Saturday, January 11, 2014
FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS- latin grammarian, no certain date, but 2nd c AD. he write an epitome of the celebrated work de verborum significatione. treatise on grammar by m. verrius flaccus. made alterations + critical remarks. OBSOLETE latin words, only fragments. F gives not only the meaning of every word, but its 'etymology'. DICTIONARY!
FETICHISM- a stage of worship, or of the ways of regarding nature. for "in the simple STATES OF MIND, RELIGION + PHILOSOPHY ARE IN A GREAT PART MERGED, in which ordinary material objects are regarding as holding, or as being the vehicle of, supernatural powers + influences can be controlled or directed by the person possessing the object so endowed. - blah "fetico" portuguese traders in africa- talismans. guinea- fetisso 1st used 18th c by charles de brosses. blah blah. no stilettos or diapers.
Friday, January 10, 2014
FESTIVALS- a festival is a day or series of days put aside mainly for religious observances. whether its occurance be casual or periodic, its ritual be grave or gay, carnal as in orgies of baal + astart, or spiritual, it is festival, holy day. as long as it is professedly held in the names of religion blah blah history "uncivilized" Juangs of bengal, the fuegians(fiji), + the adamanese. no good. blah blah ghost-propitiation sacrifice rig-veda, + zend-avesta, the pentateuch. lunar naga tribes of assam the karens, the parsees aryam, semetic nature, hindu sattras osiris, phrygian teuton il ostren, cewltic belteiri, scandanavian yule. mexican calendar, tezcatlipoca huitzilopochtli, tlaloc. peru- yutip-raymi, cusqni-rayini, citua. greek- attic-erechteus, hesiod. tarentines, gamelion, lenoea anthesterion authesteria diasia eleusinia, elaphebolion. pandia. munychia, delphinia, thargelion plyuteria, callyuteria skirophorion hekatombaion cronia panathenoea metageition boedromia, nekusia, pyanepsion, oschophoria, chalkeia, athenoea, thesmophoria, apaturia. roman- compitalia + LUPERCALIA, agonaliacarmentalia, faunalia quirinalia, feralia, terminalia, regifuiam, equiria matronalia anna perena, liberalia, agonalia, quinquatria, megalesia, cerealia, patilia, vinalia, robigalia, floralia, lemuria, ludi martiales,semosamcus, vestalia, quinquatrus minusculae, ludi apollinares--neptunalia, nemoralia, consulia, vulcanalia, ludi magni, meditrinalia, faunalia, equiria, epuluim jovioe, opsalia saturnalia, larentalian. jews- passover, feast of trumpets, purim. early christian- sundays ambrose's tiue saturday-whitsunday, epiphany blah blah blah mahometan- eid-es-sagheer, eid-el-kurban, ramadan, yom ashoora, el hoseyn. hindu + buddhist- dasahara + FESTIVUS!
FESTIVALS- a festival is a day or series of days put aside mainly for religious observances. whether its occurance be casual or periodic, its ritual be grave or gay, carnal as in orgies of baal + astart, or spiritual, it is festival, holy day. as long as it is professedly held in the names of religion blah blah history "uncivilized" Juangs of bengal, the fuegians(fiji), + the adamanese. no good. blah blah ghost-propitiation sacrifice rig-veda, + zend-avesta, the pentateuch. lunar naga tribes of assam the karens, the parsees aryam, semetic nature, hindu sattras osiris, phrygian teuton il ostren, cewltic belteiri, scandanavian yule. mexican calendar, tezcatlipoca huitzilopochtli, tlaloc. peru- yutip-raymi, cusqni-rayini, citua. greek- attic-erechteus, hesiod. tarentines, gamelion, lenoea anthesterion authesteria diasia eleusinia, elaphebolion. pandia. munychia, delphinia, thargelion plyuteria, callyuteria skirophorion hekatombaion cronia panathenoea metageition boedromia, nekusia, pyanepsion, oschophoria, chalkeia, athenoea, thesmophoria, apaturia. roman- compitalia + LUPERCALIA, agonaliacarmentalia, faunalia quirinalia, feralia, terminalia, regifuiam, equiria matronalia anna perena, liberalia, agonalia, quinquatria, megalesia, cerealia, patilia, vinalia, robigalia, floralia, lemuria, ludi martiales,semosamcus, vestalia, quinquatrus minusculae, ludi apollinares--neptunalia, nemoralia, consulia, vulcanalia, ludi magni, meditrinalia, faunalia, equiria, epuluim jovioe, opsalia saturnalia, larentalian. jews- passover, feast of trumpets, purim. early christian- sundays ambrose's tiue saturday-whitsunday, epiphany blah blah blah mahometan- eid-es-sagheer, eid-el-kurban, ramadan, yom ashoora, el hoseyn. hindu + buddhist- dasahara + FESTIVUS!