Saturday, October 25, 2008

another nasturtium, or nasty. i cut the background and the strip between the bottom borders.
Friday, October 24, 2008
i forgots. i did my training to be a poll worker today. gonna observe O day on the inside. at least 1/2 the day. gotta be home for the daily show and colbert.
Thursday, October 23, 2008

so, yesterday, right off the menominee parkway. a brady bunch era. but the ad said time travel. saw some bags being carid out. what did i miss??? eh, nobody takes what i the door, yep, 20's-30's and a pinch of 50/60's. high style 40's house? kitchen looked 40's. much older stuff in the basement + here + there. i reeeely wanted the sewing chest, but do i do with? at home? duh, paint chest. tho i do have 2 old filing cabinet(bright green and an end tablle for paint. but the sewing chest had SHALLOW drawers. sigh. i woulda dumped my $2 end table! got an awesome old glass.(i collect old tumblers. ribbed and etched at the top + real fancy bottom. that's mine. a few ebayables. what else is mine? i had a very full bag. metal pail w/ wood handle..small chipped lamp shade for my best desk lamp....3 peelers with frechers, OLD salt and pepper, might be leaded glass. not molded decorations. i guess i have more pics to take. the seller dude was kinda bummed. i guess the furniture was out of 'place', but i saw, an antique person should be thrilled at the deals no matter where. i'd love to have the green rocker upholsered chair and foot stool chest. and he was gonna let the organ go for $10. insane. was a quite fancy old organ. lot of buttons.

started cheap on ebay. but i wasn't the only one who liked em. $75ish the sold for. my VA via the world epal, waves hi to maria, said they donates a gold version after family dies cause nobody wanted em. i guess i have to find my own. or just 1 of the set.