Saturday, February 20, 2010

lol. i just mailed off a 'victorian' wood stove hibatchi o the bidder. i got it from an estate sale ages ago. but he is either a revolutionary re-enactor or civil war + he is gonna use it to melt lead for musket balls. probably looks better than a baby weber!!!

the plankington was turned into a mall in the 80's. cool building. connected to the former gimbals and grand ave. mall + boston store.

BIG Antique Chinese CLOISONNE VASE All Around LANDSCAPE-$323
In all my snooping around in estates, at auctions and everywhere they’ll let me in, I don’t think I’ve discovered a vase this large in a long, long time. It is 20 ¼” tall, and it weighs nearly 11 ½ lbs. ( 28.6 cm – 5.159 kg )
And it’s not only the size! I don’t recall seeing a scenic cloisonné vase where the mountainous lake scene continues all around the body. It’s quite dramatic.
As we travel around the body, I’ll try to point out elements of interest such as the craggy mountains, the pagoda-shaped gazebo and the sailboats.
I wonder how long it took to create such intricacy.
The overall condition is excellent but for one old repair. I’ll show you a couple images of it in a jiffy.
The area of repair is more easily felt that seen except on close examination. It is flat but not total glassy smooth. It is indicated by my arrow.
And here’s something odd. When I look at some of the areas under magnification, such as the mountains and trunk of the weeping willow tree, they look more like carved minerals or colored stone. Very odd.
Hey! There’s a butterfly!
You’re going to be thrilled with this oversize vase. Some would even call it a “floor vase,” but I’d put it up on a table in a prominent show-off place.
Friday, February 19, 2010

Antique WICKER SEWING TABLE, Oval, ARTS & CRAFTS 1915-$183
How many times have you found what would otherwise have been a wonderful old piece of antique wicker furniture had someone not slapped several coats of white house paint all over it? Several, I’ll bet.
Well . . . This one escaped. It retains its original natural finish.
It is 28” tall, and the oval top is 19” by 14”. Think “lamp table,” as well as “sewing stand.” The lift top makes it ideal for stashing your valuables – especially if you have a lamp on it. Who’d suspect?

There is but one loss. Go back to the first big picture I showed you a second ago. You’ll see a small piece missing at the side of the front foot. It doesn’t impact the sturdiness at all, and you can easily put that foot toward the back. It won’t bother you. Hey! It’s old!

I think my favorite attribute is the half-shelf in the center. Both shelves, as you can see, have 3” galleries all around.

If you’ll use your noodle, you can come up with something tall and interesting to show off in that extra tall space.

The top has a wicker border. The wood could sure use a coat of wax or maybe even a finish. I had an idea that might tick off the purists, but I think it’s worth thinking about. What if you painted the top, as well as the other two flat surfaces, white or even another color that would bring out one of the colors in the room? I’m just sayin’ . . .