Saturday, August 11, 2007
oy. i have many pages i gotta get blogged!
BONDU-kingdom of west africa. wonder what it is now. GOOGLE! SENEGAL!
BONGO-people of central africa. congo? they only got 3 wives-mainly purchased. hard to google
BONIFACE-9 popes
B-1-bishop of rome 418-422 contemporary of st. augustine.
B-II-530-532 a goth and owed election to gothic king. had an anti-pope for some time named dioscurus.
B-III- 2/15 to 11/12 606. obtained from Phocas, recognition of leadership of the church of Rome.
B-IV- 608-615 recieved from Phocas the pantheon at rome, converted into christian church.
B-V-BINGO! 619-625did a lot to christianize England.
B VI- 896-pope 15 dies and said to have died of gout.
B-VI-974, bit of an anti-pope. supposed to have put predecessor , benedict VI to death. forced to flee a revolt to constantinople. took vast treasure with him. 984 returned and removed by murde John XIV, who had been elected in his place. died 985 or 986.
B-VIII- Benedicte Cajetan, great ability. elected in 1294. celestine V, having been persuaded to resign( not so infalable) meddled incessantly in foreign affairs and put forward strong claims to temporal welfare, spiritual supremacy. quarreled with emperor, colonnas and with philip the fair, of france who he excumincated in 1303. he was about to lay all france under an interdict when he was seized at Anagni by horsemen under Noqaret, agent of philip and sciarra colonna. after 3 days, rescued, but the trials of this caused his death soon after on 10,11, 1303. in 1300 B installed the jubilee which after became a sourceof profit and scandal.
B-IX- 1390-1404. during his time clement V continued to hold state as pope in avignon.
BONNERAL, Claud Alexandre, Compte de aka achuret pasha. french adventurer b 7/14/1675. joined royal marine corps at 13. at 16 guard proved himself courageous and great military ability, but insollent to higherups and several times condemned. severely wounded, but recovered in paris. married daughter of marshall deParon, but deserted her after a few weeks. fed up with french, offered his services to turks. converted. made pasha of 3 (?). rendered valuable services to sultan against russians. made general, but fell under suspicion and banished. died 3/27/1747 in constantinople.
oy. i have many pages i gotta get blogged!
BONDU-kingdom of west africa. wonder what it is now. GOOGLE! SENEGAL!
BONGO-people of central africa. congo? they only got 3 wives-mainly purchased. hard to google
BONIFACE-9 popes
B-1-bishop of rome 418-422 contemporary of st. augustine.
B-II-530-532 a goth and owed election to gothic king. had an anti-pope for some time named dioscurus.
B-III- 2/15 to 11/12 606. obtained from Phocas, recognition of leadership of the church of Rome.
B-IV- 608-615 recieved from Phocas the pantheon at rome, converted into christian church.
B-V-BINGO! 619-625did a lot to christianize England.
B VI- 896-pope 15 dies and said to have died of gout.
B-VI-974, bit of an anti-pope. supposed to have put predecessor , benedict VI to death. forced to flee a revolt to constantinople. took vast treasure with him. 984 returned and removed by murde John XIV, who had been elected in his place. died 985 or 986.
B-VIII- Benedicte Cajetan, great ability. elected in 1294. celestine V, having been persuaded to resign( not so infalable) meddled incessantly in foreign affairs and put forward strong claims to temporal welfare, spiritual supremacy. quarreled with emperor, colonnas and with philip the fair, of france who he excumincated in 1303. he was about to lay all france under an interdict when he was seized at Anagni by horsemen under Noqaret, agent of philip and sciarra colonna. after 3 days, rescued, but the trials of this caused his death soon after on 10,11, 1303. in 1300 B installed the jubilee which after became a sourceof profit and scandal.
B-IX- 1390-1404. during his time clement V continued to hold state as pope in avignon.
BONNERAL, Claud Alexandre, Compte de aka achuret pasha. french adventurer b 7/14/1675. joined royal marine corps at 13. at 16 guard proved himself courageous and great military ability, but insollent to higherups and several times condemned. severely wounded, but recovered in paris. married daughter of marshall deParon, but deserted her after a few weeks. fed up with french, offered his services to turks. converted. made pasha of 3 (?). rendered valuable services to sultan against russians. made general, but fell under suspicion and banished. died 3/27/1747 in constantinople.

along with numbers, i likes letters and old letter block are a favorite of mine. best deal was the 2 mid-1800's blocks i got for 24ยข!!! I LOVE IT when antique dealers family sells their stuff. tho, most of the stuff had appropriate prices. you can also see my dice collection. numbers, letters and shapes!
Friday, August 10, 2007

FRIDAY ART BLOGGING-my uncle Ken's stuff
i was at my uncle Ken's house to be their for a delivery of their new entertainment center. so i took advantage of taking some pics of stuff they have that i did. 1st, one of my clint pastels. the 1st of 3. my jane russell psychadelic pastel. and a watercolor of baby ducks. OY. they are so NORMAL looking!!! but does prove i can do 'real' eh?
i suppose i will have to go to the cusp of my psychadelic phase. all because of willard my 1st drawing instructor who sent us out around the school to draw. when i came back s these started, he asked if i was dropping acid. 'what?' jane and clint came in my 2nd year. the 2nd semester of drawing we had an idiot instructor who went all academic. had to draw a yellow, red, and blue fucking block for WEEKS! after willard it SUCKED!
i was going to a county libray and just taking biography books. starting with a and i got julie christie and clint eastwood. also my aunt had film books. i sort of dropped doing this style after doing the mona lisa. i guess i got bored with 'super real'.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
before i forget. house appeared big from the outside, or maybe it was the side screened in awning that had a tree in the middle of it. BIG trees in front yard chi chi neighborhood. LARGE vinyl awning, sreened in and had a tree in the middle. printing press in basement, but just teeny tiny metal font. shh, i found 2 mini wood ones. the walls were similar spanish plaster, organic pattern, but not leafy. nice wood bannister. bad kitchen update. but wallpapering the front entry over the spanish plaster??? oy. did find another nice ice pick and looked at a folio of nicely reprinted art prints. mostly rembrant. cool.
i did like the big beautiful trees of the yard. if the new owners remove them, they are stupid stupid people.
before i forget. house appeared big from the outside, or maybe it was the side screened in awning that had a tree in the middle of it. BIG trees in front yard chi chi neighborhood. LARGE vinyl awning, sreened in and had a tree in the middle. printing press in basement, but just teeny tiny metal font. shh, i found 2 mini wood ones. the walls were similar spanish plaster, organic pattern, but not leafy. nice wood bannister. bad kitchen update. but wallpapering the front entry over the spanish plaster??? oy. did find another nice ice pick and looked at a folio of nicely reprinted art prints. mostly rembrant. cool.
i did like the big beautiful trees of the yard. if the new owners remove them, they are stupid stupid people.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

i was out and about driving all over and i was driving down howard ave and i saw a thin raccoon in the middle of the day. it was about 2! it looked healthy tho.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
75? more Bush weeks to go
75? more Bush weeks to go
minnesota bridge falls
karzai visits the chimp with no balls
75? more Bush weeks to go.
75? more Bush weeks to go
minnesota bridge falls
karzai visits the chimp with no balls
75? more Bush weeks to go.
Monday, August 06, 2007

i was planning on doing my watercolor cat series after doing my roadkill, but i upgraded my roadkill files and well, i wanted to bring out the kitty porn.
i used the same pic of cosmo for more than one painting. this is one of my favorite ones. by the way. signed printes of roadkill and cats are available.