Saturday, April 14, 2012
i actually did an estate sale in this house. not much at all there, tho the living room had TWO baby grand pianos. rather tired interior. but the new owners have fixed up the deteriating pillars + you can see striped it + were painting it last oct.
i actually did an estate sale in this house. not much at all there, tho the living room had TWO baby grand pianos. rather tired interior. but the new owners have fixed up the deteriating pillars + you can see striped it + were painting it last oct.
Antique COBALT Decorated STONEWARE Beer Ale PITCHER – Motto - DRINK A LOT SLOWLY -$26
With advice worthy of any of the ancient thinkers embossed on its face, it transcends, or at least blurs, that imperceptible line between philosophy and B*LL-S**T - between redneck rationalization and situational ethics. Trinke Langsam Aber Viel, which loosely translated from German simply means, “Drink slowly but drink a lot.”
In addition to its savvy advice, “always keep a little buzz on,” it is also most decorative with the cobalt enhancements to the crisply molded surface. The theme is “Warts and Flowers.”
I don’t know who made it, but I assume it’s German. I don’t know its history either. Ricky Bob, the auctioneer at the little country auction down the blacktop from our little dirt farm just held it in the air, asked for ten bucks to start it, and, when the dust settled I was the new owner. I think we can safely assume the original owner is dead, so it is time it found a new home. I nominate you!
Okay . . . Let’s get something out of the way right here up front . . .
There is some roughness at the top of the spout, and that’s almost always the case with these old pitchers. But the lighter area on the right-hand side, as you’re looking at it from the front, is nothing more than a glaze skip . . . granted, it’s a large glaze skip – just deal with it. Get up off my back about it. I didn’t do it. I wasn’t even born yet.
To change the subject and get away from this silly little flaw, which you can turn toward the wall anyway, let’s talk about something else.
Two things it has going for it other that the social advice and a beautiful countenance: There are no cracks, and it doesn’t stink.
I love the warty surface because of something my grandfather told me back when I was a pup: “Always remember,” he said. “Turn a wart inside-out, and you’ve got yourself a dimple.”
a fallbrett-falling board. blunt edge. late 1400's. not very efficient.
st pat's day haul. need to fix some pics, but ryan and i had a interesting tour. more later.
Friday, April 13, 2012
toola. she was an injured otter unable to be released and she then went on many years to foster lost babee otters. but she is no more.
toola. she was an injured otter unable to be released and she then went on many years to foster lost babee otters. but she is no more.
looks like they added floors to this building like the one my aunt works in.
looks like they added floors to this building like the one my aunt works in.
Antique 3 pc TEA SERVICE with TEAPOT – Unknown “Silver Co. of N.Y.” - Sheffield -$62
The surfaces are tarnish, but I don’t think the set was ever actually used. If it was, it was certainly used with care. It’s ideal for a little private tea. All three pieces are marked, but after long, intense and careful study for a couple minutes, I still can’t identify the maker.