Saturday, December 27, 2008

a signed bird. apparently george wilmott is quite collectable. HEY! i have a mini jorge wilcott bird! may have sold a wilcott plate. gone before i good edjumicate myself.

i think i posted the close up of this. i WANTED to hoard this, but i got profit. so. and learned all about the el camino real.

i was pimping cars, did chryslers today and was waiting for a 73' new yorker cause my mom had one when i was in high school and after. no new yorkers, so i googled. and found this and this description.
The 1973 Chryslers were real land yachts. Their handling could be described as "boat like". A quick input to the steering wheel brings no immediate reaction from the car. In fact, if you turn the wheel quickly from side to side, the car will not veer at all from it's straight ahead course. These cars are impervious to side winds and road irregularities, especially when outfitted with radial ply tires. They are best suited to turnpike driving where the road is straight and the speeds are fast. You can drive one comfortably for hours. In city driving, they are a nightmare to park, but a joy to drive, because their large stature and somewhat stately and aggressive look keep oncoming drivers out of your path. They look like a car that you would not want to be hit by, so people stay out of the way. Gas mileage is dismal by today's standards and the 440 engine will deliver only about 15 to 16 mpg on the highway, and about 10 mpg in the city. Aggressive use of the gas pedal can drop the gas mileage down to about 7 mpg. The power, however, is incredible for such a large car and hill climbing and highway passing are a breeze. You can reach 60 mile per hour in about 8.5 seconds. Top speed is about 120 mph.
we dubbed mom's the blue barge and it had plates-blu brg. and yes, somebody cut me off in the 90's and if i could post the look of fear i saw in her rear view mirror. i didn't like that car('embroidery strips) til i DROVE it. man did i have VENTS! and i loved the steering wheel. one time i drove it up north with my cousin and we had the best tail wind. i did most of the trip at 80 and must have got the best mileage EVER! we just cruised in that baby. but i gotta say, sompared to my 72 + 73 oldsmobile delta 88's, it was old fashioned. my delta's were far better cars. but she was fun. bit high. i nearly crushed a little foreign jobby switching lanes. could barely see that little thing. BUT, you ad a nice clear view out of that car. and parking wasn't so bad. had 2 little lights on the frost end to help. tho it had big rubber baby bumpers. sigh. i miss my driving couches.

the double peacock windows. NOT tiffany. i thought they sucked. but ok. these 2 slightly better. bad pic.
Friday, December 26, 2008

the edison mimeograph. ahh. fresh mimeograph ink. rubber cement. magic markers. the young huffers missed out. but they still have rubber cement. right?

big pastel. julie cristie. had started in bio books and got christie, greta garbo and clint eastwood books out. why they got done. good images. then went thru movie books. why i did M. and clockwork. i think this is the 2nd. need a pic of the first. did a few john waynes, but not psycadelic.