Saturday, May 24, 2008
they been saying hillary has been using the kitchen sink strategy. seems she's been tossing in toilets to me.
they been saying hillary has been using the kitchen sink strategy. seems she's been tossing in toilets to me.

CHARLES XII- king of sweden, b.1682. well educated + able to speak german, french, + latin fluently. 1697, father died + Ch XII only 15, was declared of age + given royal authority. little disposed to state affairs, time spent in study + amusement. frederick IV, king of Denmark, got the idea of gettingthe crown for himself + adding Sw + augustus II, king of poland + saxony's elector + peter the great of russia agreed to the plan. danes invaded + the duke of that state( who was married to Ch XII's sister), fled to Stockholm + begged assistance. Ch XII immediately made plans to attack DK with help from England + william of orange. w/swedish fleet, brits, drove DK fleet into copenhagen + bombarded the city, but doing little damage. meanwhile Ch XII landed in zealand w/ army. DK inferior in #s, fell back + frederick, seeing his capital in jeopardy, gave up his plans + sued for peace, + Ch XII took arms against P + R.
Ch XII spartan manners- gave up wine, slept on the floor on a cloak, in or outside. plain clothed. whole wardrobe a blue suit w/copper buttons. took no notice of heat or cold. beat peter the great's army w/ inferior #s, but once all enemies conquered, he wanted more. took Saxony + claimed poland, but, twice, forced back to Sw. got large enemy on finnish border, + then marched on russia + almost captured the czar. nearly got moscaow, but severe winter(waterloo), wounded, fled to turkey. there 3 years. tried to stir up war between turks and Rus + almost happened, except forP the great's wife catherine. turks declared Ch XII had broken the laws of hospitality + orders to seize ChXII-dead or alive. fought hard, set house on fire, finally seized. blah blah blah poland blah, prussian blah, escaped turkey, more war. stubbornly in ope. hit in head -dead 1718. assasinated? no. lots of controversy into 1859 when he was dug up again. 1746 also. a mix of good + evil + he brought Sw FROM A HIGH RANK POWER TO A DIMINISHED STATE. GEORGEE!
sweden still has his last blue suit w/ copper buttons.
so, i am waiting in the parking lot while my mom is in a pharmacy. big electric SERV letters above the door. birds nest in the S. 2 house(fucking english) sparrows fly out and sit on one side of the V, where the mail proveeds to moubt the female 14 times(yes i kept count), 1 failed attempt when they ried i on the R. then they flew to the roof wonder those damn things are so fecund.
then i saw a small woodpecker in the dead cedar in the back yard.
so, i am waiting in the parking lot while my mom is in a pharmacy. big electric SERV letters above the door. birds nest in the S. 2 house(fucking english) sparrows fly out and sit on one side of the V, where the mail proveeds to moubt the female 14 times(yes i kept count), 1 failed attempt when they ried i on the R. then they flew to the roof wonder those damn things are so fecund.
then i saw a small woodpecker in the dead cedar in the back yard.

CHARLES XI- 1655-1697. king of sweden. 5 years old at father's death, and left under the regency of his mother + a councul. brought up wout care, he became a man, illiterate. in 1672 he assumed the govt + under the influence of france, was rushed into invasion of Brandenburg. the B elector assisted by Holland + denmark + Ch XI's army took serious blows, but taking charge himself, won several battles. 1679 peace treaty signed. Ch now, devoted everything for absolute independent kingly authority. cut # of senators, more than royal councillers reunited w/ the crown all lands it had lost since 1609 + and in 1682. made state declare the king responsible for the use ofhis authoriy to none but god. NOT BOUND BY ANY GOVERNMENT, (georgee!) and need only seek senate consent at own pleasure. (georgee indeed!) THO Ch paid PAID PUBLIC DEBTS, published annual reports of finances. travelled thruout country to see needs of the countrt (NOT GEORGEE!) defended them from the tyranny of the nobles. strong + just administration.(FDR!!!) added territory. only lutheranism tolerated. personally stern + rough.
Labels: (georgee
Friday, May 23, 2008

my funny chicken key holder. earlt in my estate saleing. not sure if it was done from a kit. signs of pencil. NOT that i care. shall be a good retirement fund piece i bet.

MY best spoon lure. same sale that i got that awesome reel. i couldn't believe it wasn't sold and snapped it up. mother of PEARL! how pretty can you get? and brass! early 1900's or older. prominent on my wall. i think i paid $3. or was it $1.50? it was half price! i SHOULD have taken the set of 'the book of knowledge'. i have mentioned the set i got for $2. this set was a tad newer and not as collerful, but ebay would have ATE them. sigh. but i got this and my reel! D&M sales always have potential to be something cool.
well, looks like i was right about WHY hillary is staying and won't STFU. and then i hear she said it in MARCH TOO! she's waiting for obama to get shot. she's waiting for her own little JFK freebee. DIDN'T THIS LEAD TO NIXON?
she didn't say it once. she said it more than once.....she doesn't deserve the nomination. NOT THIS VAGINA.
well, looks like i was right about WHY hillary is staying and won't STFU. and then i hear she said it in MARCH TOO! she's waiting for obama to get shot. she's waiting for her own little JFK freebee. DIDN'T THIS LEAD TO NIXON?
she didn't say it once. she said it more than once.....she doesn't deserve the nomination. NOT THIS VAGINA.

CHARLES GUSTAVUS X- 1622-1660. king of sweden. son of John casimir, elector of palatine of the rhine, + catherine, daughter of Charles IX of sweden. took part in 30 years war. sought hand of cousin Queen Christina, who he professed to love dearly. rejected. but in 1654, she abdictcated the throne + he succeeded her. passion for war. 1655 overran Poland, 'because polish king not happy Ch succeeded christina'. then prussia and compelled to swear allegiance to him., then denmark. seized continental DK. he proposed to holland + england to split up DK between them, but cromwell refused to join his spoils, still fighting DK when he died at 38.

my uninnoculated peas. and the bleeding hearts. while playing in the yard(harvesting catnip) i disturbed a bumble bee that must have been resting/sleeping there. oops. had to clear it out for the hidden daylilies. the peas are still alive today.

post MIAD. our art museum had a figure drawing session. cheap, so i went for several months, once a week. different models. i would experiment even more. i spray painted paper. this i think after doing my dahmer series-that will be coming-this one i used cheap bright bright pastels. was about 10 or so other artists. funny that nobody ever asked what i was using. still the quick draw. NO JOEL. NO DICK BACON. must have been more UWM people. MIAD never had brunhilda. what i called her. nasty face and lower body, but i wish i had her tits. i will have to post her now too! used to have this on the basement wall. i quite like it.
i guess now i have to take more basement photos. gotta ask my uncle how the slides are going. he can transfer slides to digital.
i'm lazy. plus some of my stuff is quite large and the basement is a mess.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

CHARLES IX- 1550-1611 king of sweden. 4th son of Gustavus Vasa. his nephew, Sigismud, king of poland, who inherited the crown in 1592. king a Roman catholic, charles appointed to run government til S signed a decree establishing lutheranism official religion of sweden. also sweded not to happy w/ polish king on their throne. Sig diposed and Ch elected in 1604. carried out war on Poland/russia/ denmark at 60, challenged ChristianIV of DK, to single combat.
many domestic measuresbeneficial. founded Univ at Gothenburg + spread education. new code of laws-left a rhymed chronicle + letters to Henry IV of france + others.

i wanna find more cats! my grandma had at least 1. i found one while helping my mom get all the old medical records from the old insane asylum for milwaukee. also took a BIG flag, a nice stool my fucking returd boss didn't return to me. GRRRR. and a fan. begged my mom for a roll of TB x-ray film. finally got one. worthless except for curiosity.

CHARLES IV- 1748-1819 king of spain. son of Ch III. married when very young to cousin maria louisa of parma, who gained great influence over him. tried to help Louis XVI(a relative of course). war war. portugal/england. in 1807 made secret treaty w/ napoleon. portugal would be seized. some to france, the rest to queen of etruria + charles, emperor of america. same time 16,000 sp troops sent to help france in denmark. meanwhile N is conniving w/ don ferdinand, who soon discovered plotting to kill Ch IV. afraid of Qu + F, surrendered crown to N, who gave him 6,000,000 fr + the castle, + grounds of chamboard + he lived there retired w/wife + the favorite, refusing to return to the throne, even tho his son very unpopular(george I + II!). died soon after his wife did.

if this stayd cheap, i wanted to bid. but then i considered it. and i resisted. but it was nice. i steal it's soul instead.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

a ecuador ??? i got from about the 1st year of estate sales. late 90's or so. before the end of schlitz. sigh. not enough milwaukeeans go to ecuador.

jacobo + maria angeles. the whole raccoon. I WANT IT. sigh. i steal it's soul then.

this is a VERY nice bird, but they want too much and sadly, it ISN'T worth that price.

pansy may be sick, but she ain't dead. lately she's been in basil's box too. now all three use it. and going on the desk? but that's the spares spot.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

CHARLES III- 1716-1788 king of spain. at 15 ran army, was sent to take possession of his principality at 18, conquered the 2 sicilies + forced the emperor to recognize him as king. 1759, on death of brother, succeeded to the spanish throne. his reign beneficial. ability + even temper. good advisors. administration of finances refunded + national bank initiated. jesuits banished + an unsuccessful attempts to bring the inquisition under power of the civil government. something was done to abolish brigandage. interested in the development of commerce, science, + art. stregthened the army + navy. wars against england w/the french had little results. in 1763, he ceded florida to england for cuba. joined france to help during the revolution. after the revolution, got florida back + minorca. an attack on gibraltar unsuccessful.
34? more midass Bush weeks to go
34? more horrible Bush weeks to go
mr war preznit wants to be peace preznit and goes to israel
georgee does a book report on nazis and appeasement tale
34? more stoopid stoopid Bush weeks to go
of course georgee broke the rule. always has always will.
34? more horrible Bush weeks to go
mr war preznit wants to be peace preznit and goes to israel
georgee does a book report on nazis and appeasement tale
34? more stoopid stoopid Bush weeks to go
of course georgee broke the rule. always has always will.