Saturday, October 10, 2009

just southeast of our house. old stone house, 20's. not as neat, but had some details. cept fucking deep plush wall to wall. best thing was the deco upstairs bathroom, tiles i had never seen before. 12x12 onyx looking, shiny. black + cream. and yes i did peek into the shower/bathtub. need to take a pic of the small haul, but in the kitchen. a beautiful old icebox. and only $750. cool handles. i should have taken a pic of the awful hall wallpaper. and so much of it. almost got a artial mark twain book set. stuff i never heard of, but i couldn't read his short stories and i have too many books as it is.
Friday, October 09, 2009
watching realtime and the basic reality that the middle class is being destroyed. america has become a HUGE company store, and everybody works for the man. we are serfs, we work in mill towns and the 'house wins'. everything is now stacked against us.
we need elizabeth warren to lock obama in a room with her. geitner needs to go down. we need the wall streeters to visualize the guillotine coming.
watching realtime and the basic reality that the middle class is being destroyed. america has become a HUGE company store, and everybody works for the man. we are serfs, we work in mill towns and the 'house wins'. everything is now stacked against us.
we need elizabeth warren to lock obama in a room with her. geitner needs to go down. we need the wall streeters to visualize the guillotine coming.

this rooster tray was so messed up when i found it, sad. i over cleaned it, but it still has character.