Saturday, February 07, 2009

CZARTORYSKI, PRINCE ADAM GEORGE- 1770-1861. a principle actor in the polish revolution of 1830. eldest son of prince adam casimir c. casual eduction at home then further in france + great britain. on return to poland entered public service + in war against russians. in 1795 sent w/ brother constatine, as a hostage to russia. became friends w/ grand duke(later emp) alexander. in 1797 appointed ambassador to sardinia. 1802 alexander I made him assistant minister of foreign affairs. present at battle of austerlitz, suscribed treaty w/great britain + went w/ A I 1807 on his campaign + at conferencesof Tilsit. then retired, but joined A I on trip to paris in 1814. 1815 named senator palatine of the kingdom. attended his 1st diet + spoke in favor of constitutional govt, but failed. in 1821 charges against students of vilna + many imprisoned, some sent to siberia or forced into army. the prince interceded, but didn't listen to him, resigned his office of civiator + 9 years remained out of politics. the revolution of 1830 brought him out of seclusion + became president of the provisional govt. convoked the diet + when the throne declared vacant, elected head. held strong til terrible + decisive days of 1831 + then became comon soldier, russia included + poland fell. prince to paris. no amnesty + his estates confiscated, but his gallacian estates enough income. the people of poland still admired him. head of paris society. 1848 he granted freedom to his gallacian peasants. died 1861.

A FEISTY raccoon has bitten off a pervert’s PENIS as he was trying to rape the animal.
Alexander Kirilov, 44, was on a drunken weekend with pals when he leapt on the terrified – but toothy – fur ball.
“When I saw the raccoon I thought I’d have some fun,” he told stunned casualty surgeons in Moscow.
Now Russian plastic surgeons are trying to restore his mangled manhood.
“He’s been told they can get things working again but they can’t sew back on what the raccoon bit off," said a pal.
“That’s gone forever so there isn’t going to be much for them to work with."
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
just go to i can haz cheezburger and watch the hungry kitteh video.
gee, that rooster looks awfully familiar. OH THAT"S RIGHT. i have 2 of the roosters without the pot. auntie has 1 too. i also found a repaired sad one. goes in my injured livestock sculpture.
CYCELE/RHEA CYBELE- greek mythology, mother of zeus + the order of dieties. the 'mother of gods'. worship peculiar to crete + phrygia. proper name agdistis attended by lions + panthers.
CYCLOPES, the- greek mythology. worked w/ vulcan at his forge. different from odyssey cyclopes.
CYNICS- greek sect. name from their meetings, their habits, + temper.(dog) founded by antisthenes, disciple of socrates. all that was artificial was condemned + te cynic marked by his intense scorn of other men + the insolence of showing it.
CYRIL of alexandria- 376-444. became patriarch of alexandria about 412 + became known for persecution of jews, pagans, + heretics or supposed heretics. closed the churches of the novatians. assailed the synagoges. expelled the jews. hypatia, a reknown beauty + a neo-platonic philosopher opposed to xtianity, was murdered. a real prick, jealous of others. jerry fallwell? pre-crusader.
CYRIL- celebrated professor of the ancient law college of berytus. 491 called the great cyril.
CYRUS the elder- founder of the persian empire. by herodutus. 4 different myths on the origin. H says son of cambyses or persian prince + mandane, daughter of a median king.. astyages. blah blah mythology blah blah
CYRUS the younger- son of darius nothus +parysatis + bro of artaxerxes muemon. at 16 sent by father to assist lacedaemonians against athenians. artaxerxes succeeded father, but C deemed himself his succeesor + sought to deport art. would have been killed, but mothers pleadings saved him, but still ambitious. appointed satrap of lydia + asia minor, where he FOMENTED rebellion. took to the field w army of 100k barbarians + 13k greeks. art met him at cunaxa w 900k(401 bc). could have won, but rash. cyrus slain, but art defeated.
CYCELE/RHEA CYBELE- greek mythology, mother of zeus + the order of dieties. the 'mother of gods'. worship peculiar to crete + phrygia. proper name agdistis attended by lions + panthers.
CYCLOPES, the- greek mythology. worked w/ vulcan at his forge. different from odyssey cyclopes.
CYNICS- greek sect. name from their meetings, their habits, + temper.(dog) founded by antisthenes, disciple of socrates. all that was artificial was condemned + te cynic marked by his intense scorn of other men + the insolence of showing it.
CYRIL of alexandria- 376-444. became patriarch of alexandria about 412 + became known for persecution of jews, pagans, + heretics or supposed heretics. closed the churches of the novatians. assailed the synagoges. expelled the jews. hypatia, a reknown beauty + a neo-platonic philosopher opposed to xtianity, was murdered. a real prick, jealous of others. jerry fallwell? pre-crusader.
CYRIL- celebrated professor of the ancient law college of berytus. 491 called the great cyril.
CYRUS the elder- founder of the persian empire. by herodutus. 4 different myths on the origin. H says son of cambyses or persian prince + mandane, daughter of a median king.. astyages. blah blah mythology blah blah
CYRUS the younger- son of darius nothus +parysatis + bro of artaxerxes muemon. at 16 sent by father to assist lacedaemonians against athenians. artaxerxes succeeded father, but C deemed himself his succeesor + sought to deport art. would have been killed, but mothers pleadings saved him, but still ambitious. appointed satrap of lydia + asia minor, where he FOMENTED rebellion. took to the field w army of 100k barbarians + 13k greeks. art met him at cunaxa w 900k(401 bc). could have won, but rash. cyrus slain, but art defeated.

o is for ???. all i can think is orange. maybe oranges were big back then. why is there a candle? christmas?