Saturday, September 10, 2011

primrose are a spring flower, our have gotten thinner, the unwanted yellow ones transplanted/killed, but a few survived and blooming in august/sept?

Vintage Set 4 CANNISTERS, Red/White Check & NASTURTIUMS=$39
Whatcha think? 1940s? 1950s? They are tin and have remained in just about as nice condition as you could hope to find. There are signs of use but certainly nothing heartbreaking. As a matter of fact, I’ll show you something that gave me a little chuckle because it really relates to me as I get older and older and older and older.
The little ole lady put masking tape on two just to remind her what she put in them. That’s when I got my little chuckle. Just last month, I used masking tape on my chest of drawers in the bedroom: “Socks” – “OOAK Socks” – “Underwear.” Golden years, my arse. My cell phone rang as I was working on my computer yesterday, and I picked my mouse, put it to my ear and said, “Hello . . . HELLO??O??
Later, my dear spouse of approaching 140 years, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, asked who was on the phone. I said, “Wrong number.”
With the lids off you can see normal wear where they rubbed as the lids were taken off and put back on. Only one has some bends, which could easily be straightened if it bothers you, which it won’t.
I see one scuff near the back side, but overall they are in remarkable condition for their age; as am I. Hey! I’m still above ground!
Friday, September 09, 2011
2 ESTATE Antique BOX BUTTER MOLDS 1 w FOLK ART Carving-$31
I don’t yet know how many butter molds, stamps and prints I bought, but I can tell you one thing; the estate was the cleanest I’ve encountered. For once, I didn’t have to fight the dust-bunnies for whatever was under the beds.
The one on the left is totally original. The one of the right, the one with the tiger maple box appears to have been either a butter print searching for a box, or simply a stamp with a long handle. We’ll talk about that later, so just keep your panties on.
I love the simple little plant on the one, but the complex geometry of the other is intriguing as well. Maybe the pattern was to assist you in cutting different size pats.

EVREUX- (the ancient mediolanum + after eburovices) a town of france. well built + still has timber framed houses. ancient cathedral-curious, from 11th c. episcopal palace from the 15th c. 15th c clock tower blah blah remains of roman theater, palace, baths, + aquiduct.
E existed in early period late 10th c. richard I of normandy gave it to his son robert + early 12tj c to the house of montfort, bought by philip augustus of france, phil II gave it to brother, prince louis, who in 1316 was created count of evereux. count phil of E, got the kingdom of navarre by marriage + charles III of navarre sold it to charles VI of france. charles III gave it in 1426 to john stuart, earl of darnly, + ater his death, it went back to the crown. charles XI bestowed it, w/ title to brother, duke of alencob, but back to crown when he died in 1584.