Saturday, September 06, 2008
CONSTANTINOPLE- abbreviated. pgs 303-308. capital o ottoman empire. turkish name Istanbul or Stamboul, a corrupt form of greek. end of 18c, corrupted by fanatical fancy into istanbul or 'city of islam'. founded on site of byzantium. blah blah 100 years after constantine 330 enlarged(doubled)it began series of assaults by lans + sea + gates only opened 3 times. varangians, huns 450. huns/slavs 553, persians + avars 626, arabs sophian 668 + moslemeh 717, russians 4 times 865-1043, hungarians in 824, latins 1400's, turks, amurath , mahomet.
CONSULATE OF THE SEA- a celebrated collection of maritime customs + ordinances, the catalan language, published in barselona inlate 15th C. proper title The Book of the Consulate or Lo Libre de Consulat. earliest edition from 1494. in library in paris. Amended version. a more ancient version in sem gothic letters supposedly before 1484. blah blah + 13th C.
CONSTANTINOPLE- abbreviated. pgs 303-308. capital o ottoman empire. turkish name Istanbul or Stamboul, a corrupt form of greek. end of 18c, corrupted by fanatical fancy into istanbul or 'city of islam'. founded on site of byzantium. blah blah 100 years after constantine 330 enlarged(doubled)it began series of assaults by lans + sea + gates only opened 3 times. varangians, huns 450. huns/slavs 553, persians + avars 626, arabs sophian 668 + moslemeh 717, russians 4 times 865-1043, hungarians in 824, latins 1400's, turks, amurath , mahomet.
CONSULATE OF THE SEA- a celebrated collection of maritime customs + ordinances, the catalan language, published in barselona inlate 15th C. proper title The Book of the Consulate or Lo Libre de Consulat. earliest edition from 1494. in library in paris. Amended version. a more ancient version in sem gothic letters supposedly before 1484. blah blah + 13th C.

spotted at the farmers market. enough for allll the palin's, + levi and maybe some mooses.

i had spotted a post war chevy type banal old car and was looking for it again to take pics when out of the corner of my eye-BLUE BETTER OLD CAR. tried to go around the corner, but weird area. sorta dead end. turned around and guessed the parking lot, and there it was. old guy near it waiting for a car to be offloaded the tow truck. and i go abaout getting it's portarts. apparently they only made this t-bird one year. so rare. really fixed up. new upholstery. couldn't read the miles. will be enhancing these pics.

my NEW dala rooster. an older one and unusual paint job, so RARER. found on ebay in mexican folk art. a STEAL! another piece of retirement savings. still has a price. 1.95. not sure if that is kroner or dollar.

molly's dragonfly. not as good as other cutters/matt could have done. but nice colors. i loved the colors. and molly got to make her own shade. so HEY! yes. i made 1 for me and for my aunt. she finally visited. finally saw our stuff.
Friday, September 05, 2008
the estate sale. bungalow packed with pre WW2 furniture. mostly federal(nice) or older. very nice BIRDEYE maple dresser in the DRY basement. very nice 1800's table. ooh, shoulda took that copper bin. $15 tomorrow i bet. not much in kitchen. darn... not a hoarder. DARN. go in the middle bedroom MUDDLER! nice. in the bedroom? very odd setup. jewelry sucked. very nice woodwork. not outstanding. house listed for $179k. does need work on plaster. OH! kitchen redone, but in the basement, THE OLD CUPBOARDS! put them back! little apartment upstairs. gotta send pic of muddler. oh and a very much used wood spoon. i like the knob.and a mystery green glass thing. sorta gem shapped with a hole. lamp finial? perfume bottle BOTTOM? the muddle has extra turnings. i considered a bright green well done desk. too long and too narrow. but the price was right. $10 or $5. not sure.
had a nice chat. lady was buying 2 vintage tourist plaques. one said kitzbule. and the ladies wonderng, is that germany. i thought maybe austria or switzerland(3 ladies almost 60 or so) a few older men. one(husband?) said austria. olympics. yada yada. well, there's an atlas over there.... i go and look. horrid atlas it was. 60's or something. looked in the index. austria.
and i was wearing one of my 'painted' sweatshirts. why waste paint(expensive) on rags? no way, i am gonna decorate sweatshirts! it was only 69f today. had on my brown one. yes, i paint paintings.
the estate sale. bungalow packed with pre WW2 furniture. mostly federal(nice) or older. very nice BIRDEYE maple dresser in the DRY basement. very nice 1800's table. ooh, shoulda took that copper bin. $15 tomorrow i bet. not much in kitchen. darn... not a hoarder. DARN. go in the middle bedroom MUDDLER! nice. in the bedroom? very odd setup. jewelry sucked. very nice woodwork. not outstanding. house listed for $179k. does need work on plaster. OH! kitchen redone, but in the basement, THE OLD CUPBOARDS! put them back! little apartment upstairs. gotta send pic of muddler. oh and a very much used wood spoon. i like the knob.and a mystery green glass thing. sorta gem shapped with a hole. lamp finial? perfume bottle BOTTOM? the muddle has extra turnings. i considered a bright green well done desk. too long and too narrow. but the price was right. $10 or $5. not sure.
had a nice chat. lady was buying 2 vintage tourist plaques. one said kitzbule. and the ladies wonderng, is that germany. i thought maybe austria or switzerland(3 ladies almost 60 or so) a few older men. one(husband?) said austria. olympics. yada yada. well, there's an atlas over there.... i go and look. horrid atlas it was. 60's or something. looked in the index. austria.
and i was wearing one of my 'painted' sweatshirts. why waste paint(expensive) on rags? no way, i am gonna decorate sweatshirts! it was only 69f today. had on my brown one. yes, i paint paintings.
this made one of my favorite sellers a pretty penny. i'd love to go where he finds stuff.
this pair of lamps just sold for $290+. ALMOST THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS. ick poo ack ack.
It is a general popular ERROR to suppose the LOUDEST COMPLAINERS for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke-thought on the cause of present discontents.
It is a general popular ERROR to suppose the LOUDEST COMPLAINERS for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke-thought on the cause of present discontents.

about 16x20. teal dawn. i took my mom to work one very early february. and instead of pink sky and blueish snow, it was greenish and the sun was quite orange and it inspired this. i quite like it. one of my favorites.
Thursday, September 04, 2008

In the late 18th century, the squirrel population in Ohio ballooned to uncontrollable numbers. In 1791, squirrels invaded the territory around the town of Belpre after that year's acorn crop failed to sustain their appetites. After eating the Belpre settlers' entire corn crop, the squirrels (which are not especially known for their aquatic prowess) swam across the Ohio River en masse and began devouring West Virginia.
Well stored with PIOUS FRAUDS, and, lik most discourses of the sort, much better calculated for the private advantage of the PREACHER than the edification of the hearers.
Edmund Burke. Thoughts on the cause of present discontents.
Well stored with PIOUS FRAUDS, and, lik most discourses of the sort, much better calculated for the private advantage of the PREACHER than the edification of the hearers.
Edmund Burke. Thoughts on the cause of present discontents.
been looking at sitemeter facts again. UNKNOWN ORGANIZATION. homeland security checked out my spring green toes.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
CONSTANTINE- Roman soldier who in the time of Honorius 5C ad, rose to emperor of gual, spain, + britain, but conqured by H + put to death.
CONSTANTINE VII- flavius, porphyrogenitus-905-959. emp of east, author + patron of literature. only son of leo VI. the eastern church sanctioned no marriage beyond the 2nd + when leo, childless by 3 wives, had a son by a concubine Zoe. tried to legitimize both, but patriarch Nicholas said no! p name-born of purple. 6 when leo died. left under uncle alexander, but then he died. romanus lecapenus, chief admiral, w/ zoe, appointed to be regent til 944, when forced into a monestary, C had been OK. helena, daughter of Romanus, banished R's sons. not strong willed, but smart. good reign, poisoned by son romanus. c VII also a painter. this his great fame. much writings-histories of several nations. his complete works translated in 1617 + 1711.
CONSTANTINE PAVLOVICH-1779-1831, 2nd son of czar paul, of russia. name chosen by grandma Catherine the great, on account of tradition an emperor constantine was to reign Constantinople/ISTANBUL! at 17 married to princess juliana of saxe-colburg, but after 4 years, seperated. most interested in the army. in 1799, served in italy + distinguished himself in the battle of austerlitz in 1805 by the way he retreated. served rest of warw/ france, but not general. in 1815 appointed generalissimo of polish army, rule marked by unreasonable severity, leading to deep + general discontent;but introduced strict discipline. tho not head of govt. C's influence considerable + it was employed to support arbitrary principles. he abolished the liberty of the press-GEORGEE(just gave it up for ratings) + any literary man or student who expressed any opinion obnoxious to him was thrown into prison(almost georgee-hate of the smart). did material improvements(not georgee). in 1820, fell in love w/polish lady + obtained thru bro the emp a decree so he could marry her, and in return signed a paper resigning all claim of succession. on death of czar alexander in 1825, nicholas, C's younger bro refused to be crowned, but C remained true + even tho conspiracies, he refused the crown. after this, his power in poland increased, had system of espionage + arbitrary govt more harsh. arrest w/out charge common. in 1830, year of revolution, hatred of russia burst into rebellion. conspirators broke into palace, but polish guard allowed him to escape. was forced to release polish political prisoners + declare no russian help. his polish guard now requested liberty to join rest of the army. gave permission, then took it back + they deserted him. allowed to leave, took no part in war, czar refused to let him live in st. petersbur, lived in bialystok.
CONSTANTINE- Roman soldier who in the time of Honorius 5C ad, rose to emperor of gual, spain, + britain, but conqured by H + put to death.
CONSTANTINE VII- flavius, porphyrogenitus-905-959. emp of east, author + patron of literature. only son of leo VI. the eastern church sanctioned no marriage beyond the 2nd + when leo, childless by 3 wives, had a son by a concubine Zoe. tried to legitimize both, but patriarch Nicholas said no! p name-born of purple. 6 when leo died. left under uncle alexander, but then he died. romanus lecapenus, chief admiral, w/ zoe, appointed to be regent til 944, when forced into a monestary, C had been OK. helena, daughter of Romanus, banished R's sons. not strong willed, but smart. good reign, poisoned by son romanus. c VII also a painter. this his great fame. much writings-histories of several nations. his complete works translated in 1617 + 1711.
CONSTANTINE PAVLOVICH-1779-1831, 2nd son of czar paul, of russia. name chosen by grandma Catherine the great, on account of tradition an emperor constantine was to reign Constantinople/ISTANBUL! at 17 married to princess juliana of saxe-colburg, but after 4 years, seperated. most interested in the army. in 1799, served in italy + distinguished himself in the battle of austerlitz in 1805 by the way he retreated. served rest of warw/ france, but not general. in 1815 appointed generalissimo of polish army, rule marked by unreasonable severity, leading to deep + general discontent;but introduced strict discipline. tho not head of govt. C's influence considerable + it was employed to support arbitrary principles. he abolished the liberty of the press-GEORGEE(just gave it up for ratings) + any literary man or student who expressed any opinion obnoxious to him was thrown into prison(almost georgee-hate of the smart). did material improvements(not georgee). in 1820, fell in love w/polish lady + obtained thru bro the emp a decree so he could marry her, and in return signed a paper resigning all claim of succession. on death of czar alexander in 1825, nicholas, C's younger bro refused to be crowned, but C remained true + even tho conspiracies, he refused the crown. after this, his power in poland increased, had system of espionage + arbitrary govt more harsh. arrest w/out charge common. in 1830, year of revolution, hatred of russia burst into rebellion. conspirators broke into palace, but polish guard allowed him to escape. was forced to release polish political prisoners + declare no russian help. his polish guard now requested liberty to join rest of the army. gave permission, then took it back + they deserted him. allowed to leave, took no part in war, czar refused to let him live in st. petersbur, lived in bialystok.
i hear tom brokaw mention something about a sisterhood around palin. well, count me out of the sisterhood of traveling snowpants.
i hear tom brokaw mention something about a sisterhood around palin. well, count me out of the sisterhood of traveling snowpants.