Saturday, November 21, 2009

most of my bells. grandma f had bells. so i check out estate bells. i guess some are worth $.

Obama Weighs Options In Afghanistan
Pressure is mounting on President Obama to make a decision on the future of Afghanistan.
Here are the options currently being considered:
Not only learn the lessons of Vietnam, but apply them as well
Visit; act fascinated by their rugs
Remove every American soldier; see if fighting continues
Legalize gambling, as that's worked well domestically
Thunderdome-style battle to the death between Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal and Afghanistan Taliban leader Mullah Omar
Call the Taliban pretending to be the Prophet Muhammad and tell them to stop ambushing American soldiers
Announce you're raising troop levels by 15,000, then pull everybody out, then come back with a half million soldiers, in the process convincing al-Qaeda that you're loco and not to be messed with
Arm and finance a group of religious fighters
Back the murderous drug-dealing warlord with the most government officials in his pocket
so, last night i shecked outside to see if the possum was back. nope. no possum, but BUT something did able into the yard. a PLUMP SKUNK! obviously walked thru the alley and sort of stubled down the stairs. sniffed the lawn and then made his was to the neighbor's fence and disappeared.
so, last night i shecked outside to see if the possum was back. nope. no possum, but BUT something did able into the yard. a PLUMP SKUNK! obviously walked thru the alley and sort of stubled down the stairs. sniffed the lawn and then made his was to the neighbor's fence and disappeared.
Friday, November 20, 2009

EDWARD I- 1239-1307, king of england. son of henry III + eleanor, daughter of provence. in 1252 named govenor of gascony + in 1254 married eleanor, daughter of alphonso of castile. 1264 battle of lewes, impetuous, defeated barons, but left king defenceless + royals routed. king taken prisoner , but + joined earl of gloucester + defeated de monfort. in 1269, at request of pope, went of crusade. got there in 1270 + 1271 captured nazareth + killed all the turks. in revenge an assassin stabbed him 3 times w/ poisoned arrow, but he was too vigorous + revovered. but king died same year, in sicily when he heard, but went to italy + france + in a tournament. his followers quarreled w/ count of chalou's peeps + he killed the count in single combat. got to england in 1274 + crowned. blah blah issues of state. reformed feudalism + freed people from oppression(statutes of westminster) 1277 conquered wales, but 1280 war restarted til llewelyn died in 1282. more reform, germ of house of commons. 1295 banished jews. 1297 refused bull of pope boniface VIII forbiding taxing of clergy. + 1299 the right of people to fix their own taxation. 1290 eleanor dies + 1293 negotiations to marry margaret, sister of philip IV of france, but french treachery + broke off, but married in 1299. scottish stuff between 1293-1299 blah blah baliol blah blah1301 invaded scotland the 5th time. king of france made him call france blah blah william wallace executed blah bruce murders comyn. getting old, but still warring, but dies. he was a good warrior + good general + good statesmanship. good ruler + good foreign policy. (not georgee) father of constitutional freedom. far zseeing foreign policy. gave up influence in france for control of scotland. harsh to get scotland tho.
9 kids 16 births
i noticed some shine on the alley thru crack in the kitchen curtains, so looked outside to check. yeah, rained and then saw critter. bigger, cat on mouse? no. coon? then saw the tail. OH NOES! POSSUM! tried to take pic that won't com out. then it scrurried towards the house. EEK.
GLOBAL WARMING!!! and they have adapted to WI! soon they will be UP NORT!!!!
i noticed some shine on the alley thru crack in the kitchen curtains, so looked outside to check. yeah, rained and then saw critter. bigger, cat on mouse? no. coon? then saw the tail. OH NOES! POSSUM! tried to take pic that won't com out. then it scrurried towards the house. EEK.
GLOBAL WARMING!!! and they have adapted to WI! soon they will be UP NORT!!!!

I just discovered this gal last week. Even though I can’t be certain, I think I know what drew me to her.

Sometimes a gal feels like wearing just one piece of clothing. I think this gal made the right choice: A neck scarf.

Obviously, she was made to be mounted. See the hole where her cute little bellybutton should be? (Oops. Sorry.)

She has beautiful long legs. They start at the floor and go all the way up to where they should, and that’s where they end.