Saturday, March 10, 2012
Antique DURGIN Sterling Silver BERRY SPOON, A. Newsalt, ARTS & CRAFTS Variation-$64
Few turn of the century silver makers were as innovative as Durgin. Many of their designs are extremely rare, and this is certain one of those. In conformity to known Durgin patterns, it lies somewhere between Arts & Crafts and Dolly Madison. That, of course, is my opinion as a rank amateur silver enthusiast.
1 PIERLUGUIGI FARNESe(1493-1547)- was the natural son(bastard) of pope paul III, who appointed him g0nfaloniere or general of the armies of the church, created him soveriegn duke of parma + piacenza + obtained for him the much coveted dignity of patrician of venice. his character was shamelessly vicious + tyrannical. he deprived the nobles of their most dearly cherished privileges, forbade them to maintain armed retainers, + forced them, on pain of confiscation, to leave their estates + reside in towns. his cruelty appeared in his ruthless massacer of perugia, who had revolted against his father, + his uncontrollable passion in the outrage he committed against the bishop of fano. at length a conspiracy against him was formed among his own subjects, assisted by ferrante gonzago, the imperial govenor of milan, + he was assasinated in his palace. his body flung from the window, + dragged by the mob in triumph thru the streets 9/1547.
PF had several children, for all of whom Paul III made careful + generous provision.
1 PIERLUGUIGI FARNESe(1493-1547)- was the natural son(bastard) of pope paul III, who appointed him g0nfaloniere or general of the armies of the church, created him soveriegn duke of parma + piacenza + obtained for him the much coveted dignity of patrician of venice. his character was shamelessly vicious + tyrannical. he deprived the nobles of their most dearly cherished privileges, forbade them to maintain armed retainers, + forced them, on pain of confiscation, to leave their estates + reside in towns. his cruelty appeared in his ruthless massacer of perugia, who had revolted against his father, + his uncontrollable passion in the outrage he committed against the bishop of fano. at length a conspiracy against him was formed among his own subjects, assisted by ferrante gonzago, the imperial govenor of milan, + he was assasinated in his palace. his body flung from the window, + dragged by the mob in triumph thru the streets 9/1547.
PF had several children, for all of whom Paul III made careful + generous provision.
ANTIQUE Arts & Crafts POST CARD ALBUM, Real Photo MILITARY Germany STEINS Bands-$57
“In memory of my riding service” At least that’s as close as I come to a translation. I suppose the are cavalrymen.
Military physicals are probably about the same the world around. Get nekked, turn your head, and cough. Now, bend over, spread . . . you get the picture.
7 soldiers – 4 steins – stoneware pitcher – 2 signs – 1 sword – a cigar – furniture made of branches – and lots of pride.
No wonder it takes me so long to do a postcard album. I’m going senile but still curious.