french school. fond of animals, esp dogs + sports. died from being thrown from a horse while hunting. works marked by vivid dramatic conception. bold rapid + sometimes rough + original. startling contrasts of color + of light + shade. acurate in biblical works to 'been there'.
HA! self portrait painting in a fez!
i like the hunt scene with the trees. cool. not so good with people i think.