Saturday, January 02, 2010

Time gets away from me sometimes. I lose track.
Last night for instance; I hollered into the kitchen, “Have you seen that pair of vases I bought the other day? You know - the black ones with original labels still on them?
She responded by stomping into my little eBay dungeon. “If you mean those behind you on the top shelf, you need some brain medicine. You bought those AT LEAST a year ago.”

They were the ones I was looking for, but I didn’t want to admit they were only four feet from me. Nor did I want to admit that “time thing.” So I just told her they weren’t the ones I meant, but I didn’t really need them anyway. (They were, of course.)

Each is 9 ½” tall and in beautiful condition – all lustrous black with abstract drip designs and a subtle color change at the top rim. I’ve always thought they were quite special because of the shape and colors. But there’s something even more rare about them.

Each is marked “Belgium” on the bottom. I became aware of the variety and quality of Belgian pottery glazes several years ago, and I always meant to start putting some aside – just for the fun of it. Many, such as this pair, cross several lines within the broad categorization of styles. These vases would feel just as much at home in a room filled with objects from the Arts & Crafts Movement as they would joining hands either Art Deco or Mid-Century Modern.

I hope I didn’t get too gushy, but I really hate to see these go. Hit the road and see how long it takes YOU to find such a pair. (Send me a postcard every year or so while you’re gone.)