Saturday, January 26, 2013
Notice there is a flat surface inside the arch, and I see someone has drilled a hole. You could put anything on there. I’ll try a few things, and you’ll see. Go make a note to yourself to pay whatever it takes to win this piece. Anything.
I’d like to play with it all day, but I can’t. Puppy Cup Pilcrow and Elwood are coming over in a few minutes, and we’re all going up to Pink’s Truck Stop and Eats for the afternoon. He’s opened up a “Therapeutic Massage” business out behind the truck wash. All three of us seem to have come down with back problems at the same time.
FRANCE..... the 3rd republic.
in spite of all precautions, the news oozed out at paris to the dismayed imperialists. on 9/4/1870, the 3rd republic was proclaimed on the advice of thiers, w/ a govt of national defense; the chief members were jules FAVRE, jules simon, gambetta; general trochu its military head gradually the germans closed in on paris; no serious resistance in the field attempted or possible, when 1/2 the army destroyed or prisoners at sedan. 1st siege of paris lasted 9/18/1870 to 1/30/1871 during which a temporal power of the papacy ended 9/1870 w/ fell w/ the imperial cause. in December, the king of prussia was invited to accept the position of head of the german empire. w/ a german empire + victor emmanuel at rome, france in extremities, it was clear big changes had come, + ledto broad rearrangements of the political world. while paris stood bravely, if not wisely, gambeta at tours use incredible efforts to raise fresh armies for france; the old hero of italy, giribaldi also appeared, now that imperialism was gone, + placed his sword at the disposal of the republic. before the end f oct the capitulation of metz had released a who;e german army, w/ protected the operations of the whole german army, w/protected the operations of the besieging hosts; at last n 1/28/1871 an armistice announced w/ ended the siege. the war elsewhere died out almost at once; the germans OCCUPIED all the forts around paris.
on 2/8 elections for the national assembly at bordeaux to debate the terms of peace. it was nominally republican, w/ strong monarchal leanings, as yet unexpressed; hardly 1/2 bonapartists came back, giribaldi was elected, tho he declined the honor. the new govt had thiers at the head + m grevy head of the assembly, + they decided to move to versailles. fierce outbreak of hot republicans in paris interferred w/ their work, on 3/18 the commune of paris declared upposition to to the versailes republic. the old grudges o artisan paris aserted their unpleasant presence; + marshal macmahon was sent to quell them. thiers followed the 2nd siege of paris from 4/2-5/21 w/ the horrors- gloomy street fighting, burning + ruin(greece).
meanwhile m thiers had, by his unwearying activity, succeeded in getting terms of peace. the treaty of frankfurt was signed on 5/10/1871; by it alsace + a large part of lorraine were ceded back to germany., while belfort to francewas restored; a huge monetary indemnity was paid to germany for the cost of war.
FRANCE..... the 3rd republic.
in spite of all precautions, the news oozed out at paris to the dismayed imperialists. on 9/4/1870, the 3rd republic was proclaimed on the advice of thiers, w/ a govt of national defense; the chief members were jules FAVRE, jules simon, gambetta; general trochu its military head gradually the germans closed in on paris; no serious resistance in the field attempted or possible, when 1/2 the army destroyed or prisoners at sedan. 1st siege of paris lasted 9/18/1870 to 1/30/1871 during which a temporal power of the papacy ended 9/1870 w/ fell w/ the imperial cause. in December, the king of prussia was invited to accept the position of head of the german empire. w/ a german empire + victor emmanuel at rome, france in extremities, it was clear big changes had come, + ledto broad rearrangements of the political world. while paris stood bravely, if not wisely, gambeta at tours use incredible efforts to raise fresh armies for france; the old hero of italy, giribaldi also appeared, now that imperialism was gone, + placed his sword at the disposal of the republic. before the end f oct the capitulation of metz had released a who;e german army, w/ protected the operations of the whole german army, w/protected the operations of the besieging hosts; at last n 1/28/1871 an armistice announced w/ ended the siege. the war elsewhere died out almost at once; the germans OCCUPIED all the forts around paris.
on 2/8 elections for the national assembly at bordeaux to debate the terms of peace. it was nominally republican, w/ strong monarchal leanings, as yet unexpressed; hardly 1/2 bonapartists came back, giribaldi was elected, tho he declined the honor. the new govt had thiers at the head + m grevy head of the assembly, + they decided to move to versailles. fierce outbreak of hot republicans in paris interferred w/ their work, on 3/18 the commune of paris declared upposition to to the versailes republic. the old grudges o artisan paris aserted their unpleasant presence; + marshal macmahon was sent to quell them. thiers followed the 2nd siege of paris from 4/2-5/21 w/ the horrors- gloomy street fighting, burning + ruin(greece).
meanwhile m thiers had, by his unwearying activity, succeeded in getting terms of peace. the treaty of frankfurt was signed on 5/10/1871; by it alsace + a large part of lorraine were ceded back to germany., while belfort to francewas restored; a huge monetary indemnity was paid to germany for the cost of war.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Uh-oh! I think I’ve just made an “art.” What I SHOULD do is nail it together right now – head for New York City and become a famous artist.
Nah! My old truck would never make the trip. There goes another dream.
What the devil am I talking about? I’ve never dreamt of being an artist. I didn’t even know I was one until just a few seconds ago.
Now I can’t quit thinking about it. Let’s just say – and I’m not promising anything – but let’s just say Idid decide to take the bus out there to New York City and become a famous artist. Do you know anyone with a spare room? It wouldn’t have to be fancy – just a place to bed down ‘til I got on my feet.

Q: Q: | Hi, I've put this into my watch list, but just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed reading you ramble on about artistic dreaming and NY. I have no idea what I would do with this, but you made me think I cannot do without it! Have fun Mary | Jan-15-13 |
A: | As a "dealer," making you think you can't do without these molds is the whole idea. Actually, the molds are just "gateway" items. Once you're hooked on them, I'll try to move you up to something even more addicting - Abstract paintings, maybe, or even dining room tables missing a leg. Thanks-a-million, Dennis PS - You might get a grin or so by reading my "ME" page. There is a link to it right beside my feedback score. (It says, "me.") On my ME page, there is nothing for sale - just a collection of my rambles from times gone by. |
unfinished estate sale painting. i finished it for her. i just did most of the background.