Saturday, July 03, 2010

random 341 object
During the course of our “downsizing,” we’ve started paying attention to how much floor or wall space an item takes up, which is, I reckon, why they call it downsizing. Then we noticed another factor that seems to be playing a role in what we sell and what we keep, and that is “How long we’ve had the item” whether it be a bookcase secretary, a little figurine or an oil painting. In this case it is this large oil painting.
It fits the first criterion about what must go and what will stay in that it is big. Overall, including what is most certainly the original 2” deep frame, it measures 42” by 30”. The painting on stretched canvas is 34” by 22”.
But then there is the second consideration; “How long have we had it?”
I took it down off the wall leaned it against a wall. I figured I’d ask She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed when she got home. She always remembers that kind of stuff. So when she walked in, I asked her: “Do you remember how long we’ve had this painting?”
“We’ve had it forever,” she said as she carried her load of who knows what into the bedroom. “And don’t ask me about anything else,” and slammed the door. (Uh-oh. Sounds to me like the one whose idea it was to downsize in the first place is having second thoughts.)
I wasn’t going to argue with her, but I don’t remember having it as a child, and she wasn’t carrying any baggage when we met and hooked up back in ’64. So let’s just say, it’s been here for a very long time. It’s also in beautiful condition – untouched.
I’ve always love everything about it, especially those two little birds sitting there on the edge of the fountain enjoying their day. They look like they’re talking to one another.
I’ve never done a thing to the frame. It has some surface losses, but those don’t bother me. Image, if you will however, what it would look like restored. If you like that look, it would be a stunning frame.
Another thing I love about it is all the flowers and potted plants, including an orange tree. Then there’s the lion guarding the door.
Love that house!
As far as age is concerned, I’d say it dates back around 90 to 95 years, but that’s just a guess. As far as I can tell, it isn’t signed. Frankly, until just now, I don’t think I’d ever looked for a signature. It may be obscured. After all, the painting could use a good cleaning. It would REALLY come to life then.
Condition = Excellent
If you’re the winner and you have it cleaned, I’d love to see a picture. It looks to me like it came from over in the Old Country somewhere – France or Italy probably.
One thing I DO remember about the painting is that ever since Lord-knows-when, every art, antiques or junk dealer who wanders in and out of our place has made a point of saying, “If you ever decide to get rid of that big painting, give me a call.”
Instead of telling each of them I’d never sell it, I should have kept a list. Oh well, if they aren’t dead, they’re probably on eBay, even though most of our friends are old as dirt. We’ll just have to see.

I can’t imagine anyone making china doll heads much larger than this one. It stands about 9 ½” tall and weighs 4 lbs. Except for the mended crack and a little scuffing on the back, it’s in very nice condition. Great for the library shelf or mantle.
I saw a note somewhere that such shoulder-heads as this were sometimes made by both Kling and Alt, Beck & Gottschalck back in the 1860s.
She has a cute little chubby face with blue eyes, and her black hair is parted down the middle. Really . . . when you get right down to it, she’s in remarkable condition except for that repaired crack. It’s no wonder it got dropped. The doll must have been as big as the little girl who tried to lug her around.
I don’t think I’ll be able to read one of Louis L’Amour’s novels about the Sacketts again without thinking of that face.
Friday, July 02, 2010

2 Old THEWALT Lidded BEER STEINS w Lovers & Drinkers-$15
Started back in the early 1890s is Prussia, this line of stoneware and stein makers finally closed in 2009.
The taller one is 7 ¾”, and the shorter is 7 ¼” tall, yet they are both ½ liter. Both are in very nice shape. No disappointments.
The specific number of each stein is found on the body just behind the handle. One is 1197, and the other is 1161.
The three scenes on the first stein chronicle a typical night at a bar. Or so I’ve heard. Under the first view, it says “Oh, what lust.”
Finally, I think that says something about needing more money. I guess we’ve all been down that road.
Put those two panels together, and it says something about a mildly sore hostess or a hostess with a mild sore. WHAT!? That can’t be right.